11 hours ago, Dominic92x said:Hello! Thank you for this amazing mod. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into it.
I was hoping you could help me out how to get the "WalkerSim.exe" working on a dedicated server? The worlds drop down box is empty. In the registry the Steam App 294420 (For the dedicated server) shows the correct install location of the server. Do I need to install the non-server client for WalkerSim to work? Do I need to point the install to the world folder?
Thank you!
I was able to fix it by installing the 7 Days to Die non-server version and having that install path be directed to the server folder. Now, we are having this issue on the server
"2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] --- Simulation Statistics ---
2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] World Size: (10240, 10240, 255)
2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] Total Agents: 16778
2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] Total Groups: 84
2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] Successful Spawns: 0
2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] Failed Spawns: 5130
2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] Total Despawns: 0
2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] Active Agents: 0
2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] Ticks: 407282
2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] Average Tick Time: 26.7717, 0.03735288/s
2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] Wind Direction: (-0.999836, 0.01811223, 0)
2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] Wind Target: (-0.7130941, 0.0129178, 0)
2024-10-22T00:54:07 11707.668 INF [WalkerSim] Next Wind Change: 407932"
2024-10-22T01:14:02 392.895 ERR [WalkerSim] System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at WalkerSim.SpawnManager.SpawnAgent (WalkerSim.Simulation simulation, WalkerSim.Agent agent) [0x000a2] in <c83a11d983ab4baba4a7f9447b821282>:0
at WalkerSim.Simulation.ProcessSpawnQueue () [0x00045] in <c83a11d983ab4baba4a7f9447b821282>:0
at WalkerSim.Simulation.GameUpdate (System.Single deltaTime) [0x00019] in <c83a11d983ab4baba4a7f9447b821282>:0
at WalkerSim.WalkerSimMod.UpdateSimulation () [0x00022] in <c83a11d983ab4baba4a7f9447b821282>:0
at WalkerSim.WalkerSimMod.GameUpdate () [0x00072] in <c83a11d983ab4baba4a7f9447b821282>:0