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On 2/4/2016 at 1:22 AM, ltbrunt said:

Feature List


2125 hrs playing your stellar game. addicted to the game...... well it's either this or quit using a computer, 2125 hrs isn't probably that high for hour count for 7DTD.


I know what your thinking "oh no PIMP's here is that guy that only shows up right before a major alpha release to put in his two cents" Run for the hills team. I spent the last two years playing your game you will spend 2 seconds reading this killer list of features.


Beware this feature list is so awesome that Nintendo is probably going to read this post and develop an entire game just going off the features listed below. Also they will probably also go out of business. So Drum Roll please Ltbrunt's 2014 no 2015 no 2016 features for 7 days to die.............


1. Hey mad mole any chance of getting the double jump back into the game maybe as a skill.


2. Also would love to have the ability to duck under one block again.


3. Being able to crawl would be a killer feature.

- Make it so that if you do crawl damage from zombies would be ten times higher. Since your body would be completely undefended.


4. The ability to build on trees would be nice.


5. Mad Scientist skill tree,

- At the higher Mad Scientist skill tree you could craft a vaccine that would turn you into a half zombie allowing you to tame/control a couple other zombies. You would have to keep crafting and taking the vaccine. If the vaccine wears off your zombie pets will tear you a new one.

- Mad scientist would have unique weapons for the Mad Scientist craft tree.

- Mad scientist would not be bothered by the zombies but would be constantly attacked by the roaming bandit hordes.


6. Give me bandits like the

- Gatling gun totting bandit name Tom Wilson slow but deadly.

- Sniper bandit who runs from close combat, named Thadeous Dean, beware he runs to get a good sniping advantage on your location.

- Shotgun Eddie, ex cop wears a sweet suits and likes kicking doors in. Usually the first guy in your face usually the first guy that dies.

- Retired cop turned bandit Johnson Smitty, Just wants to live the quiet life but on the day he retired the world ended. Terrible shot with a hand gun but moves very fast.

- Wet Water Willy the Water bandit, likes to hide in water for a nice afternoon ambush with a Bowie Knife Mate.

- and last but not least Shelly Slash you up. She wields not only a Katana for close combat but pulls a Uzi to light you up from a distance. She is the boss.

- And if you kill the bandits without getting head shots then they will turn into regular zombies that are stronger since they are new zombies.



I really don't like any of these ideas and hope none of them are put in sorry but when you go to far from a path you change the fundamentals of a game and the game is literally perfect without any of this



On 2/4/2016 at 1:22 AM, ltbrunt said:

Feature List


2125 hrs playing your stellar game. addicted to the game...... well it's either this or quit using a computer, 2125 hrs isn't probably that high for hour count for 7DTD.


I know what your thinking "oh no PIMP's here is that guy that only shows up right before a major alpha release to put in his two cents" Run for the hills team. I spent the last two years playing your game you will spend 2 seconds reading this killer list of features.


Beware this feature list is so awesome that Nintendo is probably going to read this post and develop an entire game just going off the features listed below. Also they will probably also go out of business. So Drum Roll please Ltbrunt's 2014 no 2015 no 2016 features for 7 days to die.............


1. Hey mad mole any chance of getting the double jump back into the game maybe as a skill.


2. Also would love to have the ability to duck under one block again.


3. Being able to crawl would be a killer feature.

- Make it so that if you do crawl damage from zombies would be ten times higher. Since your body would be completely undefended.


4. The ability to build on trees would be nice.


5. Mad Scientist skill tree,

- At the higher Mad Scientist skill tree you could craft a vaccine that would turn you into a half zombie allowing you to tame/control a couple other zombies. You would have to keep crafting and taking the vaccine. If the vaccine wears off your zombie pets will tear you a new one.

- Mad scientist would have unique weapons for the Mad Scientist craft tree.

- Mad scientist would not be bothered by the zombies but would be constantly attacked by the roaming bandit hordes.


6. Give me bandits like the

- Gatling gun totting bandit name Tom Wilson slow but deadly.

- Sniper bandit who runs from close combat, named Thadeous Dean, beware he runs to get a good sniping advantage on your location.

- Shotgun Eddie, ex cop wears a sweet suits and likes kicking doors in. Usually the first guy in your face usually the first guy that dies.

- Retired cop turned bandit Johnson Smitty, Just wants to live the quiet life but on the day he retired the world ended. Terrible shot with a hand gun but moves very fast.

- Wet Water Willy the Water bandit, likes to hide in water for a nice afternoon ambush with a Bowie Knife Mate.

- and last but not least Shelly Slash you up. She wields not only a Katana for close combat but pulls a Uzi to light you up from a distance. She is the boss.

- And if you kill the bandits without getting head shots then they will turn into regular zombies that are stronger since they are new zombies.




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