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Abnormal Zombie

Abnormal Zombie

Refining point # 6 in first quote response.

14 hours ago, GuardianReaper0 said:


Some of them do, some of them don’t talk about increasing chances of getting the books, and while some better clarity would be nice, I don’t think this is the main reason you are struggling with this. 
Having those perks increase your chances of getting books out of “random book” locations such as book shelves and skill book bundles. HOWEVER, there are certain types of loot containers that have their respective type of books in them..




As it stands, the book system works great in my opinion, you just need to understand it.



Your complaint that you can’t swap to what you need quickly I feel is lack of understanding. 
While yes, you can use the bumpers to toggle left and right, you can also HOLD a bumper, and it brings up a selection wheel that makes it super quick to select from.

Additionally, using left on the D-pad switches between the current item and the previous item. 


“Game Preview”

Since the game is still technically in stage where it is incomplete, this is necessary for legal reasons. 


Aim Assist


If you still don’t like it, there is an option to turn it off.


Sprint Lock

Just get used to using sprint toggle. Just because people coming from fast paced shooters and such don’t find it intuitive, doesn’t mean there is an issue.



Quick move

Play with the “x” button (Xbox) you’ll figure it out.


Zombie intelligence 

They are working on making them better, but in a balanced way.


Text color in forge

This in most definitely just a lack of understanding. 
- Green indicates there is material of that type going into the forge

- Red indicates those materials will be used to craft what is selected

- The “glitchy effect” you are seeing is the result of the maximum amount smelted being reached, but more material trying to be added! The limit is 30k. 


Experience from Crafting 

Low grade things give very little xp, but higher grade things do to some degree. Upgrading structures for example gives a lot more xp. 
Its to avoid exploiting type gameplay, sitting idle in a corner crafting non-stop rather than actively doing something.

That was a big issue in previous version.


Gold, Silver, Diamonds

I posted a suggestion about this not very long ago. Go check it out.



There already exists an item called “bunker buster” that you can equip on auger and other tools to very quickly cut through rock. I find dozens of them early game.


Hope this feedback helps you.

Please PLEASE PLEASE make separate topics for the important things. It took you two hours to write this and it took an hour just to read and reply, not to mention how jumbled comments will get. 

Thank you for the response GuardianReaper0, but I think there are some things I need to highlight. Each number refers to the respective quote section:

