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6 hours ago, ZehMatt said:

Hmm linux, I did not test that. I suspect that the simulation is never starting, could you give me the entire log?


It's not the same one. Had to recreate the issue.
Here's an entire output_log.txt containing the following events.

  • Start dedicated server on a linux machine with a new save of Navezgane
  • Join server as player via the regular windows client
  • Walk around for a bit and see no zombies
  • Disconnect
  • Shutdown dedicated server
Mono path[0] = '/serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = '/serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
Preloaded 'libEOSSDK-Linux-Shipping.so'
Preloaded 'libMagick.so'
Preloaded 'lib_burst_generated.so'
Preloaded 'libgetrss.so'
Preloaded 'libsteam_api.so'
Preloaded 'steamclient.so'
Unable to preload the following plugins:
[Physics::Module] Initialized MultithreadedJobDispatcher with 15 workers.
Loading player data from /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/data.unity3d
Initialize engine version: 2022.3.29f1 (8d510ca76d2b)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/UnitySubsystems
Forcing GfxDevice: Null
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=0; jobified=0
    Version:  NULL 1.0 [1.0]
    Renderer: Null Device
    Vendor:   Unity Technologies
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
- Loaded All Assemblies, in  0.233 seconds
- Finished resetting the current domain, in  0.004 seconds
ERROR: Shader Hidden/LandClaimBoundary shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Sprites/Default shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Sprites/Mask shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/VertexLit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/Cube_UI_Glow' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/Cube_UI_Glow shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/Cube_UI_Glow' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/Cube_UI_Frame' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/Cube_UI_Frame shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/Cube_UI_Frame' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Unlit/Transparent Colored shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader GUI/Text Shader shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
UnloadTime: 2.423632 ms
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.002 INF Version: V 1.0 (b333) Compatibility Version: V 1.0, Build: LinuxServer 64 Bit

2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.082 WRN The open files limit is too low (1024) and may cause crashes. Recommended is at least 10240. Follow these steps to increment it:
- Open /etc/security/limits.conf with a text editor: 'sudo editor /etc/security/limits.conf'
- Add or update the line: 'steam soft nofile 10240'
- Save the file and exit the editor
- Apply the changes: Log out and back in or restart the system

2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.086 WRN The vm.max_map_count setting is too low (65530) and may cause crashes. Follow these steps to increment it:
- Open /etc/sysctl.conf with a text editor: 'sudo editor /etc/sysctl.conf'
- Add or update the line: 'vm.max_map_count=262144'
- Save the file and exit the editor
- Apply the changes: 'sudo sysctl -p'

