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  • Loot XML Quality Template

    • Version: A21 b323

    Most recent log pastebin: https://pastebin.com/4eyKUrZ8


    Summary: Not so much a bug as just what looks like an XML entry oversight. 

    Game Version: (A21 b323)

    OS/Version: (Windows)

    CPU Model: (Intel i7-10700K)

    System Memory: (16 GB)

    GPU Model and VRAM: (nVidia GTX 2070 Super 8 GB)

    Screen Resolution: (Width and Height such as 1920x1080)

    Video Settings: (High-Ultra)

    Game mode: (SP)


    Did you wipe old saves? (No)


    Did you start a new game? (Yes)


    Did you validate your files? (Yes)


    Are you using any mods? (Somewhat, added in dedicated magazine loot groups to certain crates like Working Stiff)


    EAC on or off? On I believe


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1) Reach lootstage 55

    2) Loot any containers that include the lootgroup "groupToolsT1" or "groupToolsTiered" (such as a vehicle)

    3) Always receive immediate Q6 T1 tools


    Actual result: So it looks like there are many loot containers that pull the lootgroup of either "groupToolsTiered" or "groupToolsT1" in some fashion. From what I've seen, and pointed out in a Steam discussion thread, is that it looks like the original formatting for "groupToolsT1" was meant specifically for working stiff crates so that they'd receive a bonus (it's literally written in the file). However, there is no alternate group for T1 tools with the T1 template, so EVERY container with the chance for T1 tools in the game is using the T0 quality template, meaning you are guaranteed a Q6 iron tool as early as loot-stage 55. 


    Expected result: I think there needs to be separate loot groups for the working stiff crate tools, like "groupToolsT1Plus" that uses the QLTemplateT0, and then plant that within a new tiered group titles "groupToolsTieredPlus". This way you could differentiate between the bonus tool loot groups for the WS crates and the normal tool loot groups for any other container that uses it. 


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