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Zombie & Animal Respawns


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I love the way the zombies are all over the world now I think it is great. I like to go out adventuring and slaying zombies all day. Some players join the server and complain that there are no zombies. I explain they should read the latest patch notes and understand how it works now with a set number for a set area being cleared out not to return for 5 days etc... etc... and that all they have to do is go adventure into unexplored areas to find lots of zombies! With that said, here in the Pimp Dreams area let me say that it would be great if we had a command to toggle these / reset. In other words a simple server owner / admin command of say ResetAnimals (RA) & ResetZombies (RZ) that way we have the options to reset the zombies & animals back to zero as if nothing had been spawned or killed yet whenever we want. To be clear I am not talking about the killing leaderboard scores just the entity spawning. executing RZ would immediately remove all zombies from the world and then start populating them as if the map were brand new. A few players complain where are the zombies? Admin executes RZ and everybody is happy, happy, happy. Thoughts?
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