2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.086 INF System information:
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.087 INF    OS: Linux 6.1 Debian GNU/Linux 12 64bit
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.089 INF    CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor (cores: 16)
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.089 INF    RAM: 64221 MB
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.090 INF    GPU: Null Device (128 MB)
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.096 INF    Graphics API: NULL 1.0 [1.0] (shader level 3.0)
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.101 INF Local UTC offset: 2 hours
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.153 INF Command line arguments: /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer.x86_64 -configfile=serverconfigredbeardian.xml -nographics -batchmode -logfile 7DaysToDie_Data/output_log.txt $@
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.177 INF Parsing server configfile: /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/../serverconfigredbeardian.xml
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.250 INF Parsing server configfile successfully completed
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.251 INF UserDataFolder: /serverdata/serverfiles/User
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.255 INF [Platform] Init
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.324 INF [Platform] Using native platform: Steam
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.326 INF [Platform] Using cross platform: EOS
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.327 INF [Platform] Using server platform: Steam
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.327 INF [Platform] Using server platform: XBL
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.328 INF [Platform] Using server platform: PSN
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.339 INF Starting PlayerInputManager...
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.343 INF InControl (version 1.8.9 build 9376, native module = False, XInput = False)
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.351 INF InControl (version 1.8.9 build 9376)
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.571 INF UnityInputDeviceManager enabled.
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.608 INF [Platform] Initializing Steam
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.626 INF [Platform] Initializing EOS
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.652 INF [EOS] Initialize: Success
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.686 INF [Platform] Initializing XBL
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.687 INF [Platform] Initializing PSN
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.690 INF [SaveDataUtils] InitStatic Begin
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.694 INF [SaveDataUtils] SdPlayerPrefs -> Unity
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.694 INF [SaveDataUtils] InitStatic Complete
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.698 INF Last played version: V 1.0
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.704 INF Starting dedicated server level=Navezgane game name=Redgrass
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.704 INF Maximum allowed players: 8
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.704 INF Game mode: GameModeSurvival
2024-08-12T21:19:12 1.033 INF Localization language from prefs: english
2024-08-12T21:19:12 1.058 INF Awake IsFocused: True
2024-08-12T21:19:12 1.059 INF Awake
2024-08-12T21:19:12 1.351 INF Dedicated server only build
ERROR: Shader Occlusion/DepthCopy shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2024-08-12T21:19:12 1.403 INF Occlusion: Awake
2024-08-12T21:19:12 1.406 INF Texture quality is set to 3
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/VertexLit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Entity Tint Mask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Entity Tint Mask shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Entity Tint Mask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.673 INF [MODS] Start loading from: '/serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/../Mods'
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.688 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: '0_TFP_Harmony'
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.706 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: TFP_Harmony (
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.706 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: 'TFP_CommandExtensions'
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.707 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: TFP_CommandExtensions (
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.707 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: 'TFP_MapRendering'
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.708 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: TFP_MapRendering (
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.708 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: 'TFP_WebServer'
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.708 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: TFP_WebServer (
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.709 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: 'WalkerSim'
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.709 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: WalkerSim (
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.710 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.711 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod TFP_Harmony
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.733 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in TfpHarmony.dll, creating instance
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.735 INF [MODS]       [Harmony] Init done
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/data-0x1529b004f3b0.so
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.417 INF [MODS]     Initialized code in mod 'TFP_Harmony' from DLL 'TfpHarmony.dll'
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.417 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod TFP_CommandExtensions
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.417 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in CommandExtensions.dll, creating instance
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.418 INF [MODS]     Initialized code in mod 'TFP_CommandExtensions' from DLL 'CommandExtensions.dll'
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.418 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod TFP_MapRendering
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.418 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in MapRendering.dll, creating instance
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.420 INF [MODS]     Initialized code in mod 'TFP_MapRendering' from DLL 'MapRendering.dll'
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.420 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod TFP_WebServer
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.421 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in WebServer.dll, creating instance
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.442 INF [MODS]     Initialized code in mod 'TFP_WebServer' from DLL 'WebServer.dll'
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.442 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod WalkerSim
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.443 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in WalkerSimMod.dll, creating instance
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.516 INF [MODS]     Initialized code in mod 'WalkerSim' from DLL 'WalkerSimMod.dll'
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.517 INF [MODS] Loading done
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.562 INF Loading permissions file at '/serverdata/serverfiles/User/Saves/serveradmin.xml'
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.615 INF Loading permissions file done.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_B' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_B shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_B' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Additive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_fireShader_A' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/partPyro_fireShader_A shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_fireShader_A' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/bloodShader_U shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/bloodShader_spec_T' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/bloodShader_spec_T shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/bloodShader_spec_T' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/bloodShader_T' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/bloodShader_T shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/bloodShader_T' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/bloodShader_O' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/bloodShader_O shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/bloodShader_O' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Autodesk Interactive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Particles/Standard Surface shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk XFade' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Autodesk XFade shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk XFade' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Glass' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_Glass shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Glass' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Fire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_Fire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Fire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended Premultiply shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Legacy/AlphaSelfIllum shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Particles/Blood_Particle shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Standard Surface shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/gasGenericShader_A' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/gasGenericShader_A shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/gasGenericShader_A' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Particles/Standard Unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Specular shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Bumped Specular shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_C' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_C shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_C' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/surfaceShader_particleEnhanced' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/surfaceShader_particleEnhanced shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/surfaceShader_particleEnhanced' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Specular setup)' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard (Specular setup) shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Specular setup)' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Lit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Lit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Additive (Soft) shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/BasicUV_TA' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/BasicUV_TA shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/BasicUV_TA' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Shader Forge/PaintParticle shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Shader Forge/7DTD_Fire_New shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/shader_gas_unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/shader_gas_unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/shader_gas_unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Bumped Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Bumped Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Bumped Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/VertexLit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Specular shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/vomitShader_T' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/vomitShader_T shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/vomitShader_T' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/shader_gas_lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/shader_gas_lit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/shader_gas_lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "Head" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/ZombieGibRadiation' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/ZombieGibRadiation shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/ZombieGibRadiation' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Liquid' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Liquid shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Liquid' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/VertexLit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Reflective/VertexLit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/VertexLit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Bumped Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Bumped Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Bumped Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Bumped Specular shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Sprites/Default shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'stainedGlass' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader stainedGlass shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'stainedGlass' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Hidden/Game/ChunkTransparent shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.056 INF Loaded (local): events in 0.02
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.087 INF Loaded (local): rwgmixer in 0.02
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.105 INF Loaded (local): archetypes in 0.02
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.107 INF Loaded (local): loadingscreen in 0.00
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.121 INF Added 1335 subtitle data entries and 3 speaker colors
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.121 INF Loaded (local): subtitles in 0.01
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.122 INF Loaded (local): videos in 0.00
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.123 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 5.000s
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.195 INF Started Telnet on 9081
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.213 INF [PartyQuests] Initialized
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.215 INF Awake done in 7155 ms
ERROR: Shader Unlit/Text shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
2024-08-12T21:19:22 10.948 INF NET: Starting server protocols
2024-08-12T21:19:22 10.951 INF [NET] Disabling protocol: SteamNetworking
2024-08-12T21:19:22 10.995 INF NET: LiteNetLib server started
2024-08-12T21:19:22 10.998 INF [PlatformApplication] restart required = False
2024-08-12T21:19:22 10.998 INF StartGame
2024-08-12T21:19:22 10.999 INF NetPackageManager Init
2024-08-12T21:19:22 11.237 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
GamePref.AdminFileName = serveradmin.xml
GamePref.AirDropFrequency = 72
GamePref.AirDropMarker = False
GamePref.AllowSpawnNearBackpack = True
GamePref.AutopilotMode = 0
GamePref.BedrollDeadZoneSize = 15
GamePref.BedrollExpiryTime = 45
GamePref.BlockDamageAI = 100
GamePref.BlockDamageAIBM = 100
GamePref.BlockDamagePlayer = 100
GamePref.BloodMoonEnemyCount = 8
GamePref.BloodMoonFrequency = 7
GamePref.BloodMoonRange = 3
GamePref.BloodMoonWarning = 12
GamePref.BuildCreate = False
GamePref.ConnectToServerIP =
GamePref.ConnectToServerPort = 26900
GamePref.CreateLevelDim = 4096
GamePref.CreateLevelName = My Level
GamePref.CreativeMenuEnabled = False
GamePref.DayCount = 3
GamePref.DayLightLength = 16
GamePref.DayNightLength = 120
GamePref.DeathPenalty = 1
GamePref.DebugMenuEnabled = False
GamePref.DebugMenuShowTasks = False
GamePref.DebugPanelsEnabled = -
GamePref.DebugStopEnemiesMoving = False
GamePref.DropOnDeath = 3
GamePref.DropOnQuit = 0
GamePref.DynamicMeshDistance = 1000
GamePref.DynamicMeshEnabled = True
GamePref.DynamicMeshLandClaimBuffer = 3
GamePref.DynamicMeshLandClaimOnly = True
GamePref.DynamicMeshMaxItemCache = 3
GamePref.DynamicMeshMaxRegionCache = 1
GamePref.DynamicMeshUseImposters = False
GamePref.DynamicSpawner = 
GamePref.EACEnabled = False
GamePref.EnableMapRendering = True
GamePref.EnemyDifficulty = 0
GamePref.EnemySpawnMode = True
GamePref.EulaLatestVersion = 0
GamePref.EulaVersionAccepted = -1
GamePref.FavoriteServersList = 
GamePref.FragLimit = 20
GamePref.GameDifficulty = 1
GamePref.GameGuidClient = 
GamePref.GameMode = GameModeSurvival
GamePref.GameName = Redgrass
GamePref.GameNameClient = My Game
GamePref.GameVersion = V 1.0
GamePref.GameWorld = Navezgane
GamePref.HideCommandExecutionLog = 0
GamePref.IgnoreEOSSanctions = False
GamePref.JoiningOptions = True
GamePref.LandClaimCount = 3
GamePref.LandClaimDeadZone = 30
GamePref.LandClaimDecayMode = 0
GamePref.LandClaimExpiryTime = 7
GamePref.LandClaimOfflineDelay = 0
GamePref.LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier = 4
GamePref.LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier = 4
GamePref.LandClaimSize = 41
GamePref.Language = English
GamePref.LanguageBrowser = 
GamePref.LastGameResetRevision = 0
GamePref.LastLoadedPrefab = 
GamePref.LastLoadingTipRead = -1
GamePref.LootAbundance = 50
GamePref.LootRespawnDays = 0
GamePref.LootTimer = 
GamePref.MatchLength = 10
GamePref.MaxChunkAge = -1
GamePref.MaxQueuedMeshLayers = 1000
GamePref.MaxSpawnedAnimals = 50
GamePref.MaxSpawnedZombies = 64
GamePref.MaxUncoveredMapChunksPerPlayer = 131072
GamePref.NoGraphicsMode = True
GamePref.OptionsAllowController = True
GamePref.OptionsAmbientVolumeLevel = 1
GamePref.OptionsAudioOcclusion = False
GamePref.OptionsBackgroundGlobalOpacity = 0.95
GamePref.OptionsChatCommunication = True
GamePref.OptionsControllerAimAssists = True
GamePref.OptionsControllerCursorHoverSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsControllerCursorSnap = True
GamePref.OptionsControllerJoystickLayout = 0
GamePref.OptionsControllerLookAcceleration = 4
GamePref.OptionsControllerLookAxisDeadzone = 0.1
GamePref.OptionsControllerLookInvert = False
GamePref.OptionsControllerMoveAxisDeadzone = 0.1
GamePref.OptionsControllerSensitivityX = 0.35
GamePref.OptionsControllerSensitivityY = 0.25
GamePref.OptionsControllerTriggerEffects = False
GamePref.OptionsControllerVehicleSensitivity = 1
GamePref.OptionsControllerVibration = True
GamePref.OptionsControllerVibrationStrength = 2
GamePref.OptionsControllerWeaponAiming = False
GamePref.OptionsControllerZoomSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsControlsResetRevision = 0
GamePref.OptionsControlsSprintLock = True
GamePref.OptionsDisableChunkLODs = False
GamePref.OptionsDisableXmlEvents = False
GamePref.OptionsDynamicMusicDailyTime = 0.45
GamePref.OptionsDynamicMusicEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsFilterProfanity = False
GamePref.OptionsForegroundGlobalOpacity = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxAA = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxAASharpness = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxBloom = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxBrightness = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsGfxDOF = False
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicMinFPS = 30
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicMode = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicScale = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxFOV = 65
GamePref.OptionsGfxGrassDistance = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxLODDistance = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsGfxMotionBlur = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxMotionBlurEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxObjQuality = 3
GamePref.OptionsGfxOcclusion = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxQualityPreset = 2
GamePref.OptionsGfxReflectQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxReflectShadows = False
GamePref.OptionsGfxResetRevision = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxResolution = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxShadowDistance = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxShadowQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxSSAO = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxSSReflections = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxStreamMipmaps = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxSunShafts = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxTerrainQuality = 3
GamePref.OptionsGfxTexFilter = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxTexQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxTreeDistance = 4
GamePref.OptionsGfxViewDistance = 6
GamePref.OptionsGfxVsync = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxWaterPtlLimiter = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsGfxWaterQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsHudOpacity = 1
GamePref.OptionsHudSize = 1
GamePref.OptionsInterfaceSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsIntroMovieEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsInvertMouse = False
GamePref.OptionsJournalPopup = True
GamePref.OptionsLiteNetLibMtuOverride = False
GamePref.OptionsLookSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsMenuMusicVolumeLevel = 0.7
GamePref.OptionsMicVolumeLevel = 0.75
GamePref.OptionsMumblePositionalAudioSupport = False
GamePref.OptionsMusicVolumeLevel = 0.6
GamePref.OptionsOverallAudioVolumeLevel = 1
GamePref.OptionsPlayChanceFrequency = 3
GamePref.OptionsPlayChanceProbability = 0.983
GamePref.OptionsPlayerModel = playerMale
GamePref.OptionsPlayerModelTexture = Player/Male/Player_male
GamePref.OptionsPOICulling = 1
GamePref.OptionsQuestsAutoAccept = True
GamePref.OptionsQuestsAutoShare = True
GamePref.OptionsScreenBoundsValue = 1
GamePref.OptionsSelectionBoxAlphaMultiplier = 0.4
GamePref.OptionsShowCompass = True
GamePref.OptionsShowCrosshair = True
GamePref.OptionsStabSpawnBlocksOnGround = True
GamePref.OptionsSubtitlesEnabled = False
GamePref.OptionsTempCelsius = False
GamePref.OptionsUiCompassUseEnglishCardinalDirections = False
GamePref.OptionsUiFpsScaling = 1
GamePref.OptionsVehicleLookSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsVoiceChatEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsVoiceInputDevice = 
GamePref.OptionsVoiceOutputDevice = 
GamePref.OptionsVoiceVolumeLevel = 0.75
GamePref.OptionsWeaponAiming = False
GamePref.OptionsZoomAccel = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsZoomSensitivity = 0.3
GamePref.PartySharedKillRange = 100
GamePref.PersistentPlayerProfiles = True
GamePref.PlayerAutologin = False
GamePref.PlayerKillingMode = 3
GamePref.PlayerName = Player
GamePref.PlayerSafeZoneHours = 5
GamePref.PlayerSafeZoneLevel = 5
GamePref.PlayerToken = 
GamePref.PlaytestBiome = 3
GamePref.QuestProgressionDailyLimit = 4
GamePref.RebuildMap = False
GamePref.Region = Europe
GamePref.SaveDataLimit = -1
GamePref.SelectionContextMode = 0
GamePref.SelectionOperationMode = 0
GamePref.ServerAdminSlots = 0
GamePref.ServerAdminSlotsPermission = 0
GamePref.ServerDescription = A 7 Days to Die server
GamePref.ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols = SteamNetworking
GamePref.ServerEnabled = False
GamePref.ServerIP = 
GamePref.ServerIsPublic = True
GamePref.ServerLoginConfirmationText = 
GamePref.ServerMaxAllowedViewDistance = 12
GamePref.ServerMaxPlayerCount = 8
GamePref.ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs = 2048
GamePref.ServerName = Redbeardian Style
GamePref.ServerPort = 26900
GamePref.ServerReservedSlots = 0
GamePref.ServerReservedSlotsPermission = 100
GamePref.ServerVisibility = 2
GamePref.ServerWebsiteURL = 
GamePref.ShowFriendPlayerOnMap = True
GamePref.SkipSpawnButton = False
GamePref.TelnetEnabled = True
GamePref.TelnetFailedLoginLimit = 10
GamePref.TelnetFailedLoginsBlocktime = 10
GamePref.TelnetPort = 9081
GamePref.TerminalWindowEnabled = True
GamePref.TwitchBloodMoonAllowed = False
GamePref.TwitchServerPermission = 90
GamePref.UNUSED_ControlPanelEnabled = False
GamePref.UNUSED_ControlPanelPort = 8080
GamePref.UNUSED_LastLoadedPrefabSize = 
GamePref.UNUSED_NewGameSetDefaults = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsBloom = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsDOF = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsFieldOfViewNew = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGamma = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGfxGameplayResolutionHeight = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGfxGameplayResolutionWidth = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGfxUMATexQuality = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsMotionBlur = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsObjectBlur = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionBounces = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionCullList = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionFarClip = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionRefreshMode = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionShadowDistance = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionTimeSlicingMode = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsSSAO = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsStreamingMipmapsBudget = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsSunShafts = 
GamePref.UNUSED_PlayerId = 
GamePref.UNUSED_SaveGameFolder = 
GamePref.UNUSED_UserDataFolder = 
GamePref.WebDashboardEnabled = True
GamePref.WebDashboardPort = 9080
GamePref.WebDashboardUrl = 
GamePref.WorldGenSeed = Luel
GamePref.WorldGenSize = 8192
GamePref.XPMultiplier = 100
GamePref.ZombieBMMove = 2
GamePref.ZombieFeralMove = 2
GamePref.ZombieFeralSense = 0
GamePref.ZombieMove = 0
GamePref.ZombieMoveNight = 1
GamePref.ZombiePlayers = True
GameStat.AirDropFrequency = 0
GameStat.AirDropMarker = True
GameStat.AllowedViewDistance = 12
GameStat.AnimalCount = 0
GameStat.AutoParty = False
GameStat.BedrollExpiryTime = 45
GameStat.BlockDamagePlayer = 100
GameStat.BloodMoonDay = 0
GameStat.BloodMoonEnemyCount = 8
GameStat.BloodMoonWarning = 8
GameStat.ChunkStabilityEnabled = True
GameStat.CurrentRoundIx = 0
GameStat.DayLightLength = 18
GameStat.DayLimitActive = False
GameStat.DayLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.DeathPenalty = XPOnly
GameStat.DropOnDeath = 1
GameStat.DropOnQuit = 0
GameStat.EnemyCount = 0
GameStat.EnemyDifficulty = Normal
GameStat.EnemySpawnMode = True
GameStat.FragLimitActive = False
GameStat.FragLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.GameDifficulty = 2
GameStat.GameDifficultyBonus = 1
GameStat.GameModeId = 0
GameStat.GameState = 0
GameStat.GlobalMessageToShow = 
GameStat.IsCreativeMenuEnabled = False
GameStat.IsFlyingEnabled = False
GameStat.IsPlayerCollisionEnabled = True
GameStat.IsPlayerDamageEnabled = True
GameStat.IsResetMapOnRestart = False
GameStat.IsSaveSupplyCrates = True
GameStat.IsSpawnEnemies = True
GameStat.IsSpawnNearOtherPlayer = False
GameStat.IsTeleportEnabled = False
GameStat.IsVersionCheckDone = False
GameStat.LandClaimCount = 3
GameStat.LandClaimDeadZone = 30
GameStat.LandClaimDecayMode = 0
GameStat.LandClaimExpiryTime = 3
GameStat.LandClaimOfflineDelay = 0
GameStat.LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier = 32
GameStat.LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier = 32
GameStat.LandClaimSize = 41
GameStat.LoadScene = 
GameStat.LootTimer = 
GameStat.OptionsPOICulling = 0
GameStat.PartySharedKillRange = 100
GameStat.PlayerKillingMode = KillStrangersOnly
GameStat.QuestProgressionDailyLimit = 4
GameStat.ScoreDiedMultiplier = -5
GameStat.ScorePlayerKillMultiplier = 1
GameStat.ScoreZombieKillMultiplier = 1
GameStat.ShowAllPlayersOnMap = False
GameStat.ShowFriendPlayerOnMap = True
GameStat.ShowSpawnWindow = False
GameStat.ShowWindow = 
GameStat.TimeLimitActive = False
GameStat.TimeLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.TimeOfDayIncPerSec = 20
GameStat.TwitchBloodMoonAllowed = True
GameStat.UNUSED_ShowZombieCounter = 
GameStat.XPMultiplier = 100
GameStat.ZombieHordeMeter = False
2024-08-12T21:19:22 11.340 INF StartAsServer
2024-08-12T21:19:22 11.377 INF Setting for 'DayNightLength' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 120, default = 60
2024-08-12T21:19:22 11.377 INF Setting for 'DropOnDeath' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 3, default = 1
2024-08-12T21:19:22 11.377 INF Setting for 'LootRespawnDays' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 0, default = 7
2024-08-12T21:19:22 11.377 INF Setting for 'LootAbundance' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 50, default = 100
2024-08-12T21:19:23 11.466 WRN save folder does not exist
2024-08-12T21:19:23 11.819 INF Loaded (local): events in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:24 12.570 INF Loaded (local): materials in 0.30
2024-08-12T21:19:24 12.918 INF Loaded (local): physicsbodies in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:24 13.268 INF Loaded (local): painting in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:25 13.669 INF Loaded (local): shapes in 0.10
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/VertexLit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SpeedTree' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/SpeedTree shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SpeedTree' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Nature/SpeedTree Billboard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Nature/SpeedTree Billboard shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Nature/SpeedTree Billboard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/BlockMissing shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Entity Tint Mask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Entity Tint Mask shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Entity Tint Mask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Transparent shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Liquid' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_Liquid shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Liquid' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/SignTextShader' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/SignTextShader shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/SignTextShader' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk XFade' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Autodesk XFade shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk XFade' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended Premultiply shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Fire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_Fire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Fire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
ERROR: Shader Game/SemiTransGlow shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Particles/Standard Unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/TorchFire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/TorchFire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/TorchFire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_fireShader_A' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/partPyro_fireShader_A shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_fireShader_A' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_B' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_B shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_B' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Additive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Particles/Standard Surface shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Autodesk Interactive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Character shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Autodesk shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Cobweb' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_Cobweb shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Cobweb' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/EntityTintMaskSSS' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/EntityTintMaskSSS shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/EntityTintMaskSSS' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/CharacterPlayerOutfit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/CharacterPlayerOutfit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/CharacterPlayerOutfit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Lit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Standard Surface shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Autodesk shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Sign_Illuminated' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_Sign_Illuminated shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Sign_Illuminated' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/SignTextShader' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/SignTextShader shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/SignTextShader' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Transparent shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Nature/SpeedTree8' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Nature/SpeedTree8 shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Nature/SpeedTree8' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SpeedTree8' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/SpeedTree8 shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SpeedTree8' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Nature/SpeedTree' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Nature/SpeedTree shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Nature/SpeedTree' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk XFade' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Autodesk XFade shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk XFade' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Specular setup)' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard (Specular setup) shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Specular setup)' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_RallyPoint' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_RallyPoint shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_RallyPoint' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system OffState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system RebootState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system OnState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system EnteringOnState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
There is no texture data available to upload.
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system OnState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system EnteringOnState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system OffState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system RebootState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
ERROR: Shader Game/Character shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Cloth' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Cloth shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Cloth' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/shader_gas_unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/shader_gas_unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/shader_gas_unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11)
2024-08-12T21:19:41 30.144 INF Block IDs with mapping
2024-08-12T21:19:41 30.156 INF Block IDs total 23969, terr 29, last 24191
2024-08-12T21:19:41 30.179 INF Loaded (local): blocks in 16.10
Unloading 74046 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 79417.
Total: 452.079384 ms (FindLiveObjects: 6.683322 ms CreateObjectMapping: 10.802910 ms MarkObjects: 394.541834 ms  DeleteObjects: 40.038818 ms)

