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  • XBOX support?


    Since 5/24/2022 I posted tweets to your official account without reply.  Tried posting the link here, but when clicking on it, it results in an error?

    Anyway, been playing for a few months and as of 5/24 I had 2 hrs, 5 mins in game playing time before being booted.

    Then it was: 1 hr 25 mins; and now it is 1 hour.

    This on a fresh cold boot network.  All cache cleared from router/modem and console.

    Is there a 7DTD timer ticking down to when the game no longer plays on xbox or any console?

    I was playing the Gamepass version, but in anticipation of an update in the future I purchased the game.  Just read that there will be no console update.  What we have is what we get, so this countdown timer seems to be end of life for the game.

    If so, how do I get a refund for my purchase?

    I do hope there is some fix for this.

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    Just passing by, but I gotta say, if you are buying games from xbox store, you are technically buying it from the store, not the developer. The store is kinda being b2b2c who should be taking care of all communication with end customer.

    By which I mean that addressing refund questions to devs is incorrect.


    That is what I believe, however and I don't know what actual customer support model uses xbox store.

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    Do you happen to have Asus software running on your computer? If so and if not, disable anything that claims to boost gaming performance, especially networking ones (ones that claim to give you a better "ping".

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    7 hours ago, Diaboliko said:

    Just passing by, but I gotta say, if you are buying games from xbox store, you are technically buying it from the store, not the developer. The store is kinda being b2b2c who should be taking care of all communication with end customer.

    By which I mean that addressing refund questions to devs is incorrect.


    That is what I believe, however and I don't know what actual customer support model uses xbox store.

    Microsoft does not refund on digital purchases.

    This game for console is solidly broken.  This is the Fun Pimps responsibility.

    I don't know if you are a member, employee or rep of any kind of this company so I will withhold any further comment.

    41 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

    Do you happen to have Asus software running on your computer? If so and if not, disable anything that claims to boost gaming performance, especially networking ones (ones that claim to give you a better "ping".

    I have "NO" ASUS software nor any other enhancements.  You do understand I am an Xbox One X user and not a PC user, right?

    Also, are you a rep of 7DTD?

    I did a full cold boot of my entire network this morning to run a test and my in-game play time is still 1 hr +/- 5 mins.  Yesterday, I had 3 instances where I was booted out after 35-40 minutes several times with two times that game simply locked up completely.  That does happen, but not very often.

    ""This is coding within the game and it not on my end.""

    This game is broken and it would seem there is never going to be a console update to fix this and everything wrong with it.

    That is unfortunate, as I really like the game.

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    Ahhhh sorry you posted this in the PC section (This is the PC versions bug report section) and said Gamepass so I thought you got it there. It gets kinda confusing with the nomenclature. I am an employee yes but we didn't do the Xbox/PS4 versions, that was done by Telltale, why this is false (although for some reason Telltale brushes off customers and tells them to come here even though they did the game):

    20 minutes ago, Tardigrade said:

    This is the Fun Pimps responsibility


    Unfortunately again, the consoles' hardware is drastically not up to the task and the game pushes the hardware to its limit. But, we did not make the console versions of the game. There is another team that got hired on to work on console version ports, but that's where I'll leave that.


    This may help you out and this is the actual console forum section.


    Honestly your console may be overheating (yes, games like Call of Duty have better graphics, but they don't stress the processor and memory like this one does). You could also need port forwarding for Xbox live, which is known to solve a lot of console problems.


    Could also be your internal storage device failing, which you can get an external one for a reasonable price (big benefit for other games too, with load times and sometimes performance).


    For what it's worth, my friend and I used to play on his Xbox/Playstation and the game would crash out sometimes too. I took apart his playstation and there was a mountain of dust and cat hair inside of it. Cleaning it out gave a big performance boost and the crashing turned into a very rare thing.


    Hope this helps. 

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    OK.  I have verified a lot of information about the console version of 7DTD and have found it would be a smart move for you 7DTD and The Fun Pimps to completely remove the game from the Playstation Network and Store as well as the Xbox Network, Xbox Game Pass and the MS Store.

    We are investigating the improper sales of this product as it is clearly broken and in some ways we feel you are defrauding otherwise innocent gamers around the globe.

    First Telltale continued to sell the game with full knowledge it is a broken product and now that you have full rights and responsibilities to the game, you continue to do the same.

    We will give you a bit of time to remove the console version of this game from sales EVERYWHERE as we know it is marketed through many different venues.

    If we proceed, it may become very difficult for your console and PC games to continue to exist in your present administrative and marketing aspects for distribution and sales.

    We have many good people working on this and intend to proceed with action against you if the game is not removed.

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