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Grasshoppers Invasions


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Hi TFP and other Survivors! Had an idea: the late-game is actually "so what now i'm zombie proof and self sufficient?" well, i have the answer: grasshoppers! hundreds of grasshoppers with the seize of the giant bees could be attracted by farms, and come and eat everything! they jump pretty high, so walls won't stop them, and the players actually have to defend their crops to the perish of their lives! the grasshopper horde could destroy every plant in its path (trees, grass, crops, players..) and then keep going to another nearby farm, or just "go away" (disappear) if no farm is found. So what do you think? Would you want that in your game?
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For something to be "fun" here are a list of prerequisites i think should apply: -Need, your need was late game events, so I agree here. -Ability to defend it. Even if you can't early game, late game a way to defend it is a must or it becomes stupid and unfair. -Reward. To keep your crops, so yes is a reward, perhaps they drop an ingredient only for them so people welcome and dread the invasion. So in the end it sounds like a great event, I think some forewarning for a day or so should be indicated that they are coming. Perhaps via little harmless ones being seen about, crops letting off a visual smell effect, et cetera.
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