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Modded Admin tools not working on servers? And how do I create a jail block?


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Fist of all Id like to start with this. On my server which is only an 8 slot server. Since I know Alpha 17 is soon to be here I've been working on different base designs playing around in creative mode yes (somewhat cheating lol) on my own server. How ever when I went to edit in admin tools into the items.xml list the other day. When I would restart on the server it would just randomly crash the server. I mean it would just hard crash. So I would have to re load in the previous data config file for the items.xml. How ever the stock in game admin tools were working so I just decided to use those for now. The only reason I could think of this happening was that as I'd already seen in the announcement that Alpha 17 was arriving soon. That could be the only other stipulation is to why they weren't working. I've done the items.xml edit so many times I can do it backwards and fowards.


Second item on the list. I've seen it in debug menu before but I'm not quite sure how to access it. I've seen the button that says JAIL. I am trying to figure out how to creat say like a 20 by 20 block above ground I'll probably build it out of bed rock. But I am wondering how I could get this to work. In a sense if I say had a legitimate hacker on my server and I wanted to lock them into the jail area or a problem player that came on the server and just lock them in the jail when they spawn into the game. I've searched high on google and I've searched all over you tube but no avail. If any of you forumnites have any thoughts or suggestions or even some of you Administrators who know the game better. Please fill me in. I have over 1500 hours in this game but I'm still learning how to run a server lol.


Thank you in advance.

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