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What went wrong with A17 from a hardcore gamers perspective.


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Got around 2k hours on 7dtd.

Let's get down to it.


1. Grade of equipment is near irrelevant, whether it's poor or flawless makes no real difference when it comes to weapons and tools at the very least. I understand the concept behind things being improved by leveling certain stats, but to completely remove any form of upgrade is just ridiculous in my opinion.


Maybe you don't need to make the grade of the item matter as much as it has the last few patches, but a flawless sniper rifle should deal at the very least 100% more damage than a poor one.

Same with tools, if i do the quests to get both loot and money along the way to buy a rare or flawless pickaxe so that i can mine and get my cobble base started, i want it to actually be worth what i spent on it.


There are bugs, which i don't quite mind as they're gonna get fixed, there's one in particular though that is a bit odd, the zombie movements after you hit a power attack, quite buggy, and even if you aim at their heads to go in for another one, it will miss cause they tp a bit back and forth after power attacks.


Also, if you do fix that balancing issue, there's another "issue" that arises, if you loot a shotgun messiah store, you're very likely to get every single gun in the game from one run, but if you lower the loot from those, the ones in the quest buildings will be near obsolete. A way to fix this could be to lower the drop chance slightly and replace the shotgun messiah stuff in the quest locations with the new weapon bags you added, or reinforced treasures.


Another thing that feels a bit odd is stamina, i do enjoy the new update and i like the concept, but i think it should be buffed slightly, by 10-20%, and perhaps make beer a little more useful when it comes to running for a bit longer, not like the old days where you could run non-stop, but just enough to make a slight difference.


And one last thing which may very well be the most important one. REMOVE the level lock, PLEASE! Now that you've finally made a system that allows different types of classes and playstyles and pros and cons for each of those. Let the players fully immerse themselves in one of them if they want to.


If i want to build pure strength, i should be able to do so, i should be able to get my str and my (extra damage to head ability) maxed at level 11 with the beginner quest done.


And if someone wants to craft flawless stuff early, let them! And even if you don't decide to remove such level caps, you can at least lower them. Maybe needing to be level 20 to be able to get 10 str or int if you so choose.


Please, at least consider that.


Maybe make the car and the motorcycle a little bit faster? <3 (not that important to me, but would be fun)

Also to note some odd things Gas barrels don't do damage to zombies, Nailguns nails don't do damage to zombies. But you're probably aware.


I love you guys though, so don't get me wrong, you've been my favo devs since at least 4 years back. You've surely made it prettier and such, it's lookin real good, in a lot of parts of the game play too. It will be a lot better if these things are fixed.


Give us plains back please? ^_^

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