  1. You suggest I wasn't looting properly, and that was why I didn't understand the game. I don't just go to Poopy Pants Daycare, I do all the venues and I turn over every rock. You tell me "I just need to understand it", but you forget the entire point of the suggestion. There is no explanation in the game. Lack of clarity of magazine discovery is an issue. Additionally, the multiplicative values skill-related item odds likely overpowers many other types of loot if they both share the same loot containers and one skill is invested in fully while another has nothing - a difference of 11x to 1x. I reckon more than 90% of casuals who have less than 20 hours under their belt will not understand the significance of skill-specific investment for magazine discovery. I am confident in my words. This needs to be fixed.
  2. I know how to use my controller, and I know there are three buttons which activate the "quick select" menu for the hotbar - I even talked about this in the post. I fight up close and personal, which means I don't have time to hold a button and wait for a popup to choose my hotbar item - while my movement is halted too might I add. The last item D-pad swap is usually useless since anything could have been the last item held. My point in this suggestion was to specifically state that the selection wheel and D-pad options are not convenient or fast enough (selection wheel only).
  3. No. All games get updates these days. This the nature of the game being bought, and thus does not need a disclaimer in the title explicitly. It is not required by law.
  4. The aim assist is bad, and yes I did turn it off, as I said. I'll elaborate: The aim assist draws the aim of the player towards the vertical axis of the enemy, so if I am aiming for a shoulder while an enemy is mostly behind cover, I am now automatically targeting the sternum, which is behind a wall, and now I'm hitting a wall.
  5. Okay. So I got a couple issues with what you said. 1) You say just get used to sprint toggle. Well, I have, and I didn't have choice, but also that's not how we fix things on Earth. 2) You think I believe there is an issue simply because it is different than other games. I didn't say that. I said there was an issue due to the fact that moving in any direction other than forward automatically disengages sprinting. If you think there isn't a problem, try using it for a while and tell me again it's "just different".
  6. So, Quick Move. I think you are referring to my suggestion to more easily move a specific amount from a stack, where my example described not being able to easily move 3 from a stack of 100. First off, I'm starting to not appreciate your choice of words. Secondly, I want you to open a game and try moving 3 items from a stack of 100 when the source container has no extra spaces, but do it without moving the cursor from that spot. The solution is allowing the quick-move action (RIGHT_STICK_PRESS) after grabbing the stack and placing 3 back down (with X). Currently, quick move is disabled while moving items.
  7. Zombie intelligence. You say it should be balanced, but how can it be unbalanced? If a zombie cannot pathfind to you when it sees you, that's just a hole in the focal point of the game.
  8. Forge quantity colours. 1) Quantities are green regardless of what is going in. Random values are green while I write this and nothing is being smelted, and stay green when they are turned off. Additionally, LB seems to sometimes change what is green even when nothing else has changed. 2) I have seen quantities of 0 be red, not yet 30000. 3) The glitchy affect where the numbers flash every frame of the game is a bug not a feature.
  9. Crafting experience. I agree building stuff gives good experiences, but you couldn't tell me all the crafting experience you have ever gotten put together has done you any favours.
  10. I read your suggestion on new uses for gold/silver/diamonds. Not too bad.
  11. Jackhammer idea. You misinterpret my suggestion. It is to relieve the auger of an ability it doesn't make sense to do. But in regard to the mod you mentioned, yes it gives a 25% boost, but I am talking about the difference of shovels and pickaxes to augers and jackhammers.
  12. I wanted to keep all of this together. Ideas scattered in many threads easily get lost. I appreciate you taking the hour to respond to my post. I'm not sure where you got 2 hours from, but I spent far more time than that writing this.

I Hope this clarifies my points. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough in some of them, but as I'm learning now, I can't edit a post after a certain time.

13 hours ago, meganoth said:




The benefits are labeled on the magazine pages. Also it might be possible that a journal tip explains the situation.



Interesting, there has been a button for this on the PC side for a loooong time. I would bet this is something on the todo list of the team that does the console porting.



Have you read the journals? Most players seem to overlook them.

  1. The magazines tell you what they do... yes, but how are we supposed to know how to triple the odds of any magazine with 1 skill point in a specific, unadvertised skill?
  2. I took a look, but the "Read A Magazine" Crafting Challenge describes nothing about magazine loot odds, and describing all the skills which affect each magazine would be too heavy.
  3. Journals? I presumed you meant the tips from all the challenges. I read each one.
12 hours ago, GuardianReaper0 said:

As far as the button for max crafting, there IS a button, it just requires you to move the cursor over to it and press it. 

I just assumed he was saying he didn’t want to have to move the cursor around.


Overall, it’s not really even an issue, as it’s literally a one second difference.



10 hours ago, Riamus said:

Just a tip.  A post that has a lot of different suggestions in it and is very long is far less likely to be read or considered than keeping suggestions in smaller posts.  I gave up about half way through myself.

I didn't write it for people who give up.

Abnormal Zombie

Abnormal Zombie

Refining point # 6 in first quote response.

14 hours ago, GuardianReaper0 said:


Some of them do, some of them don’t talk about increasing chances of getting the books, and while some better clarity would be nice, I don’t think this is the main reason you are struggling with this. 
Having those perks increase your chances of getting books out of “random book” locations such as book shelves and skill book bundles. HOWEVER, there are certain types of loot containers that have their respective type of books in them..




As it stands, the book system works great in my opinion, you just need to understand it.



Your complaint that you can’t swap to what you need quickly I feel is lack of understanding. 
While yes, you can use the bumpers to toggle left and right, you can also HOLD a bumper, and it brings up a selection wheel that makes it super quick to select from.

Additionally, using left on the D-pad switches between the current item and the previous item. 


“Game Preview”

Since the game is still technically in stage where it is incomplete, this is necessary for legal reasons. 


