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Abnormal Zombie

Abnormal Zombie

NOTE: The following is intended to help construct a better console experience with small-scale changes. Some points are essential for quality of life improvements for all platforms. As a console user it can feel clear at times that the developers probably aren't playing on console, so I wish to share this perspective.



Existing Features:

  • Make skills clearly label all benefits - critically, the magazine loot bonuses. Benefits of each skill tier should be bulleted for easier comparisons.
    • WHY: Magazines are a MASSIVE part of a player's development, and hiding information on this leads to confusion. This ultimately partakes in loss of interest in the game within the casual playerbase.
      • Advanced Engineering, Dead Eye, Demolition Expert, Robotics Inventor, Heavy Armor, Physician, Living off the Land, Grease Monkey, and Lock Picking are all skills which DO NOT describe increased "related items" (magazine) loot rates.
      • Master Chef is the only skill which explicitly describes higher magazine drop rates, an inconsistency with other definitions.
      • Example: I got to day 20 and still didn't have a workbench because I didn't know the "Forge Ahead" magazine only appears regularly when investing in Advanced Engineering or Lock Picking skills.
  • Make each Hotbar Tab optionally assignable to a controller button in the controller settings menu. There are two ways to do this:
    1. Make each button assignable to an action rather than each action assignable to a button. Include new hotbar actions.
    2. Add 10 new hotbar actions which by default have no assigned buttons.
    • WHY: Currently, there is NO way to immediately swap to an item you need NOW. This is something old-school 7 Days to Die (console) had, and it was useful. D-pad functionality is lacking greater purpose for my preferences.
      • Example: I want to bind D-pad Left to hotbar_1 for my main weapon, and D-pad Right to hotbar_5 for my heals.
      • The "Quick Select Wheel" when holding down LB, RB, or D-Pad Left is not fast enough, and that's 3 buttons that do the same thing when held.
  • Make all shovels ignore grass (the plant fibre type).
    • WHY: Expending extra stamina and time hitting grass is annoying. Worse for fresh survivors. If you don't agree with this, you have no place on Earth.
  • Remove "(Game Preview)" from the game name in the console stores.
    • WHY: People want to buy a game, not a preview. It is likely hundreds of sales have been lost due to this mislabelling. Frankly not professional.
  • Change melee aim assist to engage only if the player isn't already targeting an enemy.
    • WHY: Creates bad initial impressions of untested game mechanics when aim assist forces attacks on inanimate objects if they are party obscuring an enemy.
  • Fix how players interact with settings in menus.
    • WHY: Right Stick seems to be bound to both option-focus and option-change for the first instant input is recognized in each menu. This means when using the Right Stick to change a setting value while hovering over it, the option is selected and the values of those options erratically change. This is a glitch, and it happens once per menu. Not a great first impression.
  • Improve sprinting mechanism to better work with thumb sticks while on the Sprint Lock "No" setting. Currently, sprinting disengages when the direction of the left thumb stick changes from forward, but it should stay engaged unless the thumb stick returns to a near-center position for more than 0.3 seconds. 0.3 seconds allows players to quickly change direction, moving the thumb stick through the center position as they dip & dodge, moving forward, backwards, or side-to-side.
    • WHY: Without this tuning, this is a big first impression for anybody familiar with first-person shooters. Mechanism needs improvement, because it is unusable in combat otherwise (I turned Sprint Lock to "Yes", but don't like it).

New Features:

  • Show damage numbers on attacks, including damage from DoT. Three settings in options: ["On", "On with DoT", "Off"]
    • WHY: Satisfaction and knowledge. It is so hard to know how much damage is actually dealt, especially with skill modifiers or armoured enemies. Plus, numbers are cool.
  • Show "Push D-pad to talk" tip in main UI when playing multiplayer.
    • WHY: It isn't intuitive to know how to talk with other players. Social connections are a MUST for the longevity of any game.
  • Add a "Craft From" option to the HOLD-INTERACT-MENU of each storage container (of the crate-type). When selected, it applies all contents as available resources when next entering crafting mode in the player's inventory, a forge, a campfire, a workstation, or a chemistry station. Activating "Craft From" locks that container from other players. The storage container is highlighted when activated, and automatically "disconnects" when exiting any crafting menu, moving too far away, death, or interacting with anything else which isn't opening a craft-menu-type object. Option only available when the player has permission to the crate.
    • WHY: This allows the player to use local resources in their proximity for faster crafting in all scenarios and without having to put items back.
  • Add new online mode with dedicated servers. This isn't a small-scale change, but would seriously revamp the game:
    • Random players.
    • Games continue even when any player disconnects, taking advantage of built-in features like absent base protection, land-claim blocks, and more.
    • A player "rank" now represents their performance in these game modes, and appears next to their names in ALL game modes.
    • Performance of players can now be tracked, and even rewarded, since the mode is officially governed.
    • Potential game mode variations could include "Last Survivor", "Rush", "Team Survival", and "Survival". "Rush" is a quicker mode which gives players starting equipment & blocks, building is easier, and each zombie kill is a skill point. The rest are self-explanatory.
    • Each game mode has mechanics created to work with a set-time game. Different modes have different max times, such as an hour or a week.
    • This will cost money to run, but will increase appeal for new content and increase appeal for people who like shorter "disposable" sessions.
    • WHY: Prolong game attraction, and, because. This is greyed-out because it's a big ask.


If you are a developer, please respect the several hours I put into writing this gold and take a minute to write me a response :)

Please continue reading the Minor/Other Suggestions. They are good, but not as necessary.




Remember, one stick is weak, but a bundle is strong; many QOL improvements can hail great change.


