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  • Animals will not trigger trip wires 


    Summary: Animals will not trigger Trip wires - Output logs : https://pastebin.com/QcW3i6iS


    Game Version: A20.7 b1

    Platform: Steam 

    OS/Version: Windows 

    CPU Model: Intel i7 9700K 

    System Memory: 32 GB 

    GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia RTX 2070 8031 MB

    Screen Resolution: 2560 x 1440

    Video Settings: Custom

    Game mode: SP  NAV


    Did you wipe old saves? no

    Did you start a new game? Yes

    Did you validate your files? No

    Are you using any mods? No

    EAC on or off? On


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:   Animals will not trigger trip wires: Tested on wolves, dire wolves and Zombie bears. 


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:


    1) Build functional tripwire setup.

    2) Make animal walk in it ( Wolf, Dire Wolf, Zombie bear )

    3) Nothing will happen


    Actual result: (description of what is occurring)  Trap linked to tripwire does not work against animals. I uploaded a demonstration on youtube. 


    Expected result: (what you expect to occur) : I expect the animals to trigger tripwires. Especially Zombie bears as they appear during bloodmoon and will be immune your tripwire traps. 



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