2024-08-12T21:19:42 31.026 INF Loaded (local): progression in 0.23
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD_Unity5/WaterInBucket' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD_Unity5/WaterInBucket shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD_Unity5/WaterInBucket' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2024-08-12T21:19:43 32.192 INF Loaded (local): buffs in 0.92
2024-08-12T21:19:44 32.511 INF Loaded (local): misc in 0.10
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/TorchFire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/TorchFire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/TorchFire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/TorchFire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/TorchFire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/TorchFire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/TorchGlow' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/TorchGlow shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/TorchGlow' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
2024-08-12T21:19:45 33.444 INF Loaded (local): items in 0.63
ERROR: Shader Shader Forge/7DTD_Particle_Additive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Glass Reflex' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Glass Reflex shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Glass Reflex' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2024-08-12T21:19:45 33.856 INF Item IDs with mapping
2024-08-12T21:19:45 33.857 INF ItemIDs from Mapping
2024-08-12T21:19:45 33.862 INF ItemClass assignLeftOverItems 66882 of 81920
2024-08-12T21:19:45 33.946 INF Loaded (local): item_modifiers in 0.09
2024-08-12T21:19:45 34.339 INF Loaded (local): entityclasses in 0.14
2024-08-12T21:19:46 34.651 INF Loaded (local): qualityinfo in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:46 35.001 INF Loaded (local): sounds in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:46 35.401 INF Loaded (local): recipes in 0.15
2024-08-12T21:19:47 35.735 INF Loaded (local): blockplaceholders in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:47 36.087 INF Loaded (local): loot in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:48 36.436 INF Loaded (local): entitygroups in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:48 36.787 INF Loaded (local): utilityai in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:48 37.087 INF Loaded (local): vehicles in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:49 37.436 INF Loaded (local): rwgmixer in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:49 37.786 INF Loaded (local): weathersurvival in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:49 38.136 INF Loaded (local): archetypes in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:50 38.486 INF Loaded (local): challenges in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:50 38.984 INF Loaded (local): quests in 0.20
2024-08-12T21:19:50 39.333 INF Loaded (local): traders in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:51 39.684 INF Loaded (local): npc in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:51 40.034 INF Loaded (local): dialogs in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:51 40.384 INF Loaded (local): ui_display in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:52 40.733 INF Loaded (local): nav_objects in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:52 41.083 INF Loaded (local): gamestages in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:53 41.832 INF Loaded (local): gameevents in 0.50
2024-08-12T21:19:53 42.181 INF Loaded (local): twitch in 0.11
2024-08-12T21:19:54 42.528 INF Loaded (local): twitch_events in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:54 42.893 INF Loaded (local): dmscontent in 0.12
2024-08-12T21:19:54 43.242 INF Loaded (local): XUi_Common/styles in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:55 43.592 INF Loaded (local): XUi_Common/controls in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:55 43.942 INF Loaded (local): XUi/styles in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:55 44.293 INF Loaded (local): XUi/controls in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:56 44.643 INF Loaded (local): XUi/windows in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:56 44.994 INF Loaded (local): XUi/xui in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:56 45.392 INF Loaded (local): biomes in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:57 45.743 INF Loaded (local): worldglobal in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:57 46.092 INF Loaded (local): spawning in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:58 46.442 INF Loaded (local): loadingscreen in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:58 46.746 INF Added 1335 subtitle data entries and 3 speaker colors
2024-08-12T21:19:58 46.792 INF Loaded (local): subtitles in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:58 47.143 INF Loaded (local): videos in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:58 47.296 INF createWorld: Navezgane, Redgrass, GameModeSurvival
2024-08-12T21:19:58 47.298 INF Occlusion: Disabled
2024-08-12T21:19:58 47.359 INF Started thread ChunkRegeneration
2024-08-12T21:19:58 47.359 INF Started thread ChunkCalc
2024-08-12T21:19:58 47.361 INF Started thread ChunkMeshBake
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.446 INF World.Load: Navezgane
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.462 INF Loading base world file header...
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.470 INF Loaded world file from different version: 'V 2.0 (b15)'
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.490 INF BloodMoon SetDay: day 9, last day 0, freq 7, range 3
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.510 INF BloodMoon SetDay: day 10, last day 0, freq 7, range 3
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.511 INF BloodMoon SetDay: day 9, last day 0, freq 7, range 3
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.526 INF Started thread WaterSimulationApplyChanges
2024-08-12T21:20:03 52.040 INF Started thread GenerateChunks
2024-08-12T21:20:04 53.175 INF Calculating world hashes took 1035 ms (world size 191 MiB)
2024-08-12T21:20:04 53.179 INF Initial ENABLE_FILE_BACKED_ARRAYS == False
2024-08-12T21:20:04 53.259 INF Loading dtm raw file took 1169ms
2024-08-12T21:20:04 53.381 INF Biomes image size w= 3072, h = 3072
2024-08-12T21:20:05 54.283 INF Loading and creating biomes took 1024ms
Texture with ID 2745 and with size 6144x6144 was too large for graphics device maximum supported texture size (4096x4096). Falling back to a dummy texture. Generate mip maps to provide lower size fallback.
Texture with ID 2746 and with size 6144x6144 was too large for graphics device maximum supported texture size (4096x4096). Falling back to a dummy texture. Generate mip maps to provide lower size fallback.
2024-08-12T21:20:06 55.078 INF Loading and creating shader control textures took 794ms
2024-08-12T21:20:07 56.011 INF Loading and parsing of generator took 932ms
2024-08-12T21:20:07 56.091 INF Computed 415 chunk groups containing a total of 8472 chunks. Largest group contains 449 chunks.
2024-08-12T21:20:07 56.097 INF Started thread SaveChunks /serverdata/serverfiles/User/Saves/Navezgane/Redgrass/Region
2024-08-12T21:20:09 57.753 INF [DECO] read 
2024-08-12T21:20:09 57.802 INF Decorating chunks
2024-08-12T21:20:09 58.254 INF Dynamic Music Initialized on Server
2024-08-12T21:20:09 58.254 INF Dynamic Music Initialized on Dedi
2024-08-12T21:20:09 58.302 INF AstarManager Init
2024-08-12T21:20:10 58.628 INF WeatherManager: Init 8 weather packages
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD_Unity5/Wire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD_Unity5/Wire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD_Unity5/Wire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
2024-08-12T21:20:10 58.995 INF createWorld() done
2024-08-12T21:20:10 59.000 INF Loading players.xml
2024-08-12T21:20:10 59.025 INF WeatherManager: ApplySavedPackages
2024-08-12T21:20:10 59.074 INF Loaded player
2024-08-12T21:20:10 59.228 INF [EOS] Registering server
2024-08-12T21:20:10 59.280 INF [PlayerInteractions] JoinedMultiplayerServer not supported with current platforms
[S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded local 'steamclient.so' OK.
CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 13 milliseconds to initialize
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 251570
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561197960265728 [API loaded no]
[S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamNetworkingUtils004 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.760 INF Loading dymesh settings
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.762 INF Dynamic Mesh Settings
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.762 INF Use Imposter Values: False
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.762 INF Only Player Areas: True
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.762 INF Player Area Buffer: 3
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.762 INF Max View Distance: 1000
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.762 INF Regen all on new world: False
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.768 INF Dymesh: Prepping dynamic mesh. Resend Default: True
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.769 INF Dymesh: Mesh location: /serverdata/serverfiles/User/Saves/Navezgane/Redgrass/DynamicMeshes/
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.773 WRN [Web] WebDashboardUrl not set. Recommended to set it to the public URL pointing to your dashboard / reverse proxy
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.781 INF [Web] Serving basic webserver files from /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/../Mods/TFP_WebServer/webroot
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.814 INF Started thread SSE-Processing_/sse/
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.950 INF [Web] OpenAPI preparation done
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.976 INF [Web] Started Webserver on port 9080
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.176 INF [Web] IconHandler: Loaded 8583 icons (5127 source images with 3456 tints applied)
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.194 INF [Web] IconHandler: Total time 20198 ms, loading files 3404 ms, tinting files 10855 ms, encoding files 5423 ms
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.196 INF [Web] IconHandler: Cached 182824 KiB
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.197 INF [WalkerSim] World Folder: /serverdata/serverfiles/Data/Worlds/Navezgane
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.197 INF [WalkerSim] Loading Map Data...
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.210 ERR [MODS] Error while executing GameStartDone on mod "WalkerSim"
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.217 EXC The type initializer for 'System.Drawing.GDIPlus' threw an exception. ---> libgdiplus.so.0 assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.GDIPlus.GdiplusStartup(ulong&,System.Drawing.GdiplusStartupInput&,System.Drawing.GdiplusStartupOutput&)
  at System.Drawing.GDIPlus..cctor () [0x000b0] in <6d510e0863874ad0b12fe1f2016a4a74>:0 
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.Drawing.GDIPlus' threw an exception.
  at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile (System.String filename, System.Boolean useEmbeddedColorManagement) [0x0001d] in <6d510e0863874ad0b12fe1f2016a4a74>:0 
  at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile (System.String filename) [0x00000] in <6d510e0863874ad0b12fe1f2016a4a74>:0 
  at WalkerSim.MapData.LoadRoadSplat (System.String folderPath) [0x0003e] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at WalkerSim.MapData.LoadFromFolder (System.String folderPath) [0x00016] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at WalkerSim.Simulation.LoadMapData (System.String directoryPath) [0x00000] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at WalkerSim.WalkerSimMod+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<LoadMapData>b__0 () [0x00000] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at WalkerSim.Utils.Measure (System.Action action) [0x00005] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at WalkerSim.WalkerSimMod.LoadMapData () [0x0005c] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at WalkerSim.WalkerSimMod.GameStartDone () [0x00012] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at ModEvent.Invoke () [0x00011] in <6852d66f1c454f28b8c6698872258303>:0 
ModEventAbs`1:LogError(Exception, Receiver)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.221 INF StartGame done
ERROR: Shader UI/Default shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
2024-08-12T21:20:34 82.472 INF [Steamworks.NET] Registering auth callbacks
2024-08-12T21:20:34 82.480 INF [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.Init successful
2024-08-12T21:20:34 82.486 INF [Steamworks.NET] Making server public
2024-08-12T21:20:34 82.746 INF [EOS] Server registered, session: 407a90de843747a3b4191cfbb2d6989f
2024-08-12T21:20:34 82.758 INF [EOS] Session address: 6*.13*.7*.14*
2024-08-12T21:20:34 82.944 INF [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.LogOn successful, SteamID=90200880241373214, public IP=6*.13*.7*.14*
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.140 INF Dymesh: Warming dynamic mesh
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.140 INF Dymesh: Creating dynamic mesh manager
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.147 INF Dymesh: Awake
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.147 INF Dymesh: Mesh location: /serverdata/serverfiles/User/Saves/Navezgane/Redgrass/DynamicMeshes/
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.150 INF Dymesh: Loading Items: /serverdata/serverfiles/User/Saves/Navezgane/Redgrass/DynamicMeshes/
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.154 INF Dymesh: Loaded Items: 0
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.156 INF Dymesh: Loading all items took: 0.006634 seconds.
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.165 INF Clearing queues.
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.166 INF Cleared queues.
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.168 INF Dynamic thread starting
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.173 INF Dymesh door replacement: imposterBlock
2024-08-12T21:22:03 171.947 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Connect from: / 0
2024-08-12T21:22:03 171.952 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_0_0
2024-08-12T21:22:03 171.952 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_0_0
2024-08-12T21:22:03 171.953 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_0_1
2024-08-12T21:22:03 171.953 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_0_1
2024-08-12T21:22:03 171.970 INF [NET] PlayerConnected EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Local_<none>', CrossId='<unknown/none>', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.000 INF [DECO] written 75380, in 24ms
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.009 INF [DECO] write thread 7ms
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.042 INF NPPL.Read
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.071 INF PlayerLogin: ErikRedbeard/V 1.0
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.071 INF Client IP:
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.075 INF [Auth] PlayerName authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.077 INF [Auth] ServerState authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.077 INF [Auth] MpHostAllowed authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.078 INF [Auth] PlayerId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.079 INF [Auth] DuplicateUserId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.080 INF [Auth] VersionCheck authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.082 INF [Auth] PlayerSlots authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.083 INF [Auth] LegacyModAuthorizations authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.085 INF [Steamworks.NET] Auth.AuthenticateUser()
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.097 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authenticating player: ErikRedbeard SteamId: 76561197966484518 TicketLen: 1024 Result: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK
2024-08-12T21:22:05 173.432 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authentication callback. ID: 76561197966484518, owner: 76561197966484518, result: k_EAuthSessionResponseOK
2024-08-12T21:22:05 173.433 INF [Auth] PlatformAuth authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:05 173.434 INF [Auth] SteamFamily authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:05 173.722 INF [Auth] SteamGroups authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:05 173.724 INF [EOS] Verifying token for 00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1
2024-08-12T21:22:05 174.377 INF [EOS] Device=, Platform=steam, AccType=Steam, AccId=76561197966484518, PUID=00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1
2024-08-12T21:22:06 174.925 INF [EOS] Player may have active sanctions
2024-08-12T21:22:06 174.926 INF [EOS] SanctionsQuery finished with: 0 sanctions
2024-08-12T21:22:06 174.927 INF [Auth] CrossplatformAuth authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:06 174.931 INF [Auth] BansAndWhitelist authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:06 174.932 INF [Auth] Crossplay authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:06 174.970 INF [Auth] Finalizer authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:06 175.005 INF Allowing player with id EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1
2024-08-12T21:22:06 175.171 INF RequestToEnterGame: EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1/ErikRedbeard
2024-08-12T21:22:33 201.825 INF Time: 2.79m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1377.7MB Max: 1377.7MB Chunks: 9 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 0 Ent: 0 (0) Items: 0 CO: 0 RSS: 2141.9MB
2024-08-12T21:22:34 202.624 INF Dymesh: Update items to send for ErikRedbeard id: -1  recieved: 0
2024-08-12T21:22:34 202.630 INF Dymesh: Items to send: 0   Added: 0   chunks: 0
2024-08-12T21:22:45 213.576 INF RequestToSpawnPlayer: 171, ErikRedbeard, 7
