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PVP Camo?


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With the camouflage pattern cloth paint, and the camo netting, do you think its possible to make hidden forrest forts that would actually be unseen by other players? Or would the way it renders objects make it too easy to spot?

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Anyone worth their salt can find player bases even if they are hidden fairly well. If you are building above-ground, planting a decent amount of trees around your base is a good rudimentary defense against people spotting you. Be careful, however, as a giant clump of trees with barren land all around is also super suspect. You want to build in a place that already has natural trees. I don't think the camo is going to do you much good. Building underground and hiding the entrance is one of your best bets, usually I put a 1x1 ladder next to a bush amongst some trees so it's pretty concealed relatively speaking.


But in actuality someone is going to find your base so you're going to need to find ways to defend your goods in spite of the security of your base being compromised. There are a bunch of methods I use but I'm not one to spill all my secrets. Just play a bunch of PvP and do a bunch of raiding and you'll be able to develop a plan to counter different raiding strategies and techniques.

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