Existing Features:

  • Change the "relay" electrical item to be have relay functionality. New relay takes at least two inputs. In the relay menu, choose which input(s) control the relay switch (Input_S), and which input(s) are the power to go through the switch (Input_P). Within the menu the inputs are also labelled arbitrary names, but also indicate if they are currently powered for troubleshooting purposes. The menu has an option to set the relay switch to Normally Open, or Normally Closed. This means Input_P is not an output unless Input_C is on, and Input P is an output unless Input C is on.
    • WHY: This effectively allows turning things OFF when a power source is ON, as well as more complex logic.
  • Allow the "Quick Move" action in an inventory interface to still work while manually grabbing/moving something.
    • WHY: This would allow players to quickly move specific amounts, like 3, out of a stack of 100, and without needing an extra inventory slot to reposition quantities.
  • Fine-tune which blocks zombies see as ground.
    • WHY: Prevents players from making unorthodox bases which are impossible for zombies to attack. True survival is prestigious.
  • Allow the Treasure Hunter Mod and each Attribute Boosting Mod to be used with each-other.
    • WHY: I have never chosen to boost an attribute over the Treasure Hunter Mod (more experience). Bonus attribute bonuses is a nifty bonus, if you got the mod space.
  • Replace the Night Vision graphic overlay.
    • WHY: Makes this feel like an indie game otherwise. Fo real.
  • Make melee attacks hit detection spread always zero for non entity type objects (blocks/doors), excluding crops. Do this for throwables as well.
    • WHY: Some attacks, like power attacks, will have a larger area of focus which can prioritize objects over zombies. An example is spearing through a damaged door, but a power attack hits the door from the same vector. 100% precision to hit blocks is okay. This might be good for thrown weapons too, as I have set myself afire several times when I didn't think I was aiming the molotov at an object next to me - I never use throwables through openings because of this.
  • In inventory menus, enable RT and LT to switch between item "stats" and "description" tabs, like they do with other menu tabs. Also enable this on the Character menu.
    • WHY: Convenience. Moving the cursor with the stick becomes cumbersome after so many times. There is lots of information in the menus, so expediting it would be nice.
  • Fix quantity text colours in the forge, and help us understand what LB does.
    • WHY: The quantities appear green or red and seem to stay that way even when reopening the forge. At times the colours flicker in a glitched manner. Pressing LB when initially opening a forge can trigger a sound effect and change which quantities are coloured - but I still don't know what it means, if anything logical.
  • Fix bicycle reverse after collision so it actually reverses.
    • WHY: If reversing is attempted while colliding with an object, the bike continues to try to move forward. Might apply to all vehicles.
  • Make the map quick-waypoint (red flag) removable.
    • WHY: It can only be hidden and not removed, and is hard to select to hide.
  • When an area-type quest is accepted, immediately check for and save all containers in that quest area which are "untouched". When the quest is initiated and the area is reset, do not reload the contents of all containers which were saved.
    • WHY: This prevents double-looting, which is something I admit to taking advantage of all the time. In the context of a survival game, this is better.
  • Remove the intentional delay when switching held items in the hotbar via LB/RB, OR put the current item away while switching so it can't be used while another item is selected.
    • WHY: Even though this helps create the last-held item for a quick switch (d-pad left), it creates three problems:
      1. Players cannot quickly use items, like heals, while in a fight since item has not yet changed. (Two of my deaths)
      2. Makes the game look slow, as if it struggles to keep up.
      3. Doesn't promote fast reflexes, or "pro" gaming.
  • Change map loading algorithm by prioritizing locations of the player(s) first, and allow the player to enter the world while continuing to load the remainder. After player has entered the world, throttle CPU usage as to not impact performance for the remainder of the load time.
    • WHY: Long wait times are unappealing. I personally got an Xbox X just to play this game, and I was flabbergasted at how long it took despite the new tech.
  • Improve main menu load time after exiting a game.
    • WHY: It should not take 10 seconds to load resources for a menu of no animations.
  • Make sounds relative to the object which created them, not the player.
    • WHY: If a player were to throw a rock so far as to barely make a sound from the player's perspective, it will attract zombies, BUT if the rock is thrown further, and the player cannot hear it land, the zombies also cannot hear it. This also means that any sound the player makes, like surreptitiously opening a door from a short distance, attracts the zombies directly to the player and not the door - because the door isn't relevant.
  • Make vertical displacement of sounds adjust their loudness to the player.
    • WHY: If I am not mistaken, sounds which happen infinitely above or below the user are still heard as if they are in close proximity. X and Y displacement are the only relevant variables, but Z is not. (Requires more testing)
  • Make zombies slower and NOT faster when they stumble from an attack. Could include a "falling forward" animation which can damage the player, but puts the zombie on the ground.
    • WHY: It doesn't make sense for zombies to gain momentum after being shot with arrows or hit in the head.
  • Add a built-in permission type for doors called "ALL", which applies to doors when grabbing keys on walls. Optionally the automatic opening of the doors can be turned off for realism.
    • WHY: There's nothing like needing to close a door you have the key for to stop a horde from tearing you apart.
  • Improve experience gained from crafting items.
    • WHY: Experience gained is negligible and nearly an insult. It can stay diminishing, but need significance.
  • Improve the trader Quick Select menu (hold interact) so that selecting Trade bypasses quest rewards.
    • WHY: Bypassing rewards allows the player to sell some of their haul before accepting rewards which they might not have space for.
  • Improve zombie pathfinding by allowing zombies to jump gaps, which are considered in their paths if they are not crawlers. This could be calculation-heavy for the algorithm, so here is a solution. Internally mark all blocks which players have jumped from in the past several hours. Those blocks are considered in the new algorithm. Before pathfinding is calculated, marked blocks are extended internally one block outwards in all directions. Note: This method could be exploited where the true path is below a marked block and not across from it.
    • WHY: Better game mechanics for intense defence. I'm not a fan of weasels.

