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  1. Summary: Can get double items from a POI container Game Version: (A20 b238) Platform: (PC) OS/Version: (Windows) CPU Model: (Intel i7 10700K) System Memory: (16 GB) GPU Model and VRAM: (nVidia GeForce GTX 680) Screen Resolution: (1920x1080) Video Settings: (Low) Game mode: (MP client) Did you wipe old saves? (No) Did you start a new game? (No) Did you validate your files? (No) Are you using any mods? (No) EAC on or off? (Off) Status: NEW Bug Description: If you put the items from a POI container in your inventory correctly, you can get the container to instantly regenerate as "untouched" with new items. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: This does not happen 100% consistently but I was able to reproduce it about ten times. A high school is a good place to try because the lockers have a lot of clothing items. It does not seem to matter whether the item contains a mod or not, but most of the items that I tested on contained dye, which I removed. Feel free to reply if you're not able to reproduce this and I'll try to go into greater detail. 1) Open a container at a POI. If the container has an item which can be modified, like clothing, then continue. Otherwise, try another container. 2) Remove all items other than the moddable item. 3) Click on the moddable item and click "Take". 4) Click on the moddable item in your inventory and click "Modify". 5) Click "Complete". 6) Press TAB to exit the container. 7) Open the container again. It will be filled with new items. Actual result: For some reason, modifying an item that you've taken from a now-empty world-generated container, while remaining in the container menu, re-generates the random items in that container. Expected result: The random items should not be re-generated when you do this. Although getting free stuff is nice lol ;)
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