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SDCS/Skin' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/SDCS/Skin shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SDCS/Skin' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SDCS/Hair' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/SDCS/Hair shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SDCS/Hair' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2024-08-12T21:22:45 213.912 WRN Parameter 'IsMale' not found in animator
2024-08-12T21:22:45 213.930 INF Created player with id=171
2024-08-12T21:22:48 217.317 INF GMSG: Player 'ErikRedbeard' joined the game
2024-08-12T21:22:48 217.318 INF [WalkerSim] Max View Distance: 12
2024-08-12T21:22:48 217.318 INF [WalkerSim] View Radius: 96
2024-08-12T21:22:48 217.320 INF [WalkerSim] Player added in simulation, entity id: 171, position: (-282, -408, 60)
2024-08-12T21:22:48 217.331 INF PlayerSpawnedInWorld (reason: EnterMultiplayer, position: -282, 60, 408): EntityID=171, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:50 219.333 INF MinEventLogMessage: XP gained during the last level:
2024-08-12T21:22:50 219.334 INF CVarLogValue: $xpFromLootThisLevel == 0
2024-08-12T21:22:50 219.334 INF CVarLogValue: $xpFromHarvestingThisLevel == 0
2024-08-12T21:22:50 219.334 INF CVarLogValue: $xpFromKillThisLevel == 0
2024-08-12T21:23:03 231.985 INF Time: 3.29m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1620.2MB Max: 1620.2MB Chunks: 298 CGO: 9 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 2471.9MB
2024-08-12T21:23:03 232.157 INF [DECO] written 75390, in 22ms
2024-08-12T21:23:03 232.165 INF [DECO] write thread 7ms
2024-08-12T21:23:33 261.986 INF Time: 3.79m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1731.4MB Max: 1731.4MB Chunks: 304 CGO: 18 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 2611.4MB
2024-08-12T21:24:03 291.989 INF Time: 4.29m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1724.0MB Max: 1731.4MB Chunks: 310 CGO: 18 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 2621.4MB
2024-08-12T21:24:03 292.161 INF [DECO] written 75394, in 22ms
2024-08-12T21:24:03 292.170 INF [DECO] write thread 8ms
2024-08-12T21:24:33 321.991 INF Time: 4.79m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1752.0MB Max: 1752.0MB Chunks: 310 CGO: 12 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 2636.2MB
2024-08-12T21:24:38 327.060 INF 292.5762 SleeperVolume -219, 61, 675: Spawning -212, 61, 677 (-14, 42), group 'sleeperHordeStageGS1', class zombieMarlene, count 0
2024-08-12T21:24:39 327.519 INF 293.0468 SleeperVolume -219, 61, 675: Spawning -203, 61, 680 (-13, 42), group 'sleeperHordeStageGS1', class zombieBusinessMan, count 0
2024-08-12T21:24:39 327.623 INF 293.1501 SleeperVolume -219, 61, 675: Spawning -200, 61, 675 (-13, 42), group 'BoarGroup', class animalBoar, count 0
2024-08-12T21:24:39 327.734 INF 293.2613 SleeperVolume -219, 61, 675: Spawning -204, 61, 681 (-13, 42), group 'sleeperHordeStageGS1', class zombieArlene, count 0
2024-08-12T21:24:41 329.485 INF 295.0115 SleeperVolume -203, 61, 683: None spawned, canSpawn True, respawnCnt 0
2024-08-12T21:24:45 333.686 INF VehicleManager saving 0 (0 + 0)
2024-08-12T21:24:45 333.687 INF DroneManager saving 0 (0 + 0)
2024-08-12T21:24:45 333.687 INF VehicleManager saved 9 bytes
2024-08-12T21:24:45 333.688 INF TurretTracker saving 0 (0 + 0)
2024-08-12T21:24:45 333.689 INF DroneManager saved 9 bytes
2024-08-12T21:24:45 333.690 INF TurretTracker saved 9 bytes
2024-08-12T21:25:03 352.037 INF Time: 5.29m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1728.8MB Max: 1752.0MB Chunks: 313 CGO: 21 Ply: 1 Zom: 3 Ent: 7 (8) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 2654.7MB
2024-08-12T21:25:03 352.211 INF [DECO] written 75417, in 24ms
2024-08-12T21:25:03 352.217 INF [DECO] write thread 6ms
2024-08-12T21:25:15 364.095 INF Entity zombieBusinessMan 175 killed by ErikRedbeard 171
ERROR: Shader Game/ZombieDismembermentBloodcap shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Dismember/CharMask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Dismember/CharMask shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Dismember/CharMask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2024-08-12T21:25:20 368.528 INF Entity zombieArlene 177 killed by ErikRedbeard 171
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.506 INF Player ErikRedbeard disconnected after 2.7 minutes
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.823 INF DynamicMusic: 171 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.824 INF Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 171 Total: 1
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.826 INF [WalkerSim] Player removed from simulation, entity id: 171
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.826 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=171, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.827 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_0_1
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.827 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_0_0
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.827 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_0_0
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.827 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_0_1
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.833 INF GMSG: Player 'ErikRedbeard' left the game
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.837 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: / 0 (RemoteConnectionClose)
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.840 INF NET: LiteNetLib: MT: Client disconnect from: / 0 (RemoteConnectionClose)
2024-08-12T21:25:33 382.057 INF Time: 5.79m FPS: 18.78 Heap: 1729.3MB Max: 1752.0MB Chunks: 313 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 1 Ent: 0 (8) Items: 0 CO: 0 RSS: 2658.2MB
2024-08-12T21:25:35 383.506 INF Clearing all pools
2024-08-12T21:26:07 415.864 INF Preparing quit
2024-08-12T21:26:07 415.864 INF Disconnect
2024-08-12T21:26:07 415.866 INF [NET] ServerShutdown
2024-08-12T21:26:07 415.867 INF NET: Stopping server protocols
2024-08-12T21:26:07 416.352 INF NET: LiteNetLib server stopped
2024-08-12T21:26:07 416.356 INF SaveAndCleanupWorld
2024-08-12T21:26:07 416.384 INF Saving 0 of chunks took 20ms
2024-08-12T21:26:07 416.388 INF [Steamworks.NET] Exiting Lobby
2024-08-12T21:26:07 416.389 INF [EOS] Unregistering server
2024-08-12T21:26:07 416.392 INF [Steamworks.NET] Stopping server
Shutdown handler: initialize.
dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2024-08-12T21:26:08 416.844 INF AstarManager Cleanup
2024-08-12T21:26:08 416.943 INF Clearing queues.
2024-08-12T21:26:08 416.943 INF Cleared queues.
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.851 INF Clearing queues.
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.851 INF Cleared queues.
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.863 INF World.Unload
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.875 INF Exited thread GenerateChunks
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.881 INF Exited thread SaveChunks /serverdata/serverfiles/User/Saves/Navezgane/Redgrass/Region
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.897 INF World.Cleanup
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.901 INF Exited thread ChunkRegeneration
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.906 INF Exited thread ChunkCalc
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.907 INF Exited thread ChunkMeshBake
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.927 INF Exited thread WaterSimulationApplyChanges
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.939 INF VehicleManager saving 0 (0 + 0)
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.941 INF VehicleManager saved 9 bytes
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.942 INF DroneManager saving 0 (0 + 0)
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.943 INF DroneManager saved 9 bytes
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.944 INF TurretTracker saving 0 (0 + 0)
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.945 INF TurretTracker saved 9 bytes
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.954 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.974 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.974 INF Cleanup
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.975 INF Exited thread SSE-Processing_/sse/
2024-08-12T21:26:09 418.218 INF [EOS] Server unregistered
2024-08-12T21:26:10 418.960 INF Terminating threads
2024-08-12T21:26:10 418.961 INF OnApplicationQuit
2024-08-12T21:26:10 418.963 INF Terminating threads
2024-08-12T21:26:10 418.963 INF OnApplicationQuit
Memory Statistics:
  StackAllocators : 
      Peak usage frame count: [0-1.0 KB]: 1 frames, [8.0 KB-16.0 KB]: 2406 frames, [16.0 KB-32.0 KB]: 122 frames, [32.0 KB-64.0 KB]: 78 frames, [64.0 KB-128.0 KB]: 4763 frames, [128.0 KB-256.0 KB]: 109 frames, [256.0 KB-0.5 MB]: 3 frames, [0.5 MB-1.0 MB]: 4 frames, [1.0 MB-2.0 MB]: 3 frames, [2.0 MB-4.0 MB]: 10 frames, [4.0 MB-8.0 MB]: 5 frames
      Initial Block Size 4.0 MB
      Current Block Size 8.0 MB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 7.8 MB
      Overflow Count 15901
      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB
      Current Block Size 128.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 127.7 KB
      Overflow Count 0
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 504.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 500.7 KB
      Overflow Count 28
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 8]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 6]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 0]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 10]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 9]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 5]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 14]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 6]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 4]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 14]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 3]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 13]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 12]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_EnlightenWorker] x 8
      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB
      Current Block Size 64.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 15]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 1]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 40.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 39.6 KB
      Overflow Count 2
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 2]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 60.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 56.9 KB
      Overflow Count 1
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 7]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_AssetGarbageCollectorHelper] x 15
      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB
      Current Block Size 64.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 5]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 56.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 53.1 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 9]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 13]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 8]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 7]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 1]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 2]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 340.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 285.1 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 3]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 36.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 32.0 KB
      Overflow Count 1
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 11]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 10]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 0]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 11]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 12]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 4]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 36.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 32.0 KB
      Overflow Count 1
      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB
      Current Block Size 64.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
[ALLOC_DEFAULT] Dual Thread Allocator
  Peak main deferred allocation count 17727
      Large Block size 4.0 MB
      Used Block count 1
      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB
      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:
        16B: 1 Subsections = 1024 buckets. Failed count: 488440
        32B: 5 Subsections = 2560 buckets. Failed count: 120620
        48B: 36 Subsections = 12288 buckets. Failed count: 438872
        64B: 109 Subsections = 27904 buckets. Failed count: 1687876
        80B: 93 Subsections = 19046 buckets. Failed count: 62732
        96B: 8 Subsections = 1365 buckets. Failed count: 72057
        112B: 2 Subsections = 292 buckets. Failed count: 4799
        128B: 2 Subsections = 256 buckets. Failed count: 59338
      Peak usage frame count: [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 3477 frames, [64.0 MB-128.0 MB]: 4027 frames
      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB
      Peak Block count 7
      Peak Allocated memory 87.2 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 36.0 MB
      Peak usage frame count: [8.0 MB-16.0 MB]: 248 frames, [16.0 MB-32.0 MB]: 3249 frames, [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 32 frames, [64.0 MB-128.0 MB]: 3975 frames
      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB
      Peak Block count 7
      Peak Allocated memory 92.9 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
  Initial Block Size 2.0 MB
  Used Block Count 0
  Overflow Count (too large) 0
  Overflow Count (full) 0
  Initial Block Size 2.0 MB
  Used Block Count 0
  Overflow Count (too large) 0
  Overflow Count (full) 0
  Initial Block Size 2.0 MB
  Used Block Count 1
  Overflow Count (too large) 4
  Overflow Count (full) 0
  Initial Block Size 1.0 MB
  Used Block Count 1
  Overflow Count (too large) 0
  Overflow Count (full) 0
[ALLOC_GFX] Dual Thread Allocator
  Peak main deferred allocation count 1
      Large Block size 4.0 MB
      Used Block count 1
      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB
      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:
        16B: 1 Subsections = 1024 buckets. Failed count: 488440
        32B: 5 Subsections = 2560 buckets. Failed count: 120620
        48B: 36 Subsections = 12288 buckets. Failed count: 438872
        64B: 109 Subsections = 27904 buckets. Failed count: 1687876
        80B: 93 Subsections = 19046 buckets. Failed count: 62732
        96B: 8 Subsections = 1365 buckets. Failed count: 72057
        112B: 2 Subsections = 292 buckets. Failed count: 4799
        128B: 2 Subsections = 256 buckets. Failed count: 59338
      Peak usage frame count: [64.0 KB-128.0 KB]: 245 frames, [128.0 KB-256.0 KB]: 1 frames, [0.5 MB-1.0 MB]: 1 frames, [1.0 MB-2.0 MB]: 9 frames, [8.0 MB-16.0 MB]: 18 frames, [16.0 MB-32.0 MB]: 14 frames, [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 9 frames, [64.0 MB-128.0 MB]: 7170 frames, [128.0 MB-256.0 MB]: 12 frames, [256.0 MB-0.50 GB]: 24 frames, [0.50 GB-1.00 GB]: 1 frames
      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB
      Peak Block count 60
      Peak Allocated memory 0.92 GB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 324.0 MB
      Peak usage frame count: [8.0 MB-16.0 MB]: 5721 frames, [16.0 MB-32.0 MB]: 1783 frames
      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB
      Peak Block count 2
      Peak Allocated memory 21.5 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
[ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS] Dual Thread Allocator
  Peak main deferred allocation count 108679
      Large Block size 4.0 MB
      Used Block count 1
      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB
      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:
        16B: 1 Subsections = 1024 buckets. Failed count: 488440
        32B: 5 Subsections = 2560 buckets. Failed count: 120620
        48B: 36 Subsections = 12288 buckets. Failed count: 438872
        64B: 109 Subsections = 27904 buckets. Failed count: 1687876
        80B: 93 Subsections = 19046 buckets. Failed count: 62732
        96B: 8 Subsections = 1365 buckets. Failed count: 72057
        112B: 2 Subsections = 292 buckets. Failed count: 4799
        128B: 2 Subsections = 256 buckets. Failed count: 59338
      Peak usage frame count: [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 3433 frames, [64.0 MB-128.0 MB]: 4069 frames, [128.0 MB-256.0 MB]: 2 frames
      Requested Block Size 4.0 MB
      Peak Block count 25
      Peak Allocated memory 173.2 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 145.4 MB
      Peak usage frame count: [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 246 frames, [64.0 MB-128.0 MB]: 7257 frames, [128.0 MB-256.0 MB]: 1 frames
      Requested Block Size 4.0 MB
      Peak Block count 15
      Peak Allocated memory 134.9 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 90.3 MB
[ALLOC_TYPETREE] Dual Thread Allocator
  Peak main deferred allocation count 0
      Large Block size 4.0 MB
      Used Block count 1
      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB
      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:
        16B: 1 Subsections = 1024 buckets. Failed count: 488440
        32B: 5 Subsections = 2560 buckets. Failed count: 120620
        48B: 36 Subsections = 12288 buckets. Failed count: 438872
        64B: 109 Subsections = 27904 buckets. Failed count: 1687876
        80B: 93 Subsections = 19046 buckets. Failed count: 62732
        96B: 8 Subsections = 1365 buckets. Failed count: 72057
        112B: 2 Subsections = 292 buckets. Failed count: 4799
        128B: 2 Subsections = 256 buckets. Failed count: 59338
      Peak usage frame count: [4.0 KB-8.0 KB]: 246 frames, [128.0 KB-256.0 KB]: 7258 frames
      Requested Block Size 2.0 MB
      Peak Block count 1
      Peak Allocated memory 199.4 KB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
      Peak usage frame count: [2.0 MB-4.0 MB]: 7504 frames
      Requested Block Size 2.0 MB
      Peak Block count 2
      Peak Allocated memory 2.9 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
Shutdown handler: cleanup.