New Features:

  • Add purpose for rare minerals other than selling (don't even mention the Diamond Blade Tip Mod).
    1. Silver/Gold/Diamond cosmetics which require the respectable materials to craft (10 of each for one cosmetic). These cosmetics produce a shine effect.
    2. New electronics with Gold as an ingredient.
    3. Over-kill diamond-tipped projectiles with super penetration?
    • WHY: We all want that bling, baby.
  • Add a shortcut to craft max quantity.
    • WHY: It's one of the few things I spend most time moving the cursor for.
  • Add an icon of the item required of a repair next to the Repair option on an item.
    • WHY: It's good to know what you're about to expend.
  • Add a Jackhammer which is used for breaking stone-based materials, OR add a Diamond-Tipped Auger Mod which requires several diamonds to craft. With the first option, change the functionality of the Auger to work mainly on soil, and the Jackhammer power source is a car battery - but still makes plenty noise.
    • WHY: Augers aren't meant for going through rock, so it is sensible. Gives more purpose to Car Batteries and charging them.
  • Add a tool-tip which shows new players about the Core Character Stats and Extended Character Stats in the Character Menu.
    • WHY: I only JUST discovered this while doing live research for this thread. It even shows damage for my held item relative to my stats. Oh my gawd!
  • Add a new rare zombie called the mole-man whose specialty is digging (now I'm just having fun).
    • It is massive and strong like a bear, but more importantly it is incredibly ugly.
    • It can spawn when a target player is 20 blocks below its proposed spawn point, but unlikely to spawn.
    • It is loud and makes creepy "heavy" and rapid digging noises, alerting the player to its presence.
    • Does relatively 10x damage to dirt, stone, and ores; relatively 3x damage to other blocks.
    • It does NOT change it's calculated path once spawned unless attacked AND below 75% health, showing its dedication. It's target is the original location of target player.
    • Designed to create an underground path to deep bases, which if completed, compromises the base and creates a path for other zombies.
    • Forces players out of their bunkers in order to kill it before breaching.
    • Pathfinding is unique. It digs at a downward angle until it levels out, about 10 blocks away from it's target location, where it then digs forwards to. After reaching original target location, it targets the nearest player.
    • Could have a unique attack animation. If the target player has a fully damaged helmet, or no helmet, it can instantly kill the player by biting their head.
    • WHY: Because. Awesome. Fear.



FIRST IMPRESSIONS (Negative only): [details of most points are in the suggestions]

This is written to be from the perspective of someone who might be new to 7 Days to Die.

  • Long wait time upon map load.
  • Changing settings in the main menus with the right stick is buggy and not intuitive. Can spam into fast and erratic movements while also changing things unexpectedly.
  • Aim assist makes melee attacks more likely to miss, especially when attacking around objects. "I need to turn this off!"
  • Experience from crafting is negligible/disappointing.
  • Default sprinting is strange and disengages when it shouldn't. Need to use Sprint Toggle, but I'm not liking it.
  • Frequent visual lag spike. Game continues to run during spike. AI gets advantage.
  • Not easy to quickly change between items in hotbar.
  • Hidden loot isn't rewarding as it's often literal trash.
  • Benefits of skills are not clear. Massive game-changing mechanics are not described.
  • ...Might add more if I can retain my memories.



  • News and updates screen looks great. High tier game feel.
  • Great tips in loading screen.
  • Insanely good building designs. Lots of to discover and appreciate.
  • Lots of detail to core game mechanics.
  • Impressive exposure/visibility mechanics while sneaking.
  • ...Definitely more, but I am tired and have spent enough time on this. The productive criticism and critical suggestions are the focal point of this thread.
Abnormal Zombie

Abnormal Zombie

NOTE: The following is intended to help construct a better console experience with small-scale changes. Some points are essential for quality of life improvements for all platforms. As a console user it can feel clear at times that the developers probably aren't playing on console, so I wish to share this perspective.



Existing Features:

  • Make skills clearly label all benefits - critically, the magazine loot bonuses. Benefits of each skill tier should be bulleted for easier comparisons.
    • WHY: Magazines are a MASSIVE part of a player's development, and hiding information on this leads to confusion. This ultimately partakes in loss of interest in the game within the casual playerbase.
      • Advanced Engineering, Dead Eye, Demolition Expert, Robotics Inventor, Heavy Armor, Physician, Living off the Land, Grease Monkey, and Lock Picking are all skills which DO NOT describe increased "related items" (magazine) loot rates.
      • Master Chef is the only skill which explicitly describes higher magazine drop rates, an inconsistency with other definitions.
      • Example: I got to day 20 and still didn't have a workbench because I didn't know the "Forge Ahead" magazine only appears regularly when investing in Advanced Engineering or Lock Picking skills.
  • Make each Hotbar Tab optionally assignable to a controller button in the controller settings menu. There are two ways to do this:
    1. Make each button assignable to an action rather than each action assignable to a button. Include new hotbar actions.
    2. Add 10 new hotbar actions which by default have no assigned buttons.
    • WHY: Currently, there is NO way to immediately swap to an item you need NOW. This is something old-school 7 Days to Die (console) had, and it was useful. D-pad functionality is lacking greater purpose for my preferences.
      • Example: I want to bind D-pad Left to hotbar_1 for my main weapon, and D-pad Right to hotbar_5 for my heals.
      • The "Quick Select Wheel" when holding down LB, RB, or D-Pad Left is not fast enough, and that's 3 buttons that do the same thing when held.
  • Make all shovels ignore grass (the plant fibre type).
    • WHY: Expending extra stamina and time hitting grass is annoying. Worse for fresh survivors. If you don't agree with this, you have no place on Earth.
  • Remove "(Game Preview)" from the game name in the console stores.
    • WHY: People want to buy a game, not a preview. It is likely hundreds of sales have been lost due to this mislabelling. Frankly not professional.
  • Change melee aim assist to engage only if the player isn't already targeting an enemy.
    • WHY: Creates bad initial impressions of untested game mechanics when aim assist forces attacks on inanimate objects if they are party obscuring an enemy.
  • Fix how players interact with settings in menus.
    • WHY: Right Stick seems to be bound to both option focus and option change for the first instant input is recognized in each menu. This means when using the Right Stick to change a setting value while hovering over it, which option is selected, and the values of those options erratically change. This is a glitch, and it happens once per menu. Not a great first impression.
  • Improve sprinting mechanism to better work with thumb sticks while on the Sprint Lock "No" setting. Currently, sprinting disengages when the direction of the left thumb stick changes from forward, but it should stay engaged unless the thumb stick returns to a near-center position for more than 0.3 seconds. 0.3 seconds allows players to quickly change direction, moving the thumb stick through the center position as they dip & dodge, moving forward, backwards, or side-to-side.
    • WHY: Without this tuning, this is a big first impression for anybody familiar with first-person shooters. Mechanism needs improvement, because it is unusable in combat otherwise (I turned Sprint Lock to "Yes", but don't like it).