Aim Assist


If you still don’t like it, there is an option to turn it off.


Sprint Lock

Just get used to using sprint toggle. Just because people coming from fast paced shooters and such don’t find it intuitive, doesn’t mean there is an issue.



Quick move

Play with the “x” button (Xbox) you’ll figure it out.


Zombie intelligence 

They are working on making them better, but in a balanced way.


Text color in forge

This in most definitely just a lack of understanding. 
- Green indicates there is material of that type going into the forge

- Red indicates those materials will be used to craft what is selected

- The “glitchy effect” you are seeing is the result of the maximum amount smelted being reached, but more material trying to be added! The limit is 30k. 


Experience from Crafting 

Low grade things give very little xp, but higher grade things do to some degree. Upgrading structures for example gives a lot more xp. 
Its to avoid exploiting type gameplay, sitting idle in a corner crafting non-stop rather than actively doing something.

That was a big issue in previous version.


Gold, Silver, Diamonds

I posted a suggestion about this not very long ago. Go check it out.



There already exists an item called “bunker buster” that you can equip on auger and other tools to very quickly cut through rock. I find dozens of them early game.


Hope this feedback helps you.

Please PLEASE PLEASE make separate topics for the important things. It took you two hours to write this and it took an hour just to read and reply, not to mention how jumbled comments will get. 

Thank you for the response GuardianReaper0, but I think there are some things I need to highlight. Each number refers to the respective quote section:

  1. You suggest I wasn't looting properly, and that was why I didn't understand the game. I don't just go to Poopy Pants Daycare, I do all the venues and I turn over every rock. You tell me "I just need to understand it", but you forget the entire point of the suggestion. There is no explanation in the game. Lack of clarity of magazine discovery is an issue. Additionally, the multiplicative values skill-related item odds likely overpowers many other types of loot if they both share the same loot containers and one skill is invested in fully while another has nothing - a difference of 11x to 1x. I reckon more than 90% of casuals who have less than 20 hours under their belt will not understand the significance of skill-specific investment for magazine discovery. I am confident in my words. This needs to be fixed.
  2. I know how to use my controller, and I know there are three buttons which activate the "quick select" menu for the hotbar - I even talked about this in the post. I fight up close and personal, which means I don't have time to hold a button and wait for a popup to choose my hotbar item - while my movement is halted too might I add. The last item D-pad swap is usually useless since anything could have been the last item held. My point in this suggestion was to specifically state that the selection wheel and D-pad options are not convenient or fast enough (selection wheel only).
  3. No. All games get updates these days. This the nature of the game being bought, and thus does not need a disclaimer in the title explicitly. It is not required by law.
  4. The aim assist is bad, and yes I did turn it off, as I said. I'll elaborate: The aim assist draws the aim of the player towards the vertical axis of the enemy, so if I am aiming for a shoulder while an enemy is mostly behind cover, I am now automatically targeting the sternum, which is behind a wall, and now I'm hitting a wall.
  5. Okay. So I got a couple issues with what you said. 1) You say just get used to sprint toggle. Well, I have, and I didn't have choice, but also that's not how we fix things on Earth. 2) You think I believe there is an issue simply because it is different than other games. I didn't say that. I said there was an issue due to the fact that moving in any direction other than forward automatically disengages sprinting. If you think there isn't a problem, try using it for a while and tell me again it's "just different".
  6. So, Quick Move. I think you are referring to my suggestion to more easily move a specific amount from a stack, where my example described not being able to easily move 3 from a stack of 100. First off, I'm starting to not appreciate your choice of words. Secondly, I want you to open a game and try moving 3 items from a stack of 100 when the source container has no extra spaces, but do it without moving the cursor from that spot. The solution is allowing the quick-move action (RIGHT_STICK_PRESS) after grabbing the stack and placing 3 back down (with X). Currently, quick move is disabled while moving items.
  7. Zombie intelligence. You say it should be balanced, but how can it be unbalanced? If a zombie cannot pathfind to you when it sees you, that's just a hole in the focal point of the game.
  8. Forge quantity colours. 1) Quantities are green regardless of what is going in. Random values are green while I write this and nothing is being smelted, and stay green when they are turned off. Additionally, LB seems to sometimes change what is green even when nothing else has changed. 2) I have seen quantities of 0 be red, not yet 30000. 3) The glitchy affect where the numbers flash every frame of the game is a bug not a feature.
  9. Crafting experience. I agree building stuff gives good experiences, but you couldn't tell me all the crafting experience you have ever gotten put together has done you any favours.
  10. I read your suggestion on new uses for gold/silver/diamonds. Not too bad.
  11. Jackhammer idea. You misinterpret my suggestion. It is to relieve the auger of an ability it doesn't make sense to do. But in regard to the mod you mentioned, yes it gives a 25% boost, but I am talking about the difference of shovels and pickaxes to augers and jackhammers.
  12. I wanted to keep all of this together. Ideas scattered in many threads easily get lost. I appreciate you taking the hour to respond to my post. I'm not sure where you got 2 hours from, but I spent far more time than that writing this.