6 hours ago, ZehMatt said:

Hmm linux, I did not test that. I suspect that the simulation is never starting, could you give me the entire log?


It's not the same one. Had to recreate the issue.
Here's an entire output_log.txt containing the following events.

  • Start dedicated server with a new save of Navezgane
  • Join server as player via the regular windows client
  • Walk around for a bit and see no zombies
  • Disconnect
  • Shutdown dedicated server
Mono path[0] = '/serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed'
Mono config path = '/serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
Preloaded 'libEOSSDK-Linux-Shipping.so'
Preloaded 'libMagick.so'
Preloaded 'lib_burst_generated.so'
Preloaded 'libgetrss.so'
Preloaded 'libsteam_api.so'
Preloaded 'steamclient.so'
Unable to preload the following plugins:
[Physics::Module] Initialized MultithreadedJobDispatcher with 15 workers.
Loading player data from /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/data.unity3d
Initialize engine version: 2022.3.29f1 (8d510ca76d2b)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/UnitySubsystems
Forcing GfxDevice: Null
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=0; jobified=0
    Version:  NULL 1.0 [1.0]
    Renderer: Null Device
    Vendor:   Unity Technologies
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
- Loaded All Assemblies, in  0.233 seconds
- Finished resetting the current domain, in  0.004 seconds
ERROR: Shader Hidden/LandClaimBoundary shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Sprites/Default shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Sprites/Mask shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/VertexLit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/Cube_UI_Glow' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/Cube_UI_Glow shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/Cube_UI_Glow' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/Cube_UI_Frame' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/Cube_UI_Frame shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/Cube_UI_Frame' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Unlit/Transparent Colored shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader GUI/Text Shader shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
UnloadTime: 2.423632 ms
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.002 INF Version: V 1.0 (b333) Compatibility Version: V 1.0, Build: LinuxServer 64 Bit

2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.082 WRN The open files limit is too low (1024) and may cause crashes. Recommended is at least 10240. Follow these steps to increment it:
- Open /etc/security/limits.conf with a text editor: 'sudo editor /etc/security/limits.conf'
- Add or update the line: 'steam soft nofile 10240'
- Save the file and exit the editor
- Apply the changes: Log out and back in or restart the system

2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.086 WRN The vm.max_map_count setting is too low (65530) and may cause crashes. Follow these steps to increment it:
- Open /etc/sysctl.conf with a text editor: 'sudo editor /etc/sysctl.conf'
- Add or update the line: 'vm.max_map_count=262144'
- Save the file and exit the editor
- Apply the changes: 'sudo sysctl -p'