New Features:

  • Show damage numbers on attacks, including damage from DoT. Three settings in options: ["On", "On with DoT", "Off"]
    • WHY: Satisfaction and knowledge. It is so hard to know how much damage is actually dealt, especially with skill modifiers or armoured enemies. Plus, numbers are cool.
  • Show "Push D-pad to talk" tip in main UI when playing multiplayer.
    • WHY: It isn't intuitive to know how to talk with other players. Social connections are a MUST for the longevity of any game.
  • Add a "Craft From" option to the HOLD-INTERACT-MENU of each storage container (of the crate-type). When selected, it applies all contents as available resources when next entering crafting mode in the player's inventory, a forge, a campfire, a workstation, or a chemistry station. Activating "Craft From" locks that container from other players. The storage container is highlighted when activated, and automatically "disconnects" when exiting any crafting menu, moving too far away, death, or interacting with anything else which isn't opening a craft-menu-type object. Option only available when the player has permission to the crate.
    • WHY: This allows the player to use local resources in their proximity for faster crafting in all scenarios and without having to put items back.
  • Add new online mode with dedicated servers. This isn't a small-scale change, but would seriously revamp the game:
    • Random players.
    • Games continue even when any player disconnects, taking advantage of built-in features like absent base protection, land-claim blocks, and more.
    • A player "rank" now represents their performance in these game modes, and appears next to their names in ALL game modes.
    • Performance of players can now be tracked, and even rewarded, since the mode is officially governed.
    • Potential game mode variations could include "Last Survivor", "Rush", "Team Survival", and "Survival". "Rush" is a quicker mode which gives players starting equipment & blocks, building is easier, and each zombie kill is a skill point. The rest are self-explanatory.
    • Each game mode has mechanics created to work with a set-time game. Different modes have different max times, such as an hour or a week.
    • This will cost money to run, but will increase appeal for new content and increase appeal for people who like shorter "disposable" sessions.
    • WHY: Prolong game attraction, and, because. This is greyed-out because it's a big ask.


If you are a developer, please respect the several hours I put into writing this gold and take a minute to write me a response :)

Please continue reading the Minor/Other Suggestions. They are good, but not as necessary.




Remember, one stick is weak, but a bundle is strong; many QOL improvements can hail great change.


Existing Features:

