Hello! Thank you for this amazing mod. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into it.
I was hoping you could help me out how to get the "WalkerSim.exe" working on a dedicated server? The worlds drop down box is empty. In the registry the Steam App 294420 (For the dedicated server) shows the correct install location of the server. Do I need to install the non-server client for WalkerSim to work? Do I need to point the install to the world folder?
Thank you!
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Hello! Thank you for this amazing mod. I appreciate all the time and effort you put into it.
I was hoping you could help me out how to get the "WalkerSim.exe" working on a dedicated server? The worlds drop down box is empty. In the registry the Steam App 294420 (For the dedicated server) shows the correct install location of the server. Do I need to install the non-server client for WalkerSim to work?
Thank you!