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Posts posted by Diaboliko

  1. Actually nevermind,

    sg OptionsLookSensitivity <value>

    does work properly

    its just that I had to end up with hilariously low values. About 0.0045 is optimal for me at 25600 DPI






    This data is probably useless, but you never know.


  2. @Jugginator, I'm unsure if we are on the same wave here. Let me try wording it out other way around:

    Controls became more sensitive in A21, which I dislike. There should be absolutely no reason to favor low DPI since low DPI equivals rigged movement. And yet even 3k DPI is too much for this game with option floor limit of 0.05.

    I suspect that it's not the engine limit (at least it was better in A20 which still was on unity), so it should be possible to tweak it bellow 0.05 sensitivity if one does figure out how look sensitivity value is determined (it could be just double precision floating point value; for some reason I actually did expect that lowering byte values would reduce sensitivity, but that may not be the case since floating point values are represented in their specific way... I plan to poke around a little more before giving up).

    Workarounds exist. True. I am just looking for a way to play without workarounds, while keeping this smooth high DPI.

  3. Changing values with sg doesn't work.

    Played around registry value for mouse look:

    • at 0x0 it prevents mouse look entirely
    • at some funny value I randomly did, it does move player hands on your screen, but without rotating camera

    Which makes it feel like sensitivity should be able to be adjusted bellow set threshold.


    Its only cursor speed at low DPI that @%$#es me off though (going to windows controls to tweak it every time I wanna launch the game is annoying; could probably replace it with cmd scripts, but thats still annoying). So tweaking menu sensitivity will also do (changing values with sg does nothing; as far as I can tell).

  4. 2 hours ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:


    It would be a funny thing if they did, considering we ended up with a ridiculous drone which turned out to not only be far less useful than I first imagined, but also seems to slow my game down at times with checks.


    If they did have dogs as pets (which I genuinely would love) then I would be fine with the ai.


    Given that bandit encounters are by the sounds of it largely going to be outdoor encounters then pathing doesn't seem to be an issue. Given that zombie dogs may or may not path through buildings, and where obstructions occur, they attack - to keep things sensible I would prefer bandit dogs, wolves, and any player tamed wolf (if any of this were ever to happen) to just go round in circles when they can't reach a player.


    That a wolf can bite through concrete if provoked enough is obscene, that zombie dogs would persist in chewing on a door is more in line with the Zed reality in that their mindless targetting plays to that.


    Just some thoughts.

    There is no path to the player if he is on a pedestal.

  5. Any chance we get heatmap system re-visit as a requirement for bandit spawns? I think it got nerfed to the ground by now. At least if you are constantly questing and roaming instead of sitting at base.

    I dislike never getting heat events on non-modded servers and having city streets quickly becoming empty (since roaming zombies either dont respawn quick enough or just never respawn at all).

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