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    HELLO ,i ryl love the game but i have problem,when i play with my friends on server,when we do clear zombie or any kind of clear .we cant finish it we kill all the zombies.i tryed to cmd 
    killall it didnt work we dont know what to do can you help me pls

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    I could not finish the clear quests at downtown_strip_05 (Tier 4), which was a power restore/clear and have previously had one at store_hardware_02 (Tier 3).  I haven't been able to do a clear quest at a hardware store or warehouse at Tier 3 or above.  I avoid them and will reboot the game if there are no other options.  This was the first restore power/clear I have had an issue with.  I love the game, but it is super annoying to spend so much time on a higher level quest that cannot be completed.  I'm close to just not doing any clear quests, but that is difficult at higher level tiers.

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