  • Change the "relay" electrical item to be have relay functionality. New relay takes at least two inputs. In the relay menu, choose which input(s) control the relay switch (Input_S), and which input(s) are the power to go through the switch (Input_P). Within the menu the inputs are also labelled arbitrary names, but also indicate if they are currently powered for troubleshooting purposes. The menu has an option to set the relay switch to Normally Open, or Normally Closed. This means Input_P is not an output unless Input_C is on, and Input P is an output unless Input C is on.
    • WHY: This effectively allows turning things OFF when a power source is ON, as well as more complex logic.
  • Allow the "Quick Move" action in an inventory interface to still work while manually grabbing/moving something.
    • WHY: This would allow players to quickly move specific amounts, like 3, out of a stack of 100, and without needing an extra inventory slot to reposition quantities.
  • Fine-tune which blocks zombies see as ground.
    • WHY: Prevents players from making unorthodox bases which are impossible for zombies to attack. True survival is prestigious.
  • Allow the Treasure Hunter Mod and each Attribute Boosting Mod to be used with each-other.
    • WHY: I have never chosen to boost an attribute over the Treasure Hunter Mod (more experience). Bonus attribute bonuses is a nifty bonus, if you got the mod space.
  • Replace the Night Vision graphic overlay.
    • WHY: Makes this feel like an indie game otherwise. Fo real.
  • Make melee attacks hit detection spread always zero for non entity type objects (blocks/doors), excluding crops. Do this for throwables as well.
    • WHY: Some attacks, like power attacks, will have a larger area of focus which can prioritize objects over zombies. An example is spearing through a damaged door, but a power attack hits the door from the same vector. 100% precision to hit blocks is okay. This might be good for thrown weapons too, as I have set myself afire several times when I didn't think I was aiming the molotov at an object next to me - I never use throwables through openings because of this.
  • In inventory menus, enable RT and LT to switch between item "stats" and "description" tabs, like they do with other menu tabs. Also enable this on the Character menu.
    • WHY: Convenience. Moving the cursor with the stick becomes cumbersome after so many times. There is lots of information in the menus, so expediting it would be nice.
  • Fix quantity text colours in the forge, and help us understand what LB does.
    • WHY: The quantities appear green or red and seem to stay that way even when reopening the forge. At times the colours flicker in a glitched manner. Pressing LB when initially opening a forge can trigger a sound effect and change which quantities are coloured - but I still don't know what it means, if anything logical.
  • Fix bicycle reverse after collision so it actually reverses.
    • WHY: If reversing is attempted while colliding with an object, the bike continues to try to move forward. Might apply to all vehicles.
  • Make the map quick-waypoint (red flag) removable.
    • WHY: It can only be hidden and not removed, and is hard to select to hide.
  • When an area-type quest is accepted, immediately check for and save all containers in that quest area which are "untouched". When the quest is initiated and the area is reset, do not reload the contents of all containers which were saved.
    • WHY: This prevents double-looting, which is something I admit to taking advantage of all the time. In the context of a survival game, this is better.
  • Remove the intentional delay when switching held items in the hotbar via LB/RB, OR put the current item away while switching so it can't be used while another item is selected.
    • WHY: Even though this helps create the last-held item for a quick switch (d-pad left), it creates three problems:
      1. Players cannot quickly use items, like heals, while in a fight since item has not yet changed. (Two of my deaths)
      2. Makes the game look slow, as if it struggles to keep up.
      3. Doesn't promote fast reflexes, or "pro" gaming.
  • Change map loading algorithm by prioritizing locations of the player(s) first, and allow the player to enter the world while continuing to load the remainder. After player has entered the world, throttle CPU usage as to not impact performance for the remainder of the load time.
    • WHY: Long wait times are unappealing. I personally got an Xbox X just to play this game, and I was flabbergasted at how long it took despite the new tech.
  • Improve main menu load time after exiting a game.
    • WHY: It should not take 10 seconds to load resources for a menu of no animations.
  • Make sounds relative to the object which created them, not the player.
    • WHY: If a player were to throw a rock so far as to barely make a sound from the player's perspective, it will attract zombies, BUT if the rock is thrown further, and the player cannot hear it land, the zombies also cannot hear it. This also means that any sound the player makes, like surreptitiously opening a door from a short distance, attracts the zombies directly to the player and not the door - because the door isn't relevant.
  • Make vertical displacement of sounds adjust their loudness to the player.
    • WHY: If I am not mistaken, sounds which happen infinitely above or below the user are still heard as if they are in close proximity. X and Y displacement are the only relevant variables, but Z is not. (Requires more testing)
  • Make zombies slower and NOT faster when they stumble from an attack. Could include a "falling forward" animation which can damage the player, but puts the zombie on the ground.
    • WHY: It doesn't make sense for zombies to gain momentum after being shot with arrows or hit in the head.
  • Add a built-in permission type for doors called "ALL", which applies to doors when grabbing keys on walls. Optionally the automatic opening of the doors can be turned off for realism.
    • WHY: There's nothing like needing to close a door you have the key for to stop a horde from tearing you apart.
  • Improve experience gained from crafting items.
    • WHY: Experience gained is negligible and nearly an insult. It can stay diminishing, but need significance.
  • Improve the trader Quick Select menu (hold interact) so that selecting Trade bypasses quest rewards.
    • WHY: Bypassing rewards allows the player to sell some of their haul before accepting rewards which they might not have space for.
  • Improve zombie pathfinding by allowing zombies to jump gaps, which are considered in their paths if they are not crawlers. This could be calculation-heavy for the algorithm, so here is a solution. Internally mark all blocks which players have jumped from in the past several hours. Those blocks are considered in the new algorithm. Before pathfinding is calculated, marked blocks are extended internally one block outwards in all directions. Note: This method could be exploited where the true path is below a marked block and not across from it.
    • WHY: Better game mechanics for intense defence. I'm not a fan of weasels.

New Features:

  • Add purpose for rare minerals other than selling (don't even mention the Diamond Blade Tip Mod).
    1. Silver/Gold/Diamond cosmetics which require the respectable materials to craft (10 of each for one cosmetic). These cosmetics produce a shine effect.
    2. New electronics with Gold as an ingredient.
    3. Over-kill diamond-tipped projectiles with super penetration?
    • WHY: We all want that bling, baby.
  • Add a shortcut to craft max quantity.
    • WHY: It's one of the few things I spend most time moving the cursor for.
  • Add an icon of the item required of a repair next to the Repair option on an item.
    • WHY: It's good to know what you're about to expend.
  • Add a Jackhammer which is used for breaking stone-based materials, OR add a Diamond-Tipped Auger Mod which requires several diamonds to craft. With the first option, change the functionality of the Auger to work mainly on soil, and the Jackhammer power source is a car battery - but still makes plenty noise.
    • WHY: Augers aren't meant for going through rock, so it is sensible. Gives more purpose to Car Batteries and charging them.
  • Add a tool-tip which shows new players about the Core Character Stats and Extended Character Stats in the Character Menu.
    • WHY: I only JUST discovered this while doing live research for this thread. It even shows damage for my held item relative to my stats. Oh my gawd!
  • Add a new rare zombie called the mole-man whose specialty is digging (now I'm just having fun).
    • It is massive and strong like a bear, but more importantly it is incredibly ugly.
    • It can spawn when a target player is 20 blocks below its proposed spawn point, but unlikely to spawn.
    • It is loud and makes creepy "heavy" and rapid digging noises, alerting the player to its presence.
    • Does relatively 10x damage to dirt, stone, and ores; relatively 3x damage to other blocks.
    • It does NOT change it's calculated path once spawned unless attacked AND below 75% health, showing its dedication. It's target is the original location of target player.
    • Designed to create an underground path to deep bases, which if completed, compromises the base and creates a path for other zombies.
    • Forces players out of their bunkers in order to kill it before breaching.
    • Pathfinding is unique. It digs at a downward angle until it levels out, about 10 blocks away from it's target location, where it then digs forwards to. After reaching original target location, it targets the nearest player.
    • Could have a unique attack animation. If the target player has a fully damaged helmet, or no helmet, it can instantly kill the player by biting their head.
    • WHY: Because. Awesome. Fear.



