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Make zombies lootable again (A17)


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I'm sure this has probably been done ten times already, but I didn't see one, so here goes.


One of the few things that does consistently irritate me in A17e is the loot drop changes. I don't mind the rare random backpack - that's fine - but making nearly every zombie completely unlootable removes a lot of the incentive for killing them, especially on BM night. The only thing you're really accomplishing is getting XP and driving up gamestage.


This modlet puts general zombie looting back in A17. You don't get much: often nothing, sometimes usable clothing, rarely a bit of medicine or something found in a random pocket, maybe some cloth. Once in a long while, you might find a pistol or some ammo. But at least it's something.


It also doubles the dead body persistence time, from 30 seconds to 60.


You know the drill. Unzip it into your Mods directory and off you go.


Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k7ak3lkmvh5bf6p/Greslin_Loot_On_Death.7z?dl=0


It's rough right now. I'll likely expand it to vary drops for different zombie types, etc.

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