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  • Zombie Actions not in sync with graphics, delayed actions and reactions etc

    • Version: V1.0 (b336)

    Summary: (A short description of the bug)

    Game Version: (V1.0 b336) this has been happening since 1.0 released

    OS/Version: Windows

    CPU Model: i7-11700K

    System Memory: 32GB

    GPU Model and VRAM: NVIDIA RTX 4080 SUPER

    Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1080

    Video Settings: High

    Game mode: SP, Client on Dedi

    Map: Irrelevant but RWG

    Did you wipe old saves? Yes


    Did you start a new game? Yes


    Did you validate your files? Yes


    Are you using any mods? No
    Did you try to reproduce without mods? N/A


    EAC on or off? ON


    Bug Description:

    Zombies can hit when staggered.  Zombies can attack after death.  Zombies knocked down do not immediately fall down.  They can fall a second or more after being hit.  Zombies can hit you when you are unquestionably out of range.  Zombies can hit through bars.  Zombies can hit through floors when they are underneath and inside the ground.  Zombies can stand on NOTHING and can levitate.  Zombies are not standing where they appear to be and teleport/rubberband around (e.g. you can be approaching a zombie to hit them in the face and they slide a few blocks to the side and are standing beside you). 


    Basically, zombies are not always where they appear to be and they can ignore visible state effects (including death) and hit the player.  Since 1.0 the game is broken which is sad because it used to be a lot of fun.  Whatever you have done to try and improve performance clearly has not worked as the visual representation of zombie state, including position, is completely out of sync with their behavior and actions. 


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1) Play the game on a dedicated server, its more obvious than in solo but is absolutely present here too




    Actual result: See description


    Expected result: When staggered, knocked down, or even dead, a zombie should not be able to attack/hit the player.  When a zombie is seen to be standing at a specific position, they should not slide/teleport around.  When a zombie is hit and that hit causes the zombie state to be changed, the effect should be visible immediately and not be delayed.

    Link to Pastebin Output Log:

    If you need the log, I can share it but I think checking the following video at 44m40s to 44m50s (utility zombie delayed knock down) and 5h0m0s to 5h0m10s (rad zombie destroys door while staggered).




    This clearly shows some of the issues my friends and I have experienced.  There were a few others but these are the two instances I was able to remember to make a note of the times.  Note that this video is of a single player game not a server and this is much worse on a dedicated server.  I have even tried hosting the server on another PC on my local network to ensure it is not due to network latency.  Neither machine is peaking on RAM, CPU, or GPU when the server is running

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