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  • Modding/General code bugs I want to bring attention to if it hasn't already


    This is confirmed {

    First thing I want to show that, when a block is extending another block, the param1, if it has "Harvest", it is ignored. So in this case, candelabraLight extends decoEntityMetalMaster but is param'd "Harvest", meaning it shouldn't harvest iron scrap, right? It currently isn't working. I can still harvest scrap iron from the candle. I found this when I was trying to extend another block from a master block. }



    This needs clarification {

    Another bug I found by accident is, if creating a new recipe, make sure recipe item doesn't have ingredient inside itself, or the game just crashes, instead of creating an error about it. Making big mods with alot of stuff inside said mod, things can get overlooked such as this and not know why the game is just straight up crashing.  }


    Both of theses are duplicates/known issues


    A third thing I'd like to report is the writable storage crate block variant, if you change it to a cabinet, and rotate it to the 45degree (AllowAllRotations) angles and place towards a wall, the block does what the image I'm showing, and yes, it can be clippled through which is really bad for server playing. I've tried testing other blocks on my singleplayer game but it's mostly cabinets and cupboards. setting allowallrotations to false at least stops this bug for now, but wanting to bring attention to it so it can hopefully be fixed soon.


    Another bug I'd like to share is, basically third person view buried treasure cheesing. With a bike, you can essentially see where buried treasures are as seen here in the images. Something in singleplayer would be whatever, but in a multiplayer game would make it unfair towards other players and defeating the reason to put points into the skill for treasure ranges.











    Edited to collapse duplicates to prevent confusion on what's confirmed or not before moving it, made comments - Jugginator

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    Guess I forgot to add this



    Game Version: A20 exp build current 

    Platform: PC 

    OS/Version: Windows 

    CPU Model: ryzen 3600x

    System Memory: 32gb

    GPU Model and VRAM: 2070super

    Screen Resolution: 1080p

    Video Settings: Medium

    Game mode: Singleplayer/modding(?)


    Did you wipe old saves? Yes

    Did you start a new game? Yes

    Did you validate your files? Yes

    Are you using any mods? Yes (but stuff tested I removed mods temp. to be sure?)

    EAC: tested on both

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    The bug format you put in the comment is supposed to be used for each bug.


    The first one I can confirm


    The second one would be very useful to use for the format you used in the comment, because I tried adding ingredient the way you described but I was given errors without a crash; kind of vague, would help to have a quick showing of where you put it in to avoid stabbing in the dark :p


    All the others are known issues.




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