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Posts posted by Jinx_DG

  1. 7 hours ago, Boidster said:

    So if you always search Cabinet A followed by Trash B followed by Sink C, you'll get identical results. But if you mix it up it ought to be different.

    Interesting. And I have noticed something akin to this when occasionally treat myself to end loot double dipping. 

  2. On 5/24/2022 at 11:48 AM, PoloPoPo said:

    I agree with Roland here. There will always be more loot containers. As you progress you will find more bookshelves. There will be more locked chests. There will be more wall & gun safes. Eventually there will be a crackAbook POI you could reset numerous times at the trader. Just loot them as they come!


    I recently watched a popular streamer not looting cars during the first few days because cars are valuable loot containers with higher gamestage. But there are hundreds or even thousands of cars on a map so why save for later? Doesn't "waiting" somehow rob fun and exciting moments of the early game?

    I know this robs fun and exciting Viewing Moments of the early game. 


    Most times I don't even loot the cars that much after the day 14. It's those first few crucial days when you need a mining helmet and knowing you can possibly loot one from a car that makes me look at every. single. one. I can find.   

  3. To the OP: 


    Has any of your originally listed issues been debated to a point you can agree on, or at least accept? If so, which ones?

    Has any of your issues been explained in a way that give you informative insight as to why it's the way it is? If so, which points? 

    Are there any responses to your issues that you feel helps validate it/them? If so, which response(s)?

    Has any information in this thread changed your pov or at least minimized your dissatisfaction with any of your listed issues? If so, which points and what information?


    I do hope that you are able to see the entire forest as a whole, and not just those few trees that you feel ruins the look. 


    This game has changed a lot over the years. Some changes cheered for, some grudgingly accepted, and some still being brought up and @%$#ed about long past the debate expiration. It will continue to change until the Dev Team calls it Done. And as same above, some will love it, some not, and others will be what ev. 


    It's a weird phenomenon I've been starting to notice, but those who have played not only this game, but other games like it, for an extended period of time (years) seem to develop a personal attachment. It's as if any changes made not liked ruin the game and nostalgia begins. You even said, " Most of the things I will list aren't wholly terrible, in fact, the concept might be really good, and I might like it but feel like the implementation took something away that used to be important." 


    Nostalgia, when examined closely is heavily lased with illusions of happy feelz. Nothing was taken away. Game changes where made. 


    As a relatively newer player (Start of A19), I've not seen as many changes as you have, so I won't debate any of your points, because your coming from a pov I don't have. With regards to the changes I have been through, some I've loved and some are Meh. Not one has made me feel disheartened. The reason? Because I know the game will change and I will need to adapt to that change. I'm sure some I will like and some I'll not, while others I'll think are Meh (and I'll give feedback via the forums just as you have, everyone has that option) but I'll always see and play the game as it is, not how I think it should have stayed. I think I'm lucky in that regards as a newer player. At least not until Full Release and the planned after release content that is.... Then I'm sure Nostalgia will try to creep on me with those illusions of past happy game feelz.

  4. On 5/19/2022 at 7:03 PM, Northern lights said:

    How would u all feel about a mounted mini gun for the truck box that would consume ammo from the drivers inventory.  Or a land mine deployer that deploys mines from behind.    This is a suggestion to the fun pimps

    While the idea of it is intriguing and makes a part of me go hellz yeah, the gaming side of me wants to know in what type of scenario would having this be practical?


    Also consider who would and how to use. MP: the passenger, of course. SP: Uhmm... - Driver is driving and if shooting can only shoot forward to keep driving. If it's said to stop vehicle to shoot, the need for gun is moot except for the "it's neat" factor. Yes you can detach camera to look around and continue to drive (operating gun would be similar experience I'm guessing), but that driving is limited to a very straight line and short bursts to avoid collision. 


    Ever Yeet Yourself off a cliff because you weren't looking in front of you? I have and hoo boy.... 

    Ever get suddenly and totally stopped by a shopping cart because it's made out of materials only found in the 5th dimension? 

    Ever turn a corner and find yourself in the middle of a poi yard or down one of those new fancy ditches?  


    Not trying to down your idea, just thinking and looking past the "it would be fun" factor by asking, how would that fun be implemented and what could be a barricade to that fun factor. I can totally see it for MP, but as a SP, I would want that fun too.... 

  5. On 5/5/2022 at 4:50 AM, risis said:

    once time I suggested sleeping(rising) zombies and also zombies that spawning in the soil! But second was ignored. Why?

    Why do you think it was only you who influenced TFP with the suggestion of (sleeping(rising) zombies)? And why do you feel they owe you an explanation for not implementing your second suggestion?


    As for the "soil" zombies, I like the idea, but don't see a viable way to implement the mechanics and animation required without causing issues. How would the dirt disappear? what would the hole look like and How would you prevent a player from falling into the hole it makes and possibly dying? What would happen if a player dug up where a soil zombie was randomly? Would playing digging a spawn point interfere with the zombie spawning? What would happen to the hole after the zombie left it? If left as is the map will eventually be filled with random zombie holes, if auto filled in that mechanic would break immersion and make no in game sense. Lots of consequences to the suggested rising action would need to be worked out first. No so simple and while a neat idea it's not something I would want added. Zombies falling on my head is enough.   


    Love the idea of adding reverb/echo's. Would add to the overall audio experience I would think. 

  6. On 3/4/2022 at 3:18 PM, Roland said:

    Deer don't move at the last moment knowing exactly when you are going to pull the trigger to make you miss.