I Hope this clarifies my points.

13 hours ago, meganoth said:




The benefits are labeled on the magazine pages. Also it might be possible that a journal tip explains the situation.



Interesting, there has been a button for this on the PC side for a loooong time. I would bet this is something on the todo list of the team that does the console porting.



Have you read the journals? Most players seem to overlook them.

  1. The magazines tell you what they do... yes, but how are we supposed to know how to triple the odds of any magazine with 1 skill point in a specific, unadvertised skill?
  2. I took a look, but the "Read A Magazine" Crafting Challenge describes nothing about magazine loot odds, and describing all the skills which affect each magazine would be too heavy.
  3. Journals? I presumed you meant the tips from all the challenges. I read each one.
11 hours ago, GuardianReaper0 said:

As far as the button for max crafting, there IS a button, it just requires you to move the cursor over to it and press it. 

I just assumed he was saying he didn’t want to have to move the cursor around.


Overall, it’s not really even an issue, as it’s literally a one second difference.



10 hours ago, Riamus said:

Just a tip.  A post that has a lot of different suggestions in it and is very long is far less likely to be read or considered than keeping suggestions in smaller posts.  I gave up about half way through myself.

I didn't write it for people who give up.

Abnormal Zombie

Abnormal Zombie

Refining point # 8 in first quote response.

13 hours ago, GuardianReaper0 said:


Some of them do, some of them don’t talk about increasing chances of getting the books, and while some better clarity would be nice, I don’t think this is the main reason you are struggling with this. 
Having those perks increase your chances of getting books out of “random book” locations such as book shelves and skill book bundles. HOWEVER, there are certain types of loot containers that have their respective type of books in them..




As it stands, the book system works great in my opinion, you just need to understand it.



Your complaint that you can’t swap to what you need quickly I feel is lack of understanding. 
While yes, you can use the bumpers to toggle left and right, you can also HOLD a bumper, and it brings up a selection wheel that makes it super quick to select from.

Additionally, using left on the D-pad switches between the current item and the previous item. 


“Game Preview”

Since the game is still technically in stage where it is incomplete, this is necessary for legal reasons. 


Aim Assist


If you still don’t like it, there is an option to turn it off.


Sprint Lock

Just get used to using sprint toggle. Just because people coming from fast paced shooters and such don’t find it intuitive, doesn’t mean there is an issue.



Quick move

Play with the “x” button (Xbox) you’ll figure it out.


Zombie intelligence 

They are working on making them better, but in a balanced way.


Text color in forge

This in most definitely just a lack of understanding. 
- Green indicates there is material of that type going into the forge

- Red indicates those materials will be used to craft what is selected

- The “glitchy effect” you are seeing is the result of the maximum amount smelted being reached, but more material trying to be added! The limit is 30k. 


Experience from Crafting 

Low grade things give very little xp, but higher grade things do to some degree. Upgrading structures for example gives a lot more xp. 
Its to avoid exploiting type gameplay, sitting idle in a corner crafting non-stop rather than actively doing something.

That was a big issue in previous version.


Gold, Silver, Diamonds

I posted a suggestion about this not very long ago. Go check it out.