FIRST IMPRESSIONS (Negative only): [details of most points are in the suggestions]

This is written to be from the perspective of someone who might be new to 7 Days to Die.

  • Long wait time upon map load.
  • Changing settings in the main menus with the right stick is buggy and not intuitive. Can spam into fast and erratic movements while also changing things unexpectedly.
  • Aim assist makes melee attacks more likely to miss, especially when attacking around objects. "I need to turn this off!"
  • Experience from crafting is negligible/disappointing.
  • Default sprinting is strange and disengages when it shouldn't. Need to use Sprint Toggle, but I'm not liking it.
  • Frequent visual lag spike. Game continues to run during spike. AI gets advantage.
  • Not easy to quickly change between items in hotbar.
  • Hidden loot isn't rewarding as it's often literal trash.
  • Benefits of skills are not clear. Massive game-changing mechanics are not described.
  • ...Might add more if I can retain my memories.



  • News and updates screen looks great. High tier game feel.
  • Great tips in loading screen.
  • Insanely good building designs. Lots of to discover and appreciate.
  • Lots of detail to core game mechanics.
  • Impressive exposure/visibility mechanics while sneaking.
  • ...Definitely more, but I am tired and have spent enough time on this. The productive criticism and critical suggestions are the focal point of this thread.
Abnormal Zombie

Abnormal Zombie

NOTE: The following is intended to help construct a better console experience with small-scale changes. Some points are essential for quality of life improvements for all platforms. As a console user it can feel clear at times that the developers probably aren't playing on console, so I wish to share this perspective.



Existing Features:

  • Make skills clearly label all benefits - critically, the magazine loot bonuses. Benefits of each skill tier should be bulleted for easier comparisons.
    • WHY: Magazines are a MASSIVE part of a player's development, and hiding information on this leads to confusion. This ultimately partakes in loss of interest in the game within the casual playerbase.
      • Advanced Engineering, Dead Eye, Demolition Expert, Robotics Inventor, Heavy Armor, Physician, Living off the Land, Grease Monkey, and Lock Picking are all skills which DO NOT describe increased "related items" (magazine) loot rates.
      • Master Chef is the only skill which explicitly describes higher magazine drop rates, an inconsistency with other definitions.
      • Example: I got to day 20 and still didn't have a workbench because I didn't know the "Forge Ahead" magazine only appears regularly when investing in Advanced Engineering or Lock Picking skills.
  • Make each Hotbar Tab optionally assignable to a controller button in the controller settings menu. There are two ways to do this:
    1. Make each button assignable to an action rather than each action assignable to a button. Include new hotbar actions.
    2. Add 10 new hotbar actions which by default have no assigned buttons.
    • WHY: Currently, there is NO way to immediately swap to an item you need NOW. This is something old-school 7 Days to Die (console) had, and it was useful. D-pad functionality is lacking greater purpose for my preferences.
      • Example: I want to bind D-pad Left to hotbar_1 for my main weapon, and D-pad Right to hotbar_5 for my heals.
      • The "Quick Select Wheel" when holding down LB, RB, or D-Pad Left is not fast enough, and that's 3 buttons that do the same thing when held.
  • Make all shovels ignore grass (the plant fibre type).
    • WHY: Expending extra stamina and time hitting grass is annoying. Worse for fresh survivors. If you don't agree with this, you have no place on Earth.
  • Remove "(Game Preview)" from the game name in the console stores.
    • WHY: People want to buy a game, not a preview. It is likely hundreds of sales have been lost due to this mislabelling. Frankly not professional.
  • Change melee aim assist to engage only if the player isn't already targeting an enemy.
    • WHY: Creates bad initial impressions of untested game mechanics when aim assist forces attacks on inanimate objects if they are party obscuring an enemy.
  • Fix how players interact with settings in menus.
    • WHY: Right Stick seems to be bound to both option focus and option change for the first instant input is recognized in each menu. This means when using the Right Stick to change a setting value while hovering over it, which option is selected, and the values of those options erratically change. This is a glitch, and it happens once per menu. Not a great first impression.
  • Improve sprinting mechanism to better work with thumb sticks while on the Sprint Lock "No" setting. Currently, sprinting disengages when the direction of the left thumb stick changes from forward, but it should stay engaged unless the thumb stick returns to a near-center position for more than 0.3 seconds. 0.3 seconds allows players to quickly change direction, moving the thumb stick through the center position as they dip & dodge, moving forward, backwards, or side-to-side.
    • WHY: Without this tuning, this is a big first impression for anybody familiar with first-person shooters. Mechanism needs improvement, because it is unusable in combat otherwise (I turned Sprint Lock to "Yes", but don't like it).