    Maybe not.... BUT the Ninja Rabbits are Real. One minute you're chasing them through the grass... hard left then a hard right then a fake 180 which is really a 360 then POOF... Gone. As you sit there staring at the monitor trying to subdue the motion queazies you're left asking.... Where TF did it go??? Ninja Rabbits. 

  7. 18 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    this is not working that why - you don't have to spend night with every girl in you neiborhound to trying spend night with tv star right ? :)

    You'd have a better chance with the neighborhood girls then you would trying to get with a tv star. With that said, how does this statement relate to my original comment to you? I'm not seeing the connection. *shrugs* 

  8. 9 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    But maybe some prop or poi to show ? 😀

    First you need to explore every new and revamped poi available to you now.... then you can start begging to see new stuff. Finish what's on your plate first before asking for more as the saying goes.  

  9. Great idea for a poi.  It looks good from what I can see. Maybe add a dumpster or two and some broken fencing in a few places. That fence looks to "perfect" for the apocalypse.  Also angle a car or two. In my experience ppl will park wonky when given a chance (no defined parking spaces/lines). Do you have any other pictures? like a top down view.... I wanna see the back area. :D 

  10. An interesting compromise. I don't mind the farming as it is now or how it was in a19. At first though, as many others where, I was taken aback with the changes made. With time and actually trying out the new system, plus seeing how plentiful the actual plants are in game I've come to accept and appreciate the new system. I now get excited any time I find a seed somewhere. I enjoy the hunt of finding different crops in the wild. (found a hops field guarded by a boar) 


    I think those that complain don't fully appreciate farming and only want easy plant it and forget it type mechanics. I firmly believe people love the idea of game changes, but hate when changes are made. 

  11. On 3/24/2022 at 12:39 PM, dcsobral said:

    I've just tested it to confirm it, with a friend

    Thank up to both You & your Friend for taking the time to test this. I'm not sure where I messed up before, but I did 2 gens with both yours and the last one posted for b3 and they both came out as you said they would. 


    It's a shame there's not a way to list the seeds by each alpha version. I'll make sure to triple check everything for a seed going forward. 


    Thank you again for your time and patience. 

  12. 17 hours ago, dcsobral said:

    If your version of 7 Days to Die is different in any way, then the map won't be the same

    Yes, I know this. 

    17 hours ago, dcsobral said:

    all options except Towns and Wilderness POIs will change city layouts.

    This is the problem. If someone sees a map posted here because they like the town/city layout they will not be able to reproduce it ( In same game version) if the original map seed has any randomizer used. So my question is, why post map seeds that ppl can not reproduce exactly? This is my frustration. 

  13. Any Map I generate using the exact inputs shown in the map that has "random" used will only produce the same terrain, not the same city layout. I've tried this several times with the same frustrating results.  


    The seeds with random used is for terrain only maps, not city position maps.  Which is disappointing considering there are several I would love to use. 

  14. The only PVP I'd ever be interested in would be group campaign events. Something like, but not limited to: One group or groups are tasked with building or fixing up an area for defending. The other group or groups are  tasked with building up weapons, amour, lootable perks (books), ect to find and attack those defending. Both sides would have x amount of time until event time. Going out and scouting for/at others permissible for both groups but active engagement or interference is not.   


    No group merging or helping. Meaning each group within say the  attack group (if more than one) may not corroborate, assist, sabotage, attack or interact with another attack group. Same goes for defense groups. Lookie but no Touchie, until event time. 


    Event Time will last x time or objective complete. Each attack group (if more than one) is assigned right before event time which defense group they must find and attack. 

    Parameters for what is considered a failure or success is for Event Host to determine. 


    For me something like this that has objectives, goals, and an end time makes more sense then some random map where ppl kill others for "fun" or have all my @%$# lost because I got killed.  

  15. I think  you're confused about what type of game 7DTD is. 

    On 3/12/2022 at 10:07 PM, deathincarnate said:

    also hurry with the bikers and such it will go good instead of zombie to have an option like rust scientists.

    What bikers? This is a zombie game, it will always be a zombie game. I can't see TFP ever making it an option not to be. 

    As for staging server...... uhmm no. 

  16. I'm going to assume you didn't do Advance Gen as it shows you what the map looks likes. (Town, cities, wilderness poi's, ect) It is possible to generate a random seed that has no towns or cities in the forest biome, only wild poi's.  I had a few pop up like this myself, but  I always peek at the map it generates first so as to not get frustrated by a crappy seed. You may have just gotten unlucky  or maybe there's only 1 town in that biome and it's far away. I've seen that too. 

  17. As with any weapon the more you use it and figure out  in's and out's of it the better you'll get.  I had major problems with the bow, especially early game because of it's drop. It wasn't until I started using the night spawns as target practice with it that I understood how great it is. Personally I'm not a fan of any gun with only one shot, especially in an oh @%$# moment, but this is because my aim sucks salty donkey ballz. I know its me and how I'm using it, not the weapon itself. I've been forcing myself to use it and to learn when Not to use it, ie Count on It to save me.  No one shot weapon is going to save you from a pack of dogs. Just as it won't save you from multiple zeds coming at you in confined spaces. Situational awareness and a bit of pre planning (knowing where a "safer" spot is) goes a long way. That pipe shotgun just saved my life about an hour ago when I was playing. It's still not my fav but  I also know that if I die, it's the actions or inactions I take that caused it.  

  18. This was happening to a Youtuber. Found it funny to watch, but was frustrating for the player. He discovered it was the trigger plates the zeds where walking on that was causing it.  


    This bobbing happens to me when I break blocks above me (roof blocks) when remodeling a garage apt poi I like to use. Still freaks me out every time it happens. 😕

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