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  • Second infection in a short period did not start at zero.

    • Version: 1.0 (b336)

    I cannot believe I have to do another god damn one of these in such a short amount of time.


    Summary: At some point during the night of day 3 and the morning of day 4, I got a deep laceration. At ~13:00, I got into a protracted fight with several zombies outside of a t2 Crack-a-Book. The first zombie -- a spider-zombie -- infected me. The fight ended at ~13:06 and I immediately took an herbal antibiotic before the infection reached 2%. I cleared the entire PoI and looted everything I could find. I then took my loot back to my storage outside of Trader/Doctor Jen's compound and made my way ~250m to a t2 farm PoI (the one with 4 huge blue silos) for a quest. At 13:26, a utility worker zombie spawned out of thin air and in mid-animation and hit me, giving me a fresh infection. But... As if that wasn't frustrating enough... The infection did not start off at 0.0% and count up. It started off being cured from the antibiotic I took 20-minutes earlier. When the antibiotic wore off, instead of being cured, the infection read 0.4%. This means the fresh infection *started* north of 0.5%. Then, less than a minute later, the infection climbed to 2.3%. At that point, two screamers spawned (*on day @%$#ing 4*), putting me on tilt, and I immediately rage-quit and deleted the save.


    None of this makes sense. I've gone through the output logs over and over to see if I'm mis-remembering, but I really don't think I am. There's no possible way the first infection hadn't been cured. So how did the new infection start at 0.5% or more? And why did it climb so quickly?


    Game Version: (V1.0 b336)

    OS/Version: (Windows)

    CPU Model: (AMD Ryzen 7 5800x)

    System Memory: (16 GB)

    GPU Model and VRAM: (nVidia GTX 3070x)

    Screen Resolution: (1920x1080)

    Video Settings: (Custom -- not relevant)

    Game mode: (SP)

    Map: RWG -- RWGsucks (I think)

    Did you wipe old saves? (No)


    Did you start a new game? (Yes)


    Did you validate your files? (No)


    Are you using any mods? (No)


    EAC on or off? Off


    Bug Description: Fresh infection started off somewhere above 0.5% instead of 0%.


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1) None. I'm not even going to try. This @%$#es me off enough already to do it again


    Actual result: Infection started off not at 0%.


    Expected result: Infection starting off at 0%.

    Link to Pastebin Output Log:


    I don't know what you expect that's going to tell you. I looked through the logs and it doesn't say a god damned thing -- other than me alt-f4ing when two screamers spawned on day @%$#ing 4. While I had a deep-laceration and an infection. No other game gets away with as much bull@%$# as this one. My God.

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    Still a bug (or programming flaw), but I think I figured it out: 


    The herbal antibiotic did not 'cure' the first infection; it just reduced it to 0.0% and removed the on-screen visual indication. The antibiotic (and infection) was still ticking away in the background. When I was infected again while still under the effect of the antibiotic, it re-triggered the first infection rather than count as a new one. That's why it 'started' over 0.0%. Then I was hit again and it jumped the infection up to 2.3%. Despite playing for 2k hours, I did not know or realize that getting hit while infected could increase the infection percentage. So... yeah... That's my best guess.


    Still upset about getting screamers on day 4, by the way.

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