There already exists an item called “bunker buster” that you can equip on auger and other tools to very quickly cut through rock. I find dozens of them early game.


Hope this feedback helps you.

Please PLEASE PLEASE make separate topics for the important things. It took you two hours to write this and it took an hour just to read and reply, not to mention how jumbled comments will get. 

Thank you for the response GuardianReaper0, but I think there are some things I need to highlight. Each number refers to the respective quote section:

  1. You suggest I wasn't looting properly, and that was why I didn't understand the game. I don't just go to Poopy Pants Daycare, I do all the venues and I turn over every rock. You tell me "I just need to understand it", but you forget the entire point of the suggestion. There is no explanation in the game. Lack of clarity of magazine discovery is an issue. Additionally, the multiplicative values skill-related item odds likely overpowers many other types of loot if they both share the same loot containers and one skill is invested in fully while another has nothing - a difference of 11x to 1x. I reckon more than 90% of casuals who have less than 20 hours under their belt will not understand the significance of skill-specific investment for magazine discovery. I am confident in my words. This needs to be fixed.
  2. I know how to use my controller, and I know there are three buttons which activate the "quick select" menu for the hotbar - I even talked about this in the post. I fight up close and personal, which means I don't have time to hold a button and wait for a popup to choose my hotbar item - while my movement is halted too might I add. The last item D-pad swap is usually useless since anything could have been the last item held. My point in this suggestion was to specifically state that the selection wheel and D-pad options are not convenient or fast enough (selection wheel only).
  3. No. All games get updates these days. This the nature of the game being bought, and thus does not need a disclaimer in the title explicitly. It is not required by law.
  4. The aim assist is bad, and yes I did turn it off, as I said. I'll elaborate: The aim assist draws the aim of the player towards the vertical axis of the enemy, so if I am aiming for a shoulder while an enemy is mostly behind cover, I am now automatically targeting the sternum, which is behind a wall, and now I'm hitting a wall.
  5. Okay. So I got a couple issues with what you said. 1) You say just get used to sprint toggle. Well, I have, and I didn't have choice, but also that's not how we fix things on Earth. 2) You think I believe there is an issue simply because it is different than other games. I didn't say that. I said there was an issue due to the fact that moving in any direction other than forward automatically disengages sprinting. If you think there isn't a problem, try using it for a while and tell me again it's "just different".
  6. So, Quick Move. I think you are referring to my suggestion to more easily move a specific amount from a stack, where my example described not being able to easily move 3 from a stack of 100. First off, I'm starting to not appreciate your choice of words. Secondly, I want you to open a game and try moving 3 items from a stack of 100 when the source container has no extra spaces. The solution is allowing the quick-move action (RIGHT_STICK_PRESS) after grabbing the stack and placing 3 back down (with X). Currently, quick move is disabled while moving items.
  7. Zombie intelligence. You say it should be balanced, but how can it be unbalanced? If a zombie cannot pathfind to you when it sees you, that's just a hole in the focal point of the game.
  8. Forge quantity colours. 1) Quantities are green regardless of what is going in. Random values are green while I write this and nothing is being smelted, and stay green when they are turned off. Additionally, LB seems to sometimes change what is green even when nothing else has changed. 2) I have seen quantities of 0 be red, not yet 30000. 3) The glitchy affect where the numbers flash every frame of the game is a bug not a feature.
  9. Crafting experience. I agree building stuff gives good experiences, but you couldn't tell me all the crafting experience you have ever gotten put together has done you any favours.
  10. I read your suggestion on new uses for gold/silver/diamonds. Not too bad.
  11. Jackhammer idea. You misinterpret my suggestion. It is to relieve the auger of an ability it doesn't make sense to do. But in regard to the mod you mentioned, yes it gives a 25% boost, but I am talking about the difference of shovels and pickaxes to augers and jackhammers.
  12. I wanted to keep all of this together. Ideas scattered in many threads easily get lost. I appreciate you taking the hour to respond to my post. I'm not sure where you got 2 hours from, but I spent far more time than that writing this.

I Hope this clarifies my points.

