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How exactly I tune down the Auger volume?


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I did some searching and only find out what xml to edit, but can't find what (I found for A14, A15, etc., but not exactly A16.4). I want to reduce the volume to 1/2 at least - using headphones is like my head will explode at any minute in a huge project I'm working on (and I really don't like the idea of reducing the sound every single time I use the thing, because I use it a lot).


Its the "Auger Fire Start" in sounds.xml I need to edit to tune down (since I'm kinda noob in xml editing - but I modify my games for almost 10 years by now, living me on edge when I need to do it manually - I'm not going to change things without knowing the consequences/in-game effects)? Or there is something else besides this file?

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