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  • Player on my server not saving progress


    My wife and I have played the game for months now. Made game A20.4 and all was going well but as always we get to the level 5 quests and it falls apart.  Now randomly she is stuck in a loop so she can play collect things and level however when she logs out and back in she is back where she started. So far I have gained about 20 levels on her and basically we are just sad. This is about the 3rd time we got to end game and before I lost all via lights going out.  Then 2nd game I lost my robot and vehicle and could not make new robot. Now this.  We just don’t have it in us to start over again. And this is a game we both loved soooo much.  Help?  
    we both play on pc my game is working perfectly but I can’t blame her not wanting to keep going when not getting skill points or levels she can keep.  We did not know we should delete old saves.  Was not told before coming here.  At this point deleting all will include the game!  

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    I'm sorry you had to experience this issue.  There is a bug with the drone causing excess data in the player data .ttp file on dedicated servers and mp.

    If you have a drone(robot) deployed, you will have many issues like the ones you mentioned.

    The issue is fixed in A20.5 b2 experimental.  Unfortunately, it won't clean out the already corrupted files that you have in the games you started in A20.4 b42.  

    You will have to either start a new game in A20.5 b2,  or delete the 3 corrupted users files (.TTP .MAP .TTP.BAK).  This will reset your character to level 1,  but you will be able to continue playing on the server.

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