12 hours ago, meganoth said:




The benefits are labeled on the magazine pages. Also it might be possible that a journal tip explains the situation.



Interesting, there has been a button for this on the PC side for a loooong time. I would bet this is something on the todo list of the team that does the console porting.



Have you read the journals? Most players seem to overlook them.

  1. The magazines tell you what they do... yes, but how are we supposed to know how to triple the odds of any magazine with 1 skill point in a specific, unadvertised skill?
  2. I took a look, but the "Read A Magazine" Crafting Challenge describes nothing about magazine loot odds, and describing all the skills which affect each magazine would be too heavy.
  3. Journals? I presumed you meant the tips from all the challenges. I read each one.
11 hours ago, GuardianReaper0 said:

As far as the button for max crafting, there IS a button, it just requires you to move the cursor over to it and press it. 

I just assumed he was saying he didn’t want to have to move the cursor around.


Overall, it’s not really even an issue, as it’s literally a one second difference.



10 hours ago, Riamus said:

Just a tip.  A post that has a lot of different suggestions in it and is very long is far less likely to be read or considered than keeping suggestions in smaller posts.  I gave up about half way through myself.

I didn't write it for people who give up.

Abnormal Zombie

Abnormal Zombie

13 hours ago, GuardianReaper0 said:


Some of them do, some of them don’t talk about increasing chances of getting the books, and while some better clarity would be nice, I don’t think this is the main reason you are struggling with this. 
Having those perks increase your chances of getting books out of “random book” locations such as book shelves and skill book bundles. HOWEVER, there are certain types of loot containers that have their respective type of books in them..




As it stands, the book system works great in my opinion, you just need to understand it.



Your complaint that you can’t swap to what you need quickly I feel is lack of understanding. 
While yes, you can use the bumpers to toggle left and right, you can also HOLD a bumper, and it brings up a selection wheel that makes it super quick to select from.

Additionally, using left on the D-pad switches between the current item and the previous item. 


“Game Preview”

Since the game is still technically in stage where it is incomplete, this is necessary for legal reasons. 


Aim Assist


If you still don’t like it, there is an option to turn it off.


Sprint Lock

Just get used to using sprint toggle. Just because people coming from fast paced shooters and such don’t find it intuitive, doesn’t mean there is an issue.



Quick move

Play with the “x” button (Xbox) you’ll figure it out.


Zombie intelligence 

They are working on making them better, but in a balanced way.


Text color in forge

This in most definitely just a lack of understanding. 
- Green indicates there is material of that type going into the forge

- Red indicates those materials will be used to craft what is selected

- The “glitchy effect” you are seeing is the result of the maximum amount smelted being reached, but more material trying to be added! The limit is 30k. 


Experience from Crafting 

Low grade things give very little xp, but higher grade things do to some degree. Upgrading structures for example gives a lot more xp. 
Its to avoid exploiting type gameplay, sitting idle in a corner crafting non-stop rather than actively doing something.

That was a big issue in previous version.


Gold, Silver, Diamonds

I posted a suggestion about this not very long ago. Go check it out.



There already exists an item called “bunker buster” that you can equip on auger and other tools to very quickly cut through rock. I find dozens of them early game.


Hope this feedback helps you.

Please PLEASE PLEASE make separate topics for the important things. It took you two hours to write this and it took an hour just to read and reply, not to mention how jumbled comments will get. 

Thank you for the response GuardianReaper0, but I think there are some things I need to highlight. Each number refers to the respective quote section:

