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On 9/22/2023 at 3:03 AM, Kurosagi said:

Have a question, not sure if it's a bug.


Playing on 21.1, happened on B23 and B24.


Got trader Jen, did first quests, got sent off on the trader quest, up to that point, everything was fine but the following day, I was expecting quest tier to increase but they stay stuck on tier 1.


Just came back to DF after a year or so, am I not remembering something correctly or is my game borked?



A21.1 B22 here. Finished 1st Open Trade Route quest. After that there were still Tier 1 quests only. After 2 another quests completed there were Tier 2 quests. It looks as if the Open Trade Route quests either have nothing to do with Tier advancement or it isn't the only requirement.



On 9/22/2023 at 3:03 AM, Kurosagi said:

Have a question, not sure if it's a bug.


Playing on 21.1, happened on B23 and B24.


Got trader Jen, did first quests, got sent off on the trader quest, up to that point, everything was fine but the following day, I was expecting quest tier to increase but they stay stuck on tier 1.


Just came back to DF after a year or so, am I not remembering something correctly or is my game borked?



A21.1 B22 here. Finished 1st Open Trade Route quest. After that there were still Tier 1 quests only. After 2 another quests completed there were Tier 2 quests. It looks as if the Open Trade Rout quests either has nothing to do with Tier advancement or it isn't the only requirement.

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