2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.086 INF System information:
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.087 INF    OS: Linux 6.1 Debian GNU/Linux 12 64bit
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.089 INF    CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 Eight-Core Processor (cores: 16)
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.089 INF    RAM: 64221 MB
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.090 INF    GPU: Null Device (128 MB)
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.096 INF    Graphics API: NULL 1.0 [1.0] (shader level 3.0)
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.101 INF Local UTC offset: 2 hours
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.153 INF Command line arguments: /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer.x86_64 -configfile=serverconfigredbeardian.xml -nographics -batchmode -logfile 7DaysToDie_Data/output_log.txt $@
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.177 INF Parsing server configfile: /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/../serverconfigredbeardian.xml
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.250 INF Parsing server configfile successfully completed
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.251 INF UserDataFolder: /serverdata/serverfiles/User
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.255 INF [Platform] Init
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.324 INF [Platform] Using native platform: Steam
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.326 INF [Platform] Using cross platform: EOS
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.327 INF [Platform] Using server platform: Steam
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.327 INF [Platform] Using server platform: XBL
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.328 INF [Platform] Using server platform: PSN
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.339 INF Starting PlayerInputManager...
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.343 INF InControl (version 1.8.9 build 9376, native module = False, XInput = False)
2024-08-12T21:19:11 0.351 INF InControl (version 1.8.9 build 9376)
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.571 INF UnityInputDeviceManager enabled.
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.608 INF [Platform] Initializing Steam
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.626 INF [Platform] Initializing EOS
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.652 INF [EOS] Initialize: Success
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.686 INF [Platform] Initializing XBL
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.687 INF [Platform] Initializing PSN
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.690 INF [SaveDataUtils] InitStatic Begin
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.694 INF [SaveDataUtils] SdPlayerPrefs -> Unity
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.694 INF [SaveDataUtils] InitStatic Complete
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.698 INF Last played version: V 1.0
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.704 INF Starting dedicated server level=Navezgane game name=Redgrass
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.704 INF Maximum allowed players: 8
2024-08-12T21:19:12 0.704 INF Game mode: GameModeSurvival
2024-08-12T21:19:12 1.033 INF Localization language from prefs: english
2024-08-12T21:19:12 1.058 INF Awake IsFocused: True
2024-08-12T21:19:12 1.059 INF Awake
2024-08-12T21:19:12 1.351 INF Dedicated server only build
ERROR: Shader Occlusion/DepthCopy shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2024-08-12T21:19:12 1.403 INF Occlusion: Awake
2024-08-12T21:19:12 1.406 INF Texture quality is set to 3
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/VertexLit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Entity Tint Mask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Entity Tint Mask shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Entity Tint Mask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.673 INF [MODS] Start loading from: '/serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/../Mods'
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.688 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: '0_TFP_Harmony'
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.706 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: TFP_Harmony (
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.706 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: 'TFP_CommandExtensions'
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.707 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: TFP_CommandExtensions (
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.707 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: 'TFP_MapRendering'
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.708 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: TFP_MapRendering (
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.708 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: 'TFP_WebServer'
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.708 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: TFP_WebServer (
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.709 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: 'WalkerSim'
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.709 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: WalkerSim (
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.710 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.711 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod TFP_Harmony
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.733 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in TfpHarmony.dll, creating instance
2024-08-12T21:19:13 1.735 INF [MODS]       [Harmony] Init done
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/data-0x1529b004f3b0.so
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.417 INF [MODS]     Initialized code in mod 'TFP_Harmony' from DLL 'TfpHarmony.dll'
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.417 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod TFP_CommandExtensions
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.417 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in CommandExtensions.dll, creating instance
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.418 INF [MODS]     Initialized code in mod 'TFP_CommandExtensions' from DLL 'CommandExtensions.dll'
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.418 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod TFP_MapRendering
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.418 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in MapRendering.dll, creating instance
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.420 INF [MODS]     Initialized code in mod 'TFP_MapRendering' from DLL 'MapRendering.dll'
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.420 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod TFP_WebServer
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.421 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in WebServer.dll, creating instance
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.442 INF [MODS]     Initialized code in mod 'TFP_WebServer' from DLL 'WebServer.dll'
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.442 INF [MODS]   Initializing mod WalkerSim
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.443 INF [MODS]     Found ModAPI in WalkerSimMod.dll, creating instance
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.516 INF [MODS]     Initialized code in mod 'WalkerSim' from DLL 'WalkerSimMod.dll'
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.517 INF [MODS] Loading done
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.562 INF Loading permissions file at '/serverdata/serverfiles/User/Saves/serveradmin.xml'
2024-08-12T21:19:14 2.615 INF Loading permissions file done.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_B' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_B shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_B' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Additive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_fireShader_A' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/partPyro_fireShader_A shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_fireShader_A' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/bloodShader_U shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/bloodShader_spec_T' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/bloodShader_spec_T shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/bloodShader_spec_T' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/bloodShader_T' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/bloodShader_T shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/bloodShader_T' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/bloodShader_O' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/bloodShader_O shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/bloodShader_O' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Autodesk Interactive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Particles/Standard Surface shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk XFade' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Autodesk XFade shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk XFade' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Glass' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_Glass shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Glass' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Fire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_Fire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Fire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended Premultiply shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Legacy/AlphaSelfIllum shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Particles/Blood_Particle shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Standard Surface shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/gasGenericShader_A' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/gasGenericShader_A shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/gasGenericShader_A' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Particles/Standard Unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Specular shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Bumped Specular shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_C' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_C shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_C' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/surfaceShader_particleEnhanced' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/surfaceShader_particleEnhanced shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/surfaceShader_particleEnhanced' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Specular setup)' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard (Specular setup) shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Specular setup)' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Lit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Lit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Additive (Soft) shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/BasicUV_TA' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/BasicUV_TA shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/BasicUV_TA' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Shader Forge/PaintParticle shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
ERROR: Shader Shader Forge/7DTD_Fire_New shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/shader_gas_unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/shader_gas_unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/shader_gas_unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Bumped Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Bumped Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Bumped Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/VertexLit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Specular shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/vomitShader_T' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/vomitShader_T shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/vomitShader_T' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/shader_gas_lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/shader_gas_lit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/shader_gas_lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "Head" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/ZombieGibRadiation' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/ZombieGibRadiation shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/ZombieGibRadiation' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Liquid' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Liquid shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Liquid' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/VertexLit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Reflective/VertexLit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/VertexLit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Bumped Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Bumped Diffuse shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Bumped Diffuse' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Bumped Specular shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Legacy Shaders/Reflective/Bumped Specular' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Sprites/Default shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'stainedGlass' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader stainedGlass shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'stainedGlass' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Hidden/Game/ChunkTransparent shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.056 INF Loaded (local): events in 0.02
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.087 INF Loaded (local): rwgmixer in 0.02
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.105 INF Loaded (local): archetypes in 0.02
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.107 INF Loaded (local): loadingscreen in 0.00
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.121 INF Added 1335 subtitle data entries and 3 speaker colors
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.121 INF Loaded (local): subtitles in 0.01
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.122 INF Loaded (local): videos in 0.00
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.123 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 5.000s
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.195 INF Started Telnet on 9081
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.213 INF [PartyQuests] Initialized
2024-08-12T21:19:19 8.215 INF Awake done in 7155 ms
ERROR: Shader Unlit/Text shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
2024-08-12T21:19:22 10.948 INF NET: Starting server protocols
2024-08-12T21:19:22 10.951 INF [NET] Disabling protocol: SteamNetworking
2024-08-12T21:19:22 10.995 INF NET: LiteNetLib server started
2024-08-12T21:19:22 10.998 INF [PlatformApplication] restart required = False
2024-08-12T21:19:22 10.998 INF StartGame
2024-08-12T21:19:22 10.999 INF NetPackageManager Init
2024-08-12T21:19:22 11.237 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
GamePref.AdminFileName = serveradmin.xml
GamePref.AirDropFrequency = 72
GamePref.AirDropMarker = False
GamePref.AllowSpawnNearBackpack = True
GamePref.AutopilotMode = 0
GamePref.BedrollDeadZoneSize = 15
GamePref.BedrollExpiryTime = 45
GamePref.BlockDamageAI = 100
GamePref.BlockDamageAIBM = 100
GamePref.BlockDamagePlayer = 100
GamePref.BloodMoonEnemyCount = 8
GamePref.BloodMoonFrequency = 7
GamePref.BloodMoonRange = 3
GamePref.BloodMoonWarning = 12
GamePref.BuildCreate = False
GamePref.ConnectToServerIP =
GamePref.ConnectToServerPort = 26900
GamePref.CreateLevelDim = 4096
GamePref.CreateLevelName = My Level
GamePref.CreativeMenuEnabled = False
GamePref.DayCount = 3
GamePref.DayLightLength = 16
GamePref.DayNightLength = 120
GamePref.DeathPenalty = 1
GamePref.DebugMenuEnabled = False
GamePref.DebugMenuShowTasks = False
GamePref.DebugPanelsEnabled = -
GamePref.DebugStopEnemiesMoving = False
GamePref.DropOnDeath = 3
GamePref.DropOnQuit = 0
GamePref.DynamicMeshDistance = 1000
GamePref.DynamicMeshEnabled = True
GamePref.DynamicMeshLandClaimBuffer = 3
GamePref.DynamicMeshLandClaimOnly = True
GamePref.DynamicMeshMaxItemCache = 3
GamePref.DynamicMeshMaxRegionCache = 1
GamePref.DynamicMeshUseImposters = False
GamePref.DynamicSpawner = 
GamePref.EACEnabled = False
GamePref.EnableMapRendering = True
GamePref.EnemyDifficulty = 0
GamePref.EnemySpawnMode = True
GamePref.EulaLatestVersion = 0
GamePref.EulaVersionAccepted = -1
GamePref.FavoriteServersList = 
GamePref.FragLimit = 20
GamePref.GameDifficulty = 1
GamePref.GameGuidClient = 
GamePref.GameMode = GameModeSurvival
GamePref.GameName = Redgrass
GamePref.GameNameClient = My Game
GamePref.GameVersion = V 1.0
GamePref.GameWorld = Navezgane
GamePref.HideCommandExecutionLog = 0
GamePref.IgnoreEOSSanctions = False
GamePref.JoiningOptions = True
GamePref.LandClaimCount = 3
GamePref.LandClaimDeadZone = 30
GamePref.LandClaimDecayMode = 0
GamePref.LandClaimExpiryTime = 7
GamePref.LandClaimOfflineDelay = 0
GamePref.LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier = 4
GamePref.LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier = 4
GamePref.LandClaimSize = 41
GamePref.Language = English
GamePref.LanguageBrowser = 
GamePref.LastGameResetRevision = 0
GamePref.LastLoadedPrefab = 
GamePref.LastLoadingTipRead = -1
GamePref.LootAbundance = 50
GamePref.LootRespawnDays = 0
GamePref.LootTimer = 
GamePref.MatchLength = 10
GamePref.MaxChunkAge = -1
GamePref.MaxQueuedMeshLayers = 1000
GamePref.MaxSpawnedAnimals = 50
GamePref.MaxSpawnedZombies = 64
GamePref.MaxUncoveredMapChunksPerPlayer = 131072
GamePref.NoGraphicsMode = True
GamePref.OptionsAllowController = True
GamePref.OptionsAmbientVolumeLevel = 1
GamePref.OptionsAudioOcclusion = False
GamePref.OptionsBackgroundGlobalOpacity = 0.95
GamePref.OptionsChatCommunication = True
GamePref.OptionsControllerAimAssists = True
GamePref.OptionsControllerCursorHoverSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsControllerCursorSnap = True
GamePref.OptionsControllerJoystickLayout = 0
GamePref.OptionsControllerLookAcceleration = 4
GamePref.OptionsControllerLookAxisDeadzone = 0.1
GamePref.OptionsControllerLookInvert = False
GamePref.OptionsControllerMoveAxisDeadzone = 0.1
GamePref.OptionsControllerSensitivityX = 0.35
GamePref.OptionsControllerSensitivityY = 0.25
GamePref.OptionsControllerTriggerEffects = False
GamePref.OptionsControllerVehicleSensitivity = 1
GamePref.OptionsControllerVibration = True
GamePref.OptionsControllerVibrationStrength = 2
GamePref.OptionsControllerWeaponAiming = False
GamePref.OptionsControllerZoomSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsControlsResetRevision = 0
GamePref.OptionsControlsSprintLock = True
GamePref.OptionsDisableChunkLODs = False
GamePref.OptionsDisableXmlEvents = False
GamePref.OptionsDynamicMusicDailyTime = 0.45
GamePref.OptionsDynamicMusicEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsFilterProfanity = False
GamePref.OptionsForegroundGlobalOpacity = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxAA = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxAASharpness = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxBloom = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxBrightness = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsGfxDOF = False
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicMinFPS = 30
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicMode = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicScale = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxFOV = 65
GamePref.OptionsGfxGrassDistance = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxLODDistance = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsGfxMotionBlur = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxMotionBlurEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxObjQuality = 3
GamePref.OptionsGfxOcclusion = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxQualityPreset = 2
GamePref.OptionsGfxReflectQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxReflectShadows = False
GamePref.OptionsGfxResetRevision = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxResolution = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxShadowDistance = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxShadowQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxSSAO = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxSSReflections = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxStreamMipmaps = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxSunShafts = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxTerrainQuality = 3
GamePref.OptionsGfxTexFilter = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxTexQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxTreeDistance = 4
GamePref.OptionsGfxViewDistance = 6
GamePref.OptionsGfxVsync = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxWaterPtlLimiter = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsGfxWaterQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsHudOpacity = 1
GamePref.OptionsHudSize = 1
GamePref.OptionsInterfaceSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsIntroMovieEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsInvertMouse = False
GamePref.OptionsJournalPopup = True
GamePref.OptionsLiteNetLibMtuOverride = False
GamePref.OptionsLookSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsMenuMusicVolumeLevel = 0.7
GamePref.OptionsMicVolumeLevel = 0.75
GamePref.OptionsMumblePositionalAudioSupport = False
GamePref.OptionsMusicVolumeLevel = 0.6
GamePref.OptionsOverallAudioVolumeLevel = 1
GamePref.OptionsPlayChanceFrequency = 3
GamePref.OptionsPlayChanceProbability = 0.983
GamePref.OptionsPlayerModel = playerMale
GamePref.OptionsPlayerModelTexture = Player/Male/Player_male
GamePref.OptionsPOICulling = 1
GamePref.OptionsQuestsAutoAccept = True
GamePref.OptionsQuestsAutoShare = True
GamePref.OptionsScreenBoundsValue = 1
GamePref.OptionsSelectionBoxAlphaMultiplier = 0.4
GamePref.OptionsShowCompass = True
GamePref.OptionsShowCrosshair = True
GamePref.OptionsStabSpawnBlocksOnGround = True
GamePref.OptionsSubtitlesEnabled = False
GamePref.OptionsTempCelsius = False
GamePref.OptionsUiCompassUseEnglishCardinalDirections = False
GamePref.OptionsUiFpsScaling = 1
GamePref.OptionsVehicleLookSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsVoiceChatEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsVoiceInputDevice = 
GamePref.OptionsVoiceOutputDevice = 
GamePref.OptionsVoiceVolumeLevel = 0.75
GamePref.OptionsWeaponAiming = False
GamePref.OptionsZoomAccel = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsZoomSensitivity = 0.3
GamePref.PartySharedKillRange = 100
GamePref.PersistentPlayerProfiles = True
GamePref.PlayerAutologin = False
GamePref.PlayerKillingMode = 3
GamePref.PlayerName = Player
GamePref.PlayerSafeZoneHours = 5
GamePref.PlayerSafeZoneLevel = 5
GamePref.PlayerToken = 
GamePref.PlaytestBiome = 3
GamePref.QuestProgressionDailyLimit = 4
GamePref.RebuildMap = False
GamePref.Region = Europe
GamePref.SaveDataLimit = -1
GamePref.SelectionContextMode = 0
GamePref.SelectionOperationMode = 0
GamePref.ServerAdminSlots = 0
GamePref.ServerAdminSlotsPermission = 0
GamePref.ServerDescription = A 7 Days to Die server
GamePref.ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols = SteamNetworking
GamePref.ServerEnabled = False
GamePref.ServerIP = 
GamePref.ServerIsPublic = True
GamePref.ServerLoginConfirmationText = 
GamePref.ServerMaxAllowedViewDistance = 12
GamePref.ServerMaxPlayerCount = 8
GamePref.ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs = 2048
GamePref.ServerName = Redbeardian Style
GamePref.ServerPort = 26900
GamePref.ServerReservedSlots = 0
GamePref.ServerReservedSlotsPermission = 100
GamePref.ServerVisibility = 2
GamePref.ServerWebsiteURL = 
GamePref.ShowFriendPlayerOnMap = True
GamePref.SkipSpawnButton = False
GamePref.TelnetEnabled = True
GamePref.TelnetFailedLoginLimit = 10
GamePref.TelnetFailedLoginsBlocktime = 10
GamePref.TelnetPort = 9081
GamePref.TerminalWindowEnabled = True
GamePref.TwitchBloodMoonAllowed = False
GamePref.TwitchServerPermission = 90
GamePref.UNUSED_ControlPanelEnabled = False
GamePref.UNUSED_ControlPanelPort = 8080
GamePref.UNUSED_LastLoadedPrefabSize = 
GamePref.UNUSED_NewGameSetDefaults = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsBloom = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsDOF = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsFieldOfViewNew = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGamma = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGfxGameplayResolutionHeight = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGfxGameplayResolutionWidth = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGfxUMATexQuality = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsMotionBlur = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsObjectBlur = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionBounces = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionCullList = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionFarClip = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionRefreshMode = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionShadowDistance = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionTimeSlicingMode = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsSSAO = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsStreamingMipmapsBudget = 
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsSunShafts = 
GamePref.UNUSED_PlayerId = 
GamePref.UNUSED_SaveGameFolder = 
GamePref.UNUSED_UserDataFolder = 
GamePref.WebDashboardEnabled = True
GamePref.WebDashboardPort = 9080
GamePref.WebDashboardUrl = 
GamePref.WorldGenSeed = Luel
GamePref.WorldGenSize = 8192
GamePref.XPMultiplier = 100
GamePref.ZombieBMMove = 2
GamePref.ZombieFeralMove = 2
GamePref.ZombieFeralSense = 0
GamePref.ZombieMove = 0
GamePref.ZombieMoveNight = 1
GamePref.ZombiePlayers = True
GameStat.AirDropFrequency = 0
GameStat.AirDropMarker = True
GameStat.AllowedViewDistance = 12
GameStat.AnimalCount = 0
GameStat.AutoParty = False
GameStat.BedrollExpiryTime = 45
GameStat.BlockDamagePlayer = 100
GameStat.BloodMoonDay = 0
GameStat.BloodMoonEnemyCount = 8
GameStat.BloodMoonWarning = 8
GameStat.ChunkStabilityEnabled = True
GameStat.CurrentRoundIx = 0
GameStat.DayLightLength = 18
GameStat.DayLimitActive = False
GameStat.DayLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.DeathPenalty = XPOnly
GameStat.DropOnDeath = 1
GameStat.DropOnQuit = 0
GameStat.EnemyCount = 0
GameStat.EnemyDifficulty = Normal
GameStat.EnemySpawnMode = True
GameStat.FragLimitActive = False
GameStat.FragLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.GameDifficulty = 2
GameStat.GameDifficultyBonus = 1
GameStat.GameModeId = 0
GameStat.GameState = 0
GameStat.GlobalMessageToShow = 
GameStat.IsCreativeMenuEnabled = False
GameStat.IsFlyingEnabled = False
GameStat.IsPlayerCollisionEnabled = True
GameStat.IsPlayerDamageEnabled = True
GameStat.IsResetMapOnRestart = False
GameStat.IsSaveSupplyCrates = True
GameStat.IsSpawnEnemies = True
GameStat.IsSpawnNearOtherPlayer = False
GameStat.IsTeleportEnabled = False
GameStat.IsVersionCheckDone = False
GameStat.LandClaimCount = 3
GameStat.LandClaimDeadZone = 30
GameStat.LandClaimDecayMode = 0
GameStat.LandClaimExpiryTime = 3
GameStat.LandClaimOfflineDelay = 0
GameStat.LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier = 32
GameStat.LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier = 32
GameStat.LandClaimSize = 41
GameStat.LoadScene = 
GameStat.LootTimer = 
GameStat.OptionsPOICulling = 0
GameStat.PartySharedKillRange = 100
GameStat.PlayerKillingMode = KillStrangersOnly
GameStat.QuestProgressionDailyLimit = 4
GameStat.ScoreDiedMultiplier = -5
GameStat.ScorePlayerKillMultiplier = 1
GameStat.ScoreZombieKillMultiplier = 1
GameStat.ShowAllPlayersOnMap = False
GameStat.ShowFriendPlayerOnMap = True
GameStat.ShowSpawnWindow = False
GameStat.ShowWindow = 
GameStat.TimeLimitActive = False
GameStat.TimeLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.TimeOfDayIncPerSec = 20
GameStat.TwitchBloodMoonAllowed = True
GameStat.UNUSED_ShowZombieCounter = 
GameStat.XPMultiplier = 100
GameStat.ZombieHordeMeter = False
2024-08-12T21:19:22 11.340 INF StartAsServer
2024-08-12T21:19:22 11.377 INF Setting for 'DayNightLength' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 120, default = 60
2024-08-12T21:19:22 11.377 INF Setting for 'DropOnDeath' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 3, default = 1
2024-08-12T21:19:22 11.377 INF Setting for 'LootRespawnDays' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 0, default = 7
2024-08-12T21:19:22 11.377 INF Setting for 'LootAbundance' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 50, default = 100
2024-08-12T21:19:23 11.466 WRN save folder does not exist
2024-08-12T21:19:23 11.819 INF Loaded (local): events in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:24 12.570 INF Loaded (local): materials in 0.30
2024-08-12T21:19:24 12.918 INF Loaded (local): physicsbodies in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:24 13.268 INF Loaded (local): painting in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:25 13.669 INF Loaded (local): shapes in 0.10
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Transparent/Cutout/VertexLit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SpeedTree' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/SpeedTree shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SpeedTree' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Nature/SpeedTree Billboard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Nature/SpeedTree Billboard shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Nature/SpeedTree Billboard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/BlockMissing shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Entity Tint Mask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Entity Tint Mask shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Entity Tint Mask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Transparent shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Liquid' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_Liquid shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Liquid' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/SignTextShader' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/SignTextShader shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/SignTextShader' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk XFade' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Autodesk XFade shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk XFade' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended Premultiply shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Fire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_Fire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Fire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
ERROR: Shader Game/SemiTransGlow shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Particles/Standard Unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/TorchFire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/TorchFire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/TorchFire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_fireShader_A' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/partPyro_fireShader_A shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_fireShader_A' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_B' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_B shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/partPyro_template_lit_B' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Additive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Particles/Standard Surface shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Autodesk Interactive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Character shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Autodesk shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Cobweb' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_Cobweb shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Cobweb' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/EntityTintMaskSSS' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/EntityTintMaskSSS shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/EntityTintMaskSSS' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/CharacterPlayerOutfit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/CharacterPlayerOutfit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/CharacterPlayerOutfit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Lit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Lit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/Standard Surface shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/Standard Surface' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Autodesk shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Sign_Illuminated' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_Sign_Illuminated shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_Sign_Illuminated' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/SignTextShader' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Custom/SignTextShader shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Custom/SignTextShader' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Transparent shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Nature/SpeedTree8' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Nature/SpeedTree8 shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Nature/SpeedTree8' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SpeedTree8' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/SpeedTree8 shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SpeedTree8' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Nature/SpeedTree' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Nature/SpeedTree shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Nature/SpeedTree' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk XFade' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Autodesk XFade shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Autodesk XFade' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Specular setup)' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard (Specular setup) shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Specular setup)' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_RallyPoint' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/7DTD_RallyPoint shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/7DTD_RallyPoint' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system OffState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system RebootState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system OnState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system EnteringOnState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
There is no texture data available to upload.
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system OnState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system EnteringOnState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system OffState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
No mesh data available for mesh GeneratorLightGlass on particle system RebootState. Make sure Read/Write Enabled is set in the importer to work on the particle system renderer
ERROR: Shader Game/Character shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Cloth' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Cloth shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Cloth' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/shader_gas_unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game Particles/shader_gas_unlit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game Particles/shader_gas_unlit' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 11)
2024-08-12T21:19:41 30.144 INF Block IDs with mapping
2024-08-12T21:19:41 30.156 INF Block IDs total 23969, terr 29, last 24191
2024-08-12T21:19:41 30.179 INF Loaded (local): blocks in 16.10
Unloading 74046 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 79417.
Total: 452.079384 ms (FindLiveObjects: 6.683322 ms CreateObjectMapping: 10.802910 ms MarkObjects: 394.541834 ms  DeleteObjects: 40.038818 ms)

