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Everything posted by TaichoBeardo

  1. I can get that, but it feels really unnecessary to have to go into a cheat mode to get my items back cause a base feature of most games is bugging out. I can understand if the game was new, but from all the posts I've been reading, this has been ongoing since either 2014 or 2016 when the minibike was first added. Then I guess it stopped for a second in either A16 or A18, and has been back since. It might seem silly, but I don't like using cheats unless I'm playing in a straight up cheat mode. The only cheat I currently use for us is XP boost just cause I know how quick people switch games, so I wanted us to see closer to end game stuff sooner before they all hop to another game. Other than that, we've been trying to play fair. Plus, the bug gets worse the more we play, so I'll be creative calling my vehicles back (and I'm not even kidding at this point) every 5 minutes or less. I've been off a vehicle less than 30 seconds, and it ended up 6 blocks under the ground, or in a basement. The basement one was kinda funny tho cause I drove the motorcycle all the way out of the house lol
  2. We lost days worth of gameplay cause of this nonsense. It wasn't bad at first when the vehicles were just moving, til yesterday. We spent 2 days getting the materials together to finally make a helicopter. We made one, loaded it up with all our stuff for our new base (I'm talkin 300+ steel & iron bars, lvl 6 weapons, steel cubes, all the works), and we head over to the new base. We start grabbing stuff out of the vehicles and unloading it into the base. We go back, and the helicopter is literally destroying itself as it gets sucked under ground because the propellers never stop for some reason. 10 seconds later, the chopper is destroyed with all of our base materials we spent the entire week gathering. Absolute waste of our time. Finally got the bois to agree on a game, just for them to have lost all interest in less than 2 weeks cause of this. Even better, horde night is in 2 days, and we lost 60k in coins, and about half our ammo stash with the chopper. SOOOOOOOOOOOO FUN.
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