New Features:

  • Show damage numbers on attacks, including damage from DoT. Three settings in options: ["On", "On with DoT", "Off"]
    • WHY: Satisfaction and knowledge. It is so hard to know how much damage is actually dealt, especially with skill modifiers or armoured enemies. Plus, numbers are cool.
  • Show "Push D-pad to talk" tip in main UI when playing multiplayer.
    • WHY: It isn't intuitive to know how to talk with other players. Social connections are a MUST for the longevity of any game.
  • Add a "Craft From" option to the HOLD-INTERACT-MENU of each storage container (of the crate-type). When selected, it applies all contents as available resources when next entering crafting mode in the player's inventory, a forge, a campfire, a workstation, or a chemistry station. Activating "Craft From" locks that container from other players. The storage container is highlighted when activated, and automatically "disconnects" when exiting any crafting menu, moving too far away, death, or interacting with anything else which isn't opening a craft-menu-type object. Option only available when the player has permission to the crate.
    • WHY: This allows the player to use local resources in their proximity for faster crafting in all scenarios and without having to put items back.
  • Add new online mode with dedicated servers. This isn't a small-scale change, but would seriously revamp the game:
    • Random players.
    • Games continue even when any player disconnects, taking advantage of built-in features like absent base protection, land-claim blocks, and more.
    • A player "rank" now represents their performance in these game modes, and appears next to their names in ALL game modes.
    • Performance of players can now be tracked, and even rewarded, since the mode is officially governed.
    • Potential game mode variations could include "Last Survivor", "Rush", "Team Survival", and "Survival". "Rush" is a quicker mode which gives players starting equipment & blocks, building is easier, and each zombie kill is a skill point. The rest are self-explanatory.
    • Each game mode has mechanics created to work with a set-time game. Different modes have different max times, such as an hour or a week.
    • This will cost money to run, but will increase appeal for new content and increase appeal for people who like shorter "disposable" sessions.
    • WHY: Prolong game attraction, and, because. This is greyed-out because it's a big ask.


If you are a developer, please respect the several hours I put into writing this gold and take a minute to write me a response :)

Please continue reading the Minor/Other Suggestions. They are good, but not as necessary.




Remember, one stick is weak, but a bundle is strong; many QOL improvements can hail great change.


Existing Features:

  • Change the "relay" electrical item to be have relay functionality. New relay takes at least two inputs. In the relay menu, choose which input(s) control the relay switch (Input_S), and which input(s) are the power to go through the switch (Input_P). Within the menu the inputs are also labelled arbitrary names, but also indicate if they are currently powered for troubleshooting purposes. The menu has an option to set the relay switch to Normally Open, or Normally Closed. This means Input_P is not an output unless Input_C is on, and Input P is an output unless Input C is on.
    • WHY: This effectively allows turning things OFF when a power source is ON, as well as more complex logic.
  • Allow the "Quick Move" action in an inventory interface to still work while manually grabbing/moving something.
    • WHY: This would allow players to quickly move specific amounts, like 3, out of a stack of 100, and without needing an extra inventory slot to reposition quantities.
  • Fine-tune which blocks zombies see as ground.
    • WHY: Prevents players from making unorthodox bases which are impossible for zombies to attack. True survival is prestigious.
  • Allow the Treasure Hunter Mod and each Attribute Boosting Mod to be used with each-other.
    • WHY: I have never chosen to boost an attribute over the Treasure Hunter Mod (more experience). Bonus attribute bonuses is a nifty bonus, if you got the mod space.
  • Replace the Night Vision graphic overlay.
    • WHY: Makes this feel like an indie game otherwise. Fo real.
  • Make melee attacks hit detection spread always zero for non entity type objects (blocks/doors), excluding crops. Do this for throwables as well.
    • WHY: Some attacks, like power attacks, will have a larger area of focus which can prioritize objects over zombies. An example is spearing through a damaged door, but a power attack hits the door from the same vector. 100% precision to hit blocks is okay. This might be good for thrown weapons too, as I have set myself afire several times when I didn't think I was aiming the molotov at an object next to me - I never use throwables through openings because of this.
  • In inventory menus, enable RT and LT to switch between item "stats" and "description" tabs, like they do with other menu tabs. Also enable this on the Character menu.
    • WHY: Convenience. Moving the cursor with the stick becomes cumbersome after so many times. There is lots of information in the menus, so expediting it would be nice.
  • Fix quantity text colours in the forge, and help us understand what LB does.
    • WHY: The quantities appear green or red and seem to stay that way even when reopening the forge. At times the colours flicker in a glitched manner. Pressing LB when initially opening a forge can trigger a sound effect and change which quantities are coloured - but I still don't know what it means, if anything logical.
  • Fix bicycle reverse after collision so it actually reverses.
    • WHY: If reversing is attempted while colliding with an object, the bike continues to try to move forward. Might apply to all vehicles.
  • Make the map quick-waypoint (red flag) removable.
    • WHY: It can only be hidden and not removed, and is hard to select to hide.
  • When an area-type quest is accepted, immediately check for and save all containers in that quest area which are "untouched". When the quest is initiated and the area is reset, do not reload the contents of all containers which were saved.
    • WHY: This prevents double-looting, which is something I admit to taking advantage of all the time. In the context of a survival game, this is better.
  • Remove the intentional delay when switching held items in the hotbar via LB/RB, OR put the current item away while switching so it can't be used while another item is selected.
    • WHY: Even though this helps create the last-held item for a quick switch (d-pad left), it creates three problems:
      1. Players cannot quickly use items, like heals, while in a fight since item has not yet changed. (Two of my deaths)
      2. Makes the game look slow, as if it struggles to keep up.
      3. Doesn't promote fast reflexes, or "pro" gaming.
  • Change map loading algorithm by prioritizing locations of the player(s) first, and allow the player to enter the world while continuing to load the remainder. After player has entered the world, throttle CPU usage as to not impact performance for the remainder of the load time.
    • WHY: Long wait times are unappealing. I personally got an Xbox X just to play this game, and I was flabbergasted at how long it took despite the new tech.
  • Improve main menu load time after exiting a game.
    • WHY: It should not take 10 seconds to load resources for a menu of no animations.
  • Make sounds relative to the object which created them, not the player.
    • WHY: If a player were to throw a rock so far as to barely make a sound from the player's perspective, it will attract zombies, BUT if the rock is thrown further, and the player cannot hear it land, the zombies also cannot hear it. This also means that any sound the player makes, like surreptitiously opening a door from a short distance, attracts the zombies directly to the player and not the door - because the door isn't relevant.
  • Make vertical displacement of sounds adjust their loudness to the player.
    • WHY: If I am not mistaken, sounds which happen infinitely above or below the user are still heard as if they are in close proximity. X and Y displacement are the only relevant variables, but Z is not. (Requires more testing)
  • Make zombies slower and NOT faster when they stumble from an attack. Could include a "falling forward" animation which can damage the player, but puts the zombie on the ground.
    • WHY: It doesn't make sense for zombies to gain momentum after being shot with arrows or hit in the head.
  • Add a built-in permission type for doors called "ALL", which applies to doors when grabbing keys on walls. Optionally the automatic opening of the doors can be turned off for realism.
    • WHY: There's nothing like needing to close a door you have the key for to stop a horde from tearing you apart.
  • Improve experience gained from crafting items.
    • WHY: Experience gained is negligible and nearly an insult. It can stay diminishing, but need significance.
  • Improve the trader Quick Select menu (hold interact) so that selecting Trade bypasses quest rewards.
    • WHY: Bypassing rewards allows the player to sell some of their haul before accepting rewards which they might not have space for.
  • Improve zombie pathfinding by allowing zombies to jump gaps, which are considered in their paths if they are not crawlers. This could be calculation-heavy for the algorithm, so here is a solution. Internally mark all blocks which players have jumped from in the past several hours. Those blocks are considered in the new algorithm. Before pathfinding is calculated, marked blocks are extended internally one block outwards in all directions. Note: This method could be exploited where the true path is below a marked block and not across from it.
    • WHY: Better game mechanics for intense defence. I'm not a fan of weasels.