2024-08-12T21:19:42 31.026 INF Loaded (local): progression in 0.23
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD_Unity5/WaterInBucket' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD_Unity5/WaterInBucket shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD_Unity5/WaterInBucket' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2024-08-12T21:19:43 32.192 INF Loaded (local): buffs in 0.92
2024-08-12T21:19:44 32.511 INF Loaded (local): misc in 0.10
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/TorchFire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/TorchFire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/TorchFire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/TorchFire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/TorchFire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/TorchFire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/TorchGlow' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD/TorchGlow shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD/TorchGlow' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
2024-08-12T21:19:45 33.444 INF Loaded (local): items in 0.63
ERROR: Shader Shader Forge/7DTD_Particle_Additive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Glass Reflex' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Glass Reflex shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Glass Reflex' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2024-08-12T21:19:45 33.856 INF Item IDs with mapping
2024-08-12T21:19:45 33.857 INF ItemIDs from Mapping
2024-08-12T21:19:45 33.862 INF ItemClass assignLeftOverItems 66882 of 81920
2024-08-12T21:19:45 33.946 INF Loaded (local): item_modifiers in 0.09
2024-08-12T21:19:45 34.339 INF Loaded (local): entityclasses in 0.14
2024-08-12T21:19:46 34.651 INF Loaded (local): qualityinfo in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:46 35.001 INF Loaded (local): sounds in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:46 35.401 INF Loaded (local): recipes in 0.15
2024-08-12T21:19:47 35.735 INF Loaded (local): blockplaceholders in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:47 36.087 INF Loaded (local): loot in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:48 36.436 INF Loaded (local): entitygroups in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:48 36.787 INF Loaded (local): utilityai in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:48 37.087 INF Loaded (local): vehicles in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:49 37.436 INF Loaded (local): rwgmixer in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:49 37.786 INF Loaded (local): weathersurvival in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:49 38.136 INF Loaded (local): archetypes in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:50 38.486 INF Loaded (local): challenges in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:50 38.984 INF Loaded (local): quests in 0.20
2024-08-12T21:19:50 39.333 INF Loaded (local): traders in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:51 39.684 INF Loaded (local): npc in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:51 40.034 INF Loaded (local): dialogs in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:51 40.384 INF Loaded (local): ui_display in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:52 40.733 INF Loaded (local): nav_objects in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:52 41.083 INF Loaded (local): gamestages in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:53 41.832 INF Loaded (local): gameevents in 0.50
2024-08-12T21:19:53 42.181 INF Loaded (local): twitch in 0.11
2024-08-12T21:19:54 42.528 INF Loaded (local): twitch_events in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:54 42.893 INF Loaded (local): dmscontent in 0.12
2024-08-12T21:19:54 43.242 INF Loaded (local): XUi_Common/styles in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:55 43.592 INF Loaded (local): XUi_Common/controls in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:55 43.942 INF Loaded (local): XUi/styles in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:55 44.293 INF Loaded (local): XUi/controls in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:56 44.643 INF Loaded (local): XUi/windows in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:56 44.994 INF Loaded (local): XUi/xui in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:56 45.392 INF Loaded (local): biomes in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:57 45.743 INF Loaded (local): worldglobal in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:57 46.092 INF Loaded (local): spawning in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:58 46.442 INF Loaded (local): loadingscreen in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:58 46.746 INF Added 1335 subtitle data entries and 3 speaker colors
2024-08-12T21:19:58 46.792 INF Loaded (local): subtitles in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:58 47.143 INF Loaded (local): videos in 0.10
2024-08-12T21:19:58 47.296 INF createWorld: Navezgane, Redgrass, GameModeSurvival
2024-08-12T21:19:58 47.298 INF Occlusion: Disabled
2024-08-12T21:19:58 47.359 INF Started thread ChunkRegeneration
2024-08-12T21:19:58 47.359 INF Started thread ChunkCalc
2024-08-12T21:19:58 47.361 INF Started thread ChunkMeshBake
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.446 INF World.Load: Navezgane
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.462 INF Loading base world file header...
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.470 INF Loaded world file from different version: 'V 2.0 (b15)'
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.490 INF BloodMoon SetDay: day 9, last day 0, freq 7, range 3
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.510 INF BloodMoon SetDay: day 10, last day 0, freq 7, range 3
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.511 INF BloodMoon SetDay: day 9, last day 0, freq 7, range 3
2024-08-12T21:19:59 47.526 INF Started thread WaterSimulationApplyChanges
2024-08-12T21:20:03 52.040 INF Started thread GenerateChunks
2024-08-12T21:20:04 53.175 INF Calculating world hashes took 1035 ms (world size 191 MiB)
2024-08-12T21:20:04 53.179 INF Initial ENABLE_FILE_BACKED_ARRAYS == False
2024-08-12T21:20:04 53.259 INF Loading dtm raw file took 1169ms
2024-08-12T21:20:04 53.381 INF Biomes image size w= 3072, h = 3072
2024-08-12T21:20:05 54.283 INF Loading and creating biomes took 1024ms
Texture with ID 2745 and with size 6144x6144 was too large for graphics device maximum supported texture size (4096x4096). Falling back to a dummy texture. Generate mip maps to provide lower size fallback.
Texture with ID 2746 and with size 6144x6144 was too large for graphics device maximum supported texture size (4096x4096). Falling back to a dummy texture. Generate mip maps to provide lower size fallback.
2024-08-12T21:20:06 55.078 INF Loading and creating shader control textures took 794ms
2024-08-12T21:20:07 56.011 INF Loading and parsing of generator took 932ms
2024-08-12T21:20:07 56.091 INF Computed 415 chunk groups containing a total of 8472 chunks. Largest group contains 449 chunks.
2024-08-12T21:20:07 56.097 INF Started thread SaveChunks /serverdata/serverfiles/User/Saves/Navezgane/Redgrass/Region
2024-08-12T21:20:09 57.753 INF [DECO] read 
2024-08-12T21:20:09 57.802 INF Decorating chunks
2024-08-12T21:20:09 58.254 INF Dynamic Music Initialized on Server
2024-08-12T21:20:09 58.254 INF Dynamic Music Initialized on Dedi
2024-08-12T21:20:09 58.302 INF AstarManager Init
2024-08-12T21:20:10 58.628 INF WeatherManager: Init 8 weather packages
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD_Unity5/Wire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD_Unity5/Wire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD_Unity5/Wire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
There is no texture data available to upload.
There is no texture data available to upload.
2024-08-12T21:20:10 58.995 INF createWorld() done
2024-08-12T21:20:10 59.000 INF Loading players.xml
2024-08-12T21:20:10 59.025 INF WeatherManager: ApplySavedPackages
2024-08-12T21:20:10 59.074 INF Loaded player
2024-08-12T21:20:10 59.228 INF [EOS] Registering server
2024-08-12T21:20:10 59.280 INF [PlayerInteractions] JoinedMultiplayerServer not supported with current platforms
[S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded local 'steamclient.so' OK.
CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 13 milliseconds to initialize
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 251570
SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561197960265728 [API loaded no]
[S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamNetworkingUtils004 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.760 INF Loading dymesh settings
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.762 INF Dynamic Mesh Settings
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.762 INF Use Imposter Values: False
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.762 INF Only Player Areas: True
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.762 INF Player Area Buffer: 3
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.762 INF Max View Distance: 1000
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.762 INF Regen all on new world: False
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.768 INF Dymesh: Prepping dynamic mesh. Resend Default: True
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.769 INF Dymesh: Mesh location: /serverdata/serverfiles/User/Saves/Navezgane/Redgrass/DynamicMeshes/
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.773 WRN [Web] WebDashboardUrl not set. Recommended to set it to the public URL pointing to your dashboard / reverse proxy
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.781 INF [Web] Serving basic webserver files from /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/../Mods/TFP_WebServer/webroot
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.814 INF Started thread SSE-Processing_/sse/
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.950 INF [Web] OpenAPI preparation done
2024-08-12T21:20:13 61.976 INF [Web] Started Webserver on port 9080
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.176 INF [Web] IconHandler: Loaded 8583 icons (5127 source images with 3456 tints applied)
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.194 INF [Web] IconHandler: Total time 20198 ms, loading files 3404 ms, tinting files 10855 ms, encoding files 5423 ms
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.196 INF [Web] IconHandler: Cached 182824 KiB
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.197 INF [WalkerSim] World Folder: /serverdata/serverfiles/Data/Worlds/Navezgane
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.197 INF [WalkerSim] Loading Map Data...
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0.so
Fallback handler could not load library /serverdata/serverfiles/7DaysToDieServer_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/x86_64/libgdiplus.so.0
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.210 ERR [MODS] Error while executing GameStartDone on mod "WalkerSim"
2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.217 EXC The type initializer for 'System.Drawing.GDIPlus' threw an exception. ---> libgdiplus.so.0 assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Drawing.GDIPlus.GdiplusStartup(ulong&,System.Drawing.GdiplusStartupInput&,System.Drawing.GdiplusStartupOutput&)
  at System.Drawing.GDIPlus..cctor () [0x000b0] in <6d510e0863874ad0b12fe1f2016a4a74>:0 
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'System.Drawing.GDIPlus' threw an exception.
  at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile (System.String filename, System.Boolean useEmbeddedColorManagement) [0x0001d] in <6d510e0863874ad0b12fe1f2016a4a74>:0 
  at System.Drawing.Image.FromFile (System.String filename) [0x00000] in <6d510e0863874ad0b12fe1f2016a4a74>:0 
  at WalkerSim.MapData.LoadRoadSplat (System.String folderPath) [0x0003e] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at WalkerSim.MapData.LoadFromFolder (System.String folderPath) [0x00016] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at WalkerSim.Simulation.LoadMapData (System.String directoryPath) [0x00000] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at WalkerSim.WalkerSimMod+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<LoadMapData>b__0 () [0x00000] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at WalkerSim.Utils.Measure (System.Action action) [0x00005] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at WalkerSim.WalkerSimMod.LoadMapData () [0x0005c] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at WalkerSim.WalkerSimMod.GameStartDone () [0x00012] in <614a7cff630b4498b4123da6264f18d4>:0 
  at ModEvent.Invoke () [0x00011] in <6852d66f1c454f28b8c6698872258303>:0 
ModEventAbs`1:LogError(Exception, Receiver)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

