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Andrew Eddie

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Posts posted by Andrew Eddie

  1. On 3/1/2023 at 7:06 AM, Roland said:


    EDIT: To clarify this post I am simply asking @IzPrebuilt why they would want to linger in a place that brings them nothing but bitterness.

    I think this is missing the point of IzPrebuilt's comment. If he didn't still care a bit, he wouldn't bother saying anything on the forum. My supposition is he's hoping attitudes exemplified by they way you, Roland, and by implication TFP, replied would change. He's not the only content creator with many, many runs on the board (cricket term you you US guys) to do this.


    You make the comment further along that the baseline usage settles down to about 30K (users?). It is rather obvious that content creators like IzPrebuilt have contributed to that number being so high. Whichever way you slice it, Roland, you represent the ethos of TFP. I'm personally not impressed that this is the way that content creators are responded to (that is: "oh, it's all your fault you are feeling this way") by TFP staff.


    It's pretty obvious to me that a lot of the content creators were expecting A21 to be out by now to be able to freshen their content. Several of them actively in diversification mode, while others are just trying fresh takes on stuff that has already been done (my immediate reaction is I feel so, so sorry for them). While it won't happen overnight, some of 7 Days' present success is due to those content creators. Treating them as "why are you still here then" won't affect you overnight, but my goodness it's the wrong way to treat people in the here and now.

  2. On 1/19/2022 at 9:48 PM, SylenThunder said:

    It's even listed in the patch notes.  Please do a little bit of research before starting a thread. It will save you a lot of time.

    Kinda. The note is incredibly hard to find even for a nerd like me.

    Whatever the case, there is a problem updating from A20 to A20.1 if you are on a Mac. You will need to reinstall the game (but you won't loose old saves).


    On 1/19/2022 at 5:22 PM, Vampirenostra said:

    use search, the problem was already reported. start game with rosetta

    Search only works if you know exactly what to search for. It's not easy to find for someone visiting the forum once in a blue moon.

    Here's the link if others need it.


  3. Note to anyone arriving here. Updating to A20.1 requires a reinstall of the game (but no need to clean old game saves). No matter what you do, setting "Open in Rosetta" on the 7DaysToDie.app file does not stick until you reinstall and re-select "Open in Rosetta" (close the game and steam; go to the game folder; right-click on 7DaysToDie.app; select "Get Info"; tick "Open in Rosetta").

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