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Posts posted by omegaflames

  1. On 6/24/2022 at 11:08 PM, khzmusik said:

    Have you tried using a nav_object? It won't apply the radiated effect but it will make arrows easier to find. That's what the spear uses.


    You would add something like this to arrows:

    <property name="NavObject" value="arrow"/>


    Then create an "arrow" nav_object_class:


    <nav_object_class name="arrow">
        <property name="requirement_type" value="Tracking" />
            <property name="sprite_name" value="ui_game_symbol_map_player_arrow"/>
            <property name="min_distance" value="0"/>
            <property name="max_distance" value="-1"/>
            <property name="color" value="255,255,0,255"/>
            <property name="has_pulse" value="true"/>
            <property name="sprite_name" value="ui_game_symbol_map_player_arrow"/>
            <property name="min_distance" value="0"/>
            <property name="max_distance" value="1024"/>
            <property name="color" value="255,255,0,255"/>
            <property name="has_pulse" value="true"/>
            <property name="icon_clamped" value="false" />
            <property name="sprite_name" value="ui_game_symbol_map_player_arrow"/>
            <property name="min_distance" value="0"/>
            <property name="max_distance" value="50"/>
            <property name="color" value="255,255,0,255"/>
            <property name="has_pulse" value="true"/>
            <property name="text_type" value="Distance"/>


    I haven't tried it myself, but in theory it should work.


    I know it isn't exactly what you're looking for, but it's all I could think of.


    EDIT: It looks like @omegaflames had the same idea and couldn't get it to work. (He posted something that I didn't see before replying.) So maybe that's a dead end.

    Yeah I tried quite a few things that all ended up failing and I have no idea as to why they didn't work. Ultimately I just used the flaming arrows graphics for all the other arrows as that was the only thing I ever got to consistently work.

  2. On 2/3/2022 at 11:48 AM, PinkLed5 said:


    Is this actually a thing?  I have never hit a mountain or building, regardless of fog conditions.

    Yes. That fog is so terrible that I couldn't even avoid a mountain if I was only riding a bicycle. I understand that fog like that is possible in reality (I once had to drive through fog so bad that it doubled a 5 hour trip time because of how thick it was even though it was only for 2-3 hours) but that stuff shows up once a week in A20.

  3. If you only have a t1 stone axe and some flowers by the time night 1 rolls around you are doing something wrong. But you still are not likely to find enough of anything to be able to kill a dire wolf on night 1. I should not be facing an enemy in the wild (the area that is supposed to be player level dependent on what it spawns) that there is 0 chance I can kill/defeat on the EASIEST difficulty (I forgot to mention that part). If it was on insane then sure, you picked that option afterall but that's not what we are talking about.

  4. Having recently seen a dire wolf spawn on night 1 game stage 1 I agree that the spawns are ludicrously too powerful. I haven't seen a wandering horde of wolves yet like you have though. There are just certain enemies that you shouldn't be able to meet in the wild until you are a certain level.

  5. 6 hours ago, jk958 said:

    was removed from game.

    the rad  is all a pefab mesh of each zombie


    like   <property name="Mesh" value="#Entities/Zombies?Prefabs/ZArleneRadiated.prefab"/>

    That's clearly not true since we are seeing it in the game. There are even screenshots above showing you that.

  6. For absolutely no reason that I can think of (as in I have no idea what I changed to make it work or if it's even my fault) the feral_radiated.mat is working now. However the location that you have to have the mouse pointed at to pickup the arrow is no longer at the location of the arrow but moved about half a block down from where the arrow lands so I was forced to increase the radius to compensate for that. My current implementation is to just replace the normal versions with the flaming one and just use the fact it's a small fire to make it visible. I don't consider this the ideal situation but since nothing else I've tried is working as intended I'm just going to stop here until I figure out more about how all this works. The code I'm using and current video settings are 

