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  • Falling can't respawn


    Alright so I cannot post a pastebin to my outputlog b/c pastebin just won't do it. If I should just copy paste that info here let me know.


    Game Version: A20.3

    Platform: PC

    OS: Windows

    CPU Model:

      Processor          Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6950X CPU @ 3.00GHz   3.00 GHz

      Installed RAM  128 GB

    GPU Model and VRAM: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (2)

    Resolution: 1920x1080

    Video Settings: Quality preset HIGH


    Did I wipe old saves? I don’t know. I deleted my previous game.

    Did I start a new game? Yes, and the second game is now f-cked exactly the same as the first.

    Did I validate my files? Don’t know what that means so probably not.

    Am I using any mods? No. Tried to find one that would let me cage chickens for eggs but couldn’t find it.

    EAC on or off? If that means "easy anti-cheat" then I believe it is on.


    I'm playing the game by myself on the world pregen8k. This has happened twice in different unrelated locations. I log into the game and the screen doesn't really load correctly, the bleeding animation shows up and then it sounds like I die, the screen turns bloody like I've died however the respawn options don't show up on screen and eventually the whole game just shuts down. It seems like maybe my character has somehow appeared under the map and fell to death although I can't tell, the screen is all blurry. The first time this happened I was awarded two achievements in steam "Niel Armstrong" and "On Top Of The World" which made me think my character had gotten flung somewhere. I've no idea what's causing this to happen, at first I'd thought the game loaded wrong b/c I'd logged off while on my bicycle, however the second time this happened I had been sure to log off after dismounting. I do not know if I was on an active mission or not last time i logged off.


    Please let me know what you recommend I should try to do to remedy this. Should I start the game then go into godmode? Should I use the "kill me" command and hope it'll give me the respawn options? Should I try to relocate my character anywhere and hope they don't fall again? (or whatever is happening) I'm aware using debug mode can be risky so I haven't tried anything yet. 

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    This is a known issue,  that is caused by logging out on or near your vehicle and logging back in.

    A fix for it is planned to be in a future update.

    What you can do to prevent it from happening,  is to not log out of the game on or near your vehicle.

    If it does happen again,  before the game crashes,  

    1 - Press F1 to open the console.

    2 - In the console,  type in   dm   and press enter.

    3 - Press Esc and select teleport to poi.

    4 - Pick any of the pois in the poi list,  and it will teleport you somewhere on the map.


    You will have lost all the items you had,  but you will be able to continue the game.

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