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  • Chunk wipe on crash ps5 multiplayer

    • Version: PS5 1.0 (b333)

    When playing with 4 people on ps5, the hosts game bugged and he could only run on the spot without moving and had to force close to leave the game. When loading back in half the base had reset back to its default chunk state when the world was created and anything built in the surrounding chunks was fine. Its also worth noting that the ps5 version crashes to home screen every couple of hours with 4 people playing as well. I don't have a screenshot of the bug but it's very similar to the old md5 bug from the ps4 legacy edition

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    Tonight on Xbox we had a problem with host crash, may or may not have been related to network connection. Suspected 

    Upon reconnect all 3 players lost all vehicles and drones they had deployed. Exception was my 4x4 did not disappear. However I spawned in underneath it and was glitching through the world until I jumped a few times to get out from under it. Really weird, I saved a video clip of that. 

    2 gyrocopters

    2 4x4's

    3 drones -all vanished. 

    And everything in them. 

    Sorry - Typo I can't fix. Not suspected on network crash! Xbox party connection never dropped. The host game crashed was all. 

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    I should probably start a new thread for this issue. After the crash and disappearance of drone. I picked up a new one and tried to deploy it. But it says max number already reached. I've searched all over and no existing drone to be found, though. 

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    Just lost my second loot laden truck to a crash (also on PS5). This time I was exiting my game when it crashed to the dashboard. My previous truck was lost during a random crash that happened as I was stopping by a Trader's place. Both times I was in my truck when the game crashed, and when I loaded back in I was down one 4x4 and a shedload of loot. Have been really enjoying the game but will be taking a break till at least the next patch. Replacing trucks on a regular basis sucks!

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