    	<!--Glowing Arrows, Bolts & Spears-->
    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='ammoArrowStone']">
    		<property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Ranged/Bows/Arrows/arrow_flamingPrefab.prefab"/>
    		<property name="StickyMaterial" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/Materials/feral_radiated.mat"/>
    		<property name="StickyOffset" value=".75"/>
    		<property name="StickyColliderRadius" value="1"/>
    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='ammoArrowIron']">
    		<property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Ranged/Bows/Arrows/arrow_flamingPrefab.prefab"/>
    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='ammoArrowSteelAP']">
    		<property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Ranged/Bows/Arrows/arrow_flamingPrefab.prefab"/>
    		<property name="StickyOffset" value=".75"/>
    		<property name="StickyColliderRadius" value="1"/>
    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='ammoCrossbowBoltStone']">
    		<property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Ranged/Bows/Arrows/bolt_flamingPrefab.prefab"/>
    		<property name="StickyMaterial" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/Materials/feral_radiated.mat"/>
    		<property name="StickyOffset" value=".75"/>
    		<property name="StickyColliderRadius" value="1"/>
    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='ammoCrossbowBoltIron']">
    		<property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Ranged/Bows/Arrows/bolt_flamingPrefab.prefab"/>
    		<property name="StickyMaterial" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/Materials/feral_radiated.mat"/>
    		<property name="StickyOffset" value=".75"/>
    		<property name="StickyColliderRadius" value="1"/>
    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='ammoCrossbowBoltSteelAP']">
    		<property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Weapons/Ranged/Bows/Arrows/bolt_flamingPrefab.prefab"/>
    		<property name="StickyMaterial" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/Materials/feral_radiated.mat"/>
    		<property name="StickyOffset" value=".75"/>
    		<property name="StickyColliderRadius" value="1"/>


  7. A few minutes ago when fighting a Darlene I had a few arrows in her and got up close during the fight when I switched to melee and for a split second noticed one of my stone arrows had the radiated effect. So the effect is being applied but for some reason getting cut out of the final image for the 2 of us. Did a bit more testing and if you get super close to it then it will show the radiated effect on a stone arrow. Same thing for iron and steel arrows. I'm thinking this might be a video settings issue but my testing isn't panning out to what setting gets me the intended result. I've tried raising all the settings to the highest possible value (started with the ultra preset and then individually raised everything that wasn't by default at max, also noted I'm getting 60 fps with that so I guess A20 made some fps fixes) but got the same result. Repeated with the lowest settings possible or turned off and the effect wouldn't show unless you put the arrow into your eyeball. After all settings changes I restarted the game before testing and did the changes from the menu not in game just in case that mattered. @GamidaCould you please let me know what your video settings are so I can repeat with your settings?

  8. That's why I added the line for increasing the StickyOffset to the code and picture to show that the mod is loading and is increasing the StickyOffset correctly. For some reason though the lines for the StickyMaterial are not working. I had assumed that in A20 feral_radiated.mat was removed since that mod wasn't working for me and it now looks like the radiated zombies now get a unique .mat but you are saying that it's working for you so I don't know anymore. I'm using the steam version (b6 was pushed as stable yesterday so it forced me to update but I started this testing a couple of days ago when I was still on b238) and have validated my files (all files were successfully validated) just now and created a completely fresh test world. The arrows I'm using were crafted in game and they are still not showing the green glow from the radiated effect but are showing as being offset correctly. This last test was done just now. If it makes a difference these are my video settings. If there is a radiated glow on that arrow I am unable to see it.


  9. Ok something is off here because that is still not working for me. I'm downloading the A19 version from https://7daystodiemods.com/glowing-arrows-bolts-spears/ The code I have in full for it is 

    	<!--Glowing Arrows, Bolts & Spears-->
    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='ammoArrowStone']">
    		<property name="StickyOffset" value=".75"/>
    		<property name="StickyMaterial" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/Materials/feral_radiated.mat"/>
    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='ammoCrossbowBoltStone']">
    		<property name="StickyOffset" value=".75"/>
    		<property name="StickyMaterial" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/Materials/feral_radiated.mat"/>
    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='ammoCrossbowBoltIron']">
    		<property name="StickyOffset" value=".75"/>
    		<property name="StickyMaterial" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/Materials/feral_radiated.mat"/>
    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear']">
    		<property name="StickyMaterial" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/Materials/feral_radiated.mat"/>
    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT1IronSpear']">
    		<property name="StickyMaterial" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/Materials/feral_radiated.mat"/>
    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnSpearT3SteelSpear']">
    		<property name="StickyMaterial" value="#Entities/Zombies?Zombies/Materials/feral_radiated.mat"/>

    and what I see in game is spacer.png

  10. I'm trying to make arrows easier to find after shooting them and so far I'm not having much luck doing anything very useful. I've tried adding a NavObject to them using the spear and supply_drop nav objects classes. I've tried adjusting their sticky values and the only one that seems to do anything is StickyOffset. I even tried adding a StickyMaterial to them that also did nothing that I could tell ingame. My current code looks like 

    	<append xpath="/items/item[@name='ammoArrowStone']">
    		<property name="StickyOffset" value=".75"/>
    		<property name="NavObject" value="spear"/>

    Again the StickyOffset does work but the NavObject part does nothing that I can tell ingame. If anyone has any suggestions to what I can do or corrections to my code please let me know.


    Edit: Forgot to mention I have tried this with A20 b238 and b6.

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