New Features:

  • Add purpose for rare minerals other than selling (don't even mention the Diamond Blade Tip Mod).
    1. Silver/Gold/Diamond cosmetics which require the respectable materials to craft (10 of each for one cosmetic). These cosmetics produce a shine effect.
    2. New electronics with Gold as an ingredient.
    3. Over-kill diamond-tipped projectiles with super penetration?
    • WHY: We all want that bling, baby.
  • Add a shortcut to craft max quantity.
    • WHY: It's one of the few things I spend most time moving the cursor for.
  • Add an icon of the item required of a repair next to the Repair option on an item.
    • WHY: It's good to know what you're about to expend.
  • Add a Jackhammer which is used for breaking stone-based materials, OR add a Diamond-Tipped Auger Mod which requires several diamonds to craft. With the first option, change the functionality of the Auger to work mainly on soil, and the Jackhammer power source is a car battery - but still makes plenty noise.
    • WHY: Augers aren't meant for going through rock, so it is sensible. Gives more purpose to Car Batteries and charging them.
  • Add a tool-tip which shows new players about the Core Character Stats and Extended Character Stats in the Character Menu.
    • WHY: I only JUST discovered this while doing live research for this thread. It even shows damage for my held item relative to my stats. Oh my gawd!
  • Add a new rare zombie called the mole-man whose specialty is digging (now I'm just having fun).
    • It is massive and strong like a bear, but more importantly it is incredibly ugly.
    • It can spawn when a target player is 20 blocks below its proposed spawn point, but unlikely to spawn.
    • It is loud and makes creepy "heavy" and rapid digging noises, alerting the player to its presence.
    • Does relatively 10x damage to dirt, stone, and ores; relatively 3x damage to other blocks.
    • It does NOT change it's calculated path once spawned unless attacked AND below 75% health, showing its dedication. It's target is the original location of target player.
    • Designed to create an underground path to deep bases, which if completed, compromises the base and creates a path for other zombies.
    • Forces players out of their bunkers in order to kill it before breaching.
    • Pathfinding is unique. It digs at a downward angle until it levels out, about 10 blocks away from it's target location, where it then digs forwards to. After reaching original target location, it targets the nearest player.
    • Could have a unique attack animation. If the target player has a fully damaged helmet, or no helmet, it can instantly kill the player by biting their head.
    • WHY: Because. Awesome. Fear.



FIRST IMPRESSIONS (Negative only): [details of most points are in the suggestions]

This is written to be from the perspective of someone who might be new to 7 Days to Die.

  • Long wait time upon map load.
  • Changing settings in the main menus with the right stick is buggy and not intuitive. Can spam into fast and erratic movements while also changing things unexpectedly.
  • Aim assist makes melee attacks more likely to miss, especially when attacking around objects. "I need to turn this off!"
  • Experience from crafting is negligible/disappointing.
  • Default sprinting is strange and disengages when it shouldn't. Need to use Sprint Toggle, but I'm not liking it.
  • Frequent visual lag spike. Game continues to run during spike. AI gets advantage.
  • Not easy to quickly change between items in hotbar.
  • Hidden loot isn't rewarding as it's often literal trash.
  • Benefits of skills are not clear. Massive game-changing mechanics are not described.
  • ...Might add more if I can retain my memories.



  • News and updates screen looks great. High tier game feel.
  • Great tips in loading screen.
  • Insanely good building designs. Lots of to discover and appreciate.
  • Lots of detail to core game mechanics.
  • Impressive exposure/visibility mechanics while sneaking.
  • ...Definitely more, but I am tired and have spent enough time on this. The productive criticism and critical suggestions are the focal point of this thread.
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