  1. You suggest I wasn't looting properly, and that was why I didn't understand the game. I don't just go to Poopy Pants Daycare, I do all the venues and I turn over every rock. You tell me "I just need to understand it", but you forget the entire point of the suggestion. There is no explanation in the game. Lack of clarity of magazine discovery is an issue. Additionally, the multiplicative values skill-related item odds likely overpowers many other types of loot if they both share the same loot containers and one skill is invested in fully while another has nothing - a difference of 11x to 1x. I reckon more than 90% of casuals who have less than 20 hours under their belt will not understand the significance of skill-specific investment for magazine discovery. I am confident in my words. This needs to be fixed.
  2. I know how to use my controller, and I know there are three buttons which activate the "quick select" menu for the hotbar - I even talked about this in the post. I fight up close and personal, which means I don't have time to hold a button and wait for a popup to choose my hotbar item - while my movement is halted too might I add. The last item D-pad swap is usually useless since anything could have been the last item held. My point in this suggestion was to specifically state that the selection wheel and D-pad options are not convenient or fast enough (selection wheel only).
  3. No. All games get updates these days. This the nature of the game being bought, and thus does not need a disclaimer in the title explicitly. It is not required by law.
  4. The aim assist is bad, and yes I did turn it off, as I said. I'll elaborate: The aim assist draws the aim of the player towards the vertical axis of the enemy, so if I am aiming for a shoulder while an enemy is mostly behind cover, I am now automatically targeting the sternum, which is behind a wall, and now I'm hitting a wall.
  5. Okay. So I got a couple issues with what you said. 1) You say just get used to sprint toggle. Well, I have, and I didn't have choice, but also that's not how we fix things on Earth. 2) You think I believe there is an issue simply because it is different than other games. I didn't say that. I said there was an issue due to the fact that moving in any direction other than forward automatically disengages sprinting. If you think there isn't a problem, try using it for a while and tell me again it's "just different".
  6. So, Quick Move. I think you are referring to my suggestion to more easily move a specific amount from a stack, where my example described not being able to easily move 3 from a stack of 100. First off, I'm starting to not appreciate your choice of words. Secondly, I want you to open a game and try moving 3 items from a stack of 100 when the source container has no extra spaces. The solution is allowing the quick-move action (RIGHT_STICK_PRESS) after grabbing the stack and placing 3 back down (with X). Currently, quick move is disabled while moving items.
  7. Zombie intelligence. You say it should be balanced, but how can it be unbalanced? If a zombie cannot pathfind to you when it sees you, that's just a hole in the focal point of the game.
  8. Forge quantity colours. 1) Quantities are green regardless of what is going in, and stay green when they are turned off. And LB seems to sometimes change what is green. 2) I have seen quantities of 0 be red, not yet 30000. 3) The glitchy affect where the numbers flash every frame of the game is a bug not a feature.
  9. Crafting experience. I agree building stuff gives good experiences, but you couldn't tell me all the crafting experience you have ever gotten put together has done you any favours.
  10. I read your suggestion on new uses for gold/silver/diamonds. Not too bad.
  11. Jackhammer idea. You misinterpret my suggestion. It is to relieve the auger of an ability it doesn't make sense to do. But in regard to the mod you mentioned, yes it gives a 25% boost, but I am talking about the difference of shovels and pickaxes to augers and jackhammers.
  12. I wanted to keep all of this together. Ideas scattered in many threads easily get lost. I appreciate you taking the hour to respond to my post. I'm not sure where you got 2 hours from, but I spent far more time than that writing this.

I Hope this clarifies my points.

12 hours ago, meganoth said:




The benefits are labeled on the magazine pages. Also it might be possible that a journal tip explains the situation.



Interesting, there has been a button for this on the PC side for a loooong time. I would bet this is something on the todo list of the team that does the console porting.



Have you read the journals? Most players seem to overlook them.

  1. The magazines tell you what they do... yes, but how are we supposed to know how to triple the odds of any magazine with 1 skill point in a specific, unadvertised skill?
  2. I took a look, but the "Read A Magazine" Crafting Challenge describes nothing about magazine loot odds, and describing all the skills which affect each magazine would be too heavy.
  3. Journals? I presumed you meant the tips from all the challenges. I read each one.
11 hours ago, GuardianReaper0 said:

As far as the button for max crafting, there IS a button, it just requires you to move the cursor over to it and press it. 

I just assumed he was saying he didn’t want to have to move the cursor around.


Overall, it’s not really even an issue, as it’s literally a one second difference.



10 hours ago, Riamus said:

Just a tip.  A post that has a lot of different suggestions in it and is very long is far less likely to be read or considered than keeping suggestions in smaller posts.  I gave up about half way through myself.

I didn't write it for people who give up.

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