2024-08-12T21:20:33 82.221 INF StartGame done
ERROR: Shader UI/Default shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
2024-08-12T21:20:34 82.472 INF [Steamworks.NET] Registering auth callbacks
2024-08-12T21:20:34 82.480 INF [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.Init successful
2024-08-12T21:20:34 82.486 INF [Steamworks.NET] Making server public
2024-08-12T21:20:34 82.746 INF [EOS] Server registered, session: 407a90de843747a3b4191cfbb2d6989f
2024-08-12T21:20:34 82.758 INF [EOS] Session address: 6*.13*.7*.14*
2024-08-12T21:20:34 82.944 INF [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.LogOn successful, SteamID=90200880241373214, public IP=6*.13*.7*.14*
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.140 INF Dymesh: Warming dynamic mesh
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.140 INF Dymesh: Creating dynamic mesh manager
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.147 INF Dymesh: Awake
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.147 INF Dymesh: Mesh location: /serverdata/serverfiles/User/Saves/Navezgane/Redgrass/DynamicMeshes/
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.150 INF Dymesh: Loading Items: /serverdata/serverfiles/User/Saves/Navezgane/Redgrass/DynamicMeshes/
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.154 INF Dymesh: Loaded Items: 0
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.156 INF Dymesh: Loading all items took: 0.006634 seconds.
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.165 INF Clearing queues.
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.166 INF Cleared queues.
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.168 INF Dynamic thread starting
2024-08-12T21:20:34 83.173 INF Dymesh door replacement: imposterBlock
2024-08-12T21:22:03 171.947 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Connect from: / 0
2024-08-12T21:22:03 171.952 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_0_0
2024-08-12T21:22:03 171.952 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_0_0
2024-08-12T21:22:03 171.953 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_0_1
2024-08-12T21:22:03 171.953 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_0_1
2024-08-12T21:22:03 171.970 INF [NET] PlayerConnected EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Local_<none>', CrossId='<unknown/none>', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.000 INF [DECO] written 75380, in 24ms
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.009 INF [DECO] write thread 7ms
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.042 INF NPPL.Read
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.071 INF PlayerLogin: ErikRedbeard/V 1.0
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.071 INF Client IP:
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.075 INF [Auth] PlayerName authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.077 INF [Auth] ServerState authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.077 INF [Auth] MpHostAllowed authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.078 INF [Auth] PlayerId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.079 INF [Auth] DuplicateUserId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.080 INF [Auth] VersionCheck authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.082 INF [Auth] PlayerSlots authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.083 INF [Auth] LegacyModAuthorizations authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.085 INF [Steamworks.NET] Auth.AuthenticateUser()
2024-08-12T21:22:03 172.097 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authenticating player: ErikRedbeard SteamId: 76561197966484518 TicketLen: 1024 Result: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK
2024-08-12T21:22:05 173.432 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authentication callback. ID: 76561197966484518, owner: 76561197966484518, result: k_EAuthSessionResponseOK
2024-08-12T21:22:05 173.433 INF [Auth] PlatformAuth authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:05 173.434 INF [Auth] SteamFamily authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:05 173.722 INF [Auth] SteamGroups authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:05 173.724 INF [EOS] Verifying token for 00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1
2024-08-12T21:22:05 174.377 INF [EOS] Device=, Platform=steam, AccType=Steam, AccId=76561197966484518, PUID=00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1
2024-08-12T21:22:06 174.925 INF [EOS] Player may have active sanctions
2024-08-12T21:22:06 174.926 INF [EOS] SanctionsQuery finished with: 0 sanctions
2024-08-12T21:22:06 174.927 INF [Auth] CrossplatformAuth authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:06 174.931 INF [Auth] BansAndWhitelist authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:06 174.932 INF [Auth] Crossplay authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:06 174.970 INF [Auth] Finalizer authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:06 175.005 INF Allowing player with id EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1
2024-08-12T21:22:06 175.171 INF RequestToEnterGame: EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1/ErikRedbeard
2024-08-12T21:22:33 201.825 INF Time: 2.79m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1377.7MB Max: 1377.7MB Chunks: 9 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 0 Ent: 0 (0) Items: 0 CO: 0 RSS: 2141.9MB
2024-08-12T21:22:34 202.624 INF Dymesh: Update items to send for ErikRedbeard id: -1  recieved: 0
2024-08-12T21:22:34 202.630 INF Dymesh: Items to send: 0   Added: 0   chunks: 0
2024-08-12T21:22:45 213.576 INF RequestToSpawnPlayer: 171, ErikRedbeard, 7
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SDCS/Skin' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/SDCS/Skin shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SDCS/Skin' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SDCS/Hair' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/SDCS/Hair shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/SDCS/Hair' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2024-08-12T21:22:45 213.912 WRN Parameter 'IsMale' not found in animator
2024-08-12T21:22:45 213.930 INF Created player with id=171
2024-08-12T21:22:48 217.317 INF GMSG: Player 'ErikRedbeard' joined the game
2024-08-12T21:22:48 217.318 INF [WalkerSim] Max View Distance: 12
2024-08-12T21:22:48 217.318 INF [WalkerSim] View Radius: 96
2024-08-12T21:22:48 217.320 INF [WalkerSim] Player added in simulation, entity id: 171, position: (-282, -408, 60)
2024-08-12T21:22:48 217.331 INF PlayerSpawnedInWorld (reason: EnterMultiplayer, position: -282, 60, 408): EntityID=171, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:22:50 219.333 INF MinEventLogMessage: XP gained during the last level:
2024-08-12T21:22:50 219.334 INF CVarLogValue: $xpFromLootThisLevel == 0
2024-08-12T21:22:50 219.334 INF CVarLogValue: $xpFromHarvestingThisLevel == 0
2024-08-12T21:22:50 219.334 INF CVarLogValue: $xpFromKillThisLevel == 0
2024-08-12T21:23:03 231.985 INF Time: 3.29m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1620.2MB Max: 1620.2MB Chunks: 298 CGO: 9 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 1 (1) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 2471.9MB
2024-08-12T21:23:03 232.157 INF [DECO] written 75390, in 22ms
2024-08-12T21:23:03 232.165 INF [DECO] write thread 7ms
2024-08-12T21:23:33 261.986 INF Time: 3.79m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1731.4MB Max: 1731.4MB Chunks: 304 CGO: 18 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 2611.4MB
2024-08-12T21:24:03 291.989 INF Time: 4.29m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1724.0MB Max: 1731.4MB Chunks: 310 CGO: 18 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 2621.4MB
2024-08-12T21:24:03 292.161 INF [DECO] written 75394, in 22ms
2024-08-12T21:24:03 292.170 INF [DECO] write thread 8ms
2024-08-12T21:24:33 321.991 INF Time: 4.79m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1752.0MB Max: 1752.0MB Chunks: 310 CGO: 12 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (3) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 2636.2MB
2024-08-12T21:24:38 327.060 INF 292.5762 SleeperVolume -219, 61, 675: Spawning -212, 61, 677 (-14, 42), group 'sleeperHordeStageGS1', class zombieMarlene, count 0
2024-08-12T21:24:39 327.519 INF 293.0468 SleeperVolume -219, 61, 675: Spawning -203, 61, 680 (-13, 42), group 'sleeperHordeStageGS1', class zombieBusinessMan, count 0
2024-08-12T21:24:39 327.623 INF 293.1501 SleeperVolume -219, 61, 675: Spawning -200, 61, 675 (-13, 42), group 'BoarGroup', class animalBoar, count 0
2024-08-12T21:24:39 327.734 INF 293.2613 SleeperVolume -219, 61, 675: Spawning -204, 61, 681 (-13, 42), group 'sleeperHordeStageGS1', class zombieArlene, count 0
2024-08-12T21:24:41 329.485 INF 295.0115 SleeperVolume -203, 61, 683: None spawned, canSpawn True, respawnCnt 0
2024-08-12T21:24:45 333.686 INF VehicleManager saving 0 (0 + 0)
2024-08-12T21:24:45 333.687 INF DroneManager saving 0 (0 + 0)
2024-08-12T21:24:45 333.687 INF VehicleManager saved 9 bytes
2024-08-12T21:24:45 333.688 INF TurretTracker saving 0 (0 + 0)
2024-08-12T21:24:45 333.689 INF DroneManager saved 9 bytes
2024-08-12T21:24:45 333.690 INF TurretTracker saved 9 bytes
2024-08-12T21:25:03 352.037 INF Time: 5.29m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 1728.8MB Max: 1752.0MB Chunks: 313 CGO: 21 Ply: 1 Zom: 3 Ent: 7 (8) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 2654.7MB
2024-08-12T21:25:03 352.211 INF [DECO] written 75417, in 24ms
2024-08-12T21:25:03 352.217 INF [DECO] write thread 6ms
2024-08-12T21:25:15 364.095 INF Entity zombieBusinessMan 175 killed by ErikRedbeard 171
ERROR: Shader Game/ZombieDismembermentBloodcap shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Dismember/CharMask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Game/Dismember/CharMask shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Game/Dismember/CharMask' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2024-08-12T21:25:20 368.528 INF Entity zombieArlene 177 killed by ErikRedbeard 171
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.506 INF Player ErikRedbeard disconnected after 2.7 minutes
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.823 INF DynamicMusic: 171 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.824 INF Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 171 Total: 1
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.826 INF [WalkerSim] Player removed from simulation, entity id: 171
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.826 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=171, PltfmId='Steam_76561197966484518', CrossId='EOS_00026dcc8a604eeb9ba74eeab2d223e1', OwnerID='Steam_76561197966484518', PlayerName='ErikRedbeard', ClientNumber='1'
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.827 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_0_1
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.827 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_0_0
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.827 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_0_0
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.827 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_0_1
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.833 INF GMSG: Player 'ErikRedbeard' left the game
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.837 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: / 0 (RemoteConnectionClose)
2024-08-12T21:25:27 375.840 INF NET: LiteNetLib: MT: Client disconnect from: / 0 (RemoteConnectionClose)
2024-08-12T21:25:33 382.057 INF Time: 5.79m FPS: 18.78 Heap: 1729.3MB Max: 1752.0MB Chunks: 313 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 1 Ent: 0 (8) Items: 0 CO: 0 RSS: 2658.2MB
2024-08-12T21:25:35 383.506 INF Clearing all pools
2024-08-12T21:26:07 415.864 INF Preparing quit
2024-08-12T21:26:07 415.864 INF Disconnect
2024-08-12T21:26:07 415.866 INF [NET] ServerShutdown
2024-08-12T21:26:07 415.867 INF NET: Stopping server protocols
2024-08-12T21:26:07 416.352 INF NET: LiteNetLib server stopped
2024-08-12T21:26:07 416.356 INF SaveAndCleanupWorld
2024-08-12T21:26:07 416.384 INF Saving 0 of chunks took 20ms
2024-08-12T21:26:07 416.388 INF [Steamworks.NET] Exiting Lobby
2024-08-12T21:26:07 416.389 INF [EOS] Unregistering server
2024-08-12T21:26:07 416.392 INF [Steamworks.NET] Stopping server
Shutdown handler: initialize.
dlmopen steamservice.so failed: steamservice.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2024-08-12T21:26:08 416.844 INF AstarManager Cleanup
2024-08-12T21:26:08 416.943 INF Clearing queues.
2024-08-12T21:26:08 416.943 INF Cleared queues.
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.851 INF Clearing queues.
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.851 INF Cleared queues.
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.863 INF World.Unload
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.875 INF Exited thread GenerateChunks
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.881 INF Exited thread SaveChunks /serverdata/serverfiles/User/Saves/Navezgane/Redgrass/Region
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.897 INF World.Cleanup
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.901 INF Exited thread ChunkRegeneration
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.906 INF Exited thread ChunkCalc
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.907 INF Exited thread ChunkMeshBake
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.927 INF Exited thread WaterSimulationApplyChanges
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.939 INF VehicleManager saving 0 (0 + 0)
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.941 INF VehicleManager saved 9 bytes
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.942 INF DroneManager saving 0 (0 + 0)
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.943 INF DroneManager saved 9 bytes
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.944 INF TurretTracker saving 0 (0 + 0)
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.945 INF TurretTracker saved 9 bytes
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.954 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.974 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.974 INF Cleanup
2024-08-12T21:26:09 417.975 INF Exited thread SSE-Processing_/sse/
2024-08-12T21:26:09 418.218 INF [EOS] Server unregistered
2024-08-12T21:26:10 418.960 INF Terminating threads
2024-08-12T21:26:10 418.961 INF OnApplicationQuit
2024-08-12T21:26:10 418.963 INF Terminating threads
2024-08-12T21:26:10 418.963 INF OnApplicationQuit
Memory Statistics:
  StackAllocators : 
      Peak usage frame count: [0-1.0 KB]: 1 frames, [8.0 KB-16.0 KB]: 2406 frames, [16.0 KB-32.0 KB]: 122 frames, [32.0 KB-64.0 KB]: 78 frames, [64.0 KB-128.0 KB]: 4763 frames, [128.0 KB-256.0 KB]: 109 frames, [256.0 KB-0.5 MB]: 3 frames, [0.5 MB-1.0 MB]: 4 frames, [1.0 MB-2.0 MB]: 3 frames, [2.0 MB-4.0 MB]: 10 frames, [4.0 MB-8.0 MB]: 5 frames
      Initial Block Size 4.0 MB
      Current Block Size 8.0 MB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 7.8 MB
      Overflow Count 15901
      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB
      Current Block Size 128.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 127.7 KB
      Overflow Count 0
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 504.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 500.7 KB
      Overflow Count 28
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 8]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 6]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 0]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 10]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 9]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 5]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 14]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 6]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 4]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 14]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 3]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 13]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 12]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_EnlightenWorker] x 8
      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB
      Current Block Size 64.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 15]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 1]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 40.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 39.6 KB
      Overflow Count 2
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 2]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 60.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 56.9 KB
      Overflow Count 1
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 7]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_AssetGarbageCollectorHelper] x 15
      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB
      Current Block Size 64.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 5]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 56.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 53.1 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 9]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 13]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 8]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 7]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 1]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 2]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 340.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 285.1 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 3]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 36.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 32.0 KB
      Overflow Count 1
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 11]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 10]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 0]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 32.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 11]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 12]
      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB
      Current Block Size 256.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 173.9 KB
      Overflow Count 0
    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 4]
      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB
      Current Block Size 36.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 32.0 KB
      Overflow Count 1
      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB
      Current Block Size 64.0 KB
      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B
      Overflow Count 0
[ALLOC_DEFAULT] Dual Thread Allocator
  Peak main deferred allocation count 17727
      Large Block size 4.0 MB
      Used Block count 1
      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB
      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:
        16B: 1 Subsections = 1024 buckets. Failed count: 488440
        32B: 5 Subsections = 2560 buckets. Failed count: 120620
        48B: 36 Subsections = 12288 buckets. Failed count: 438872
        64B: 109 Subsections = 27904 buckets. Failed count: 1687876
        80B: 93 Subsections = 19046 buckets. Failed count: 62732
        96B: 8 Subsections = 1365 buckets. Failed count: 72057
        112B: 2 Subsections = 292 buckets. Failed count: 4799
        128B: 2 Subsections = 256 buckets. Failed count: 59338
      Peak usage frame count: [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 3477 frames, [64.0 MB-128.0 MB]: 4027 frames
      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB
      Peak Block count 7
      Peak Allocated memory 87.2 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 36.0 MB
      Peak usage frame count: [8.0 MB-16.0 MB]: 248 frames, [16.0 MB-32.0 MB]: 3249 frames, [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 32 frames, [64.0 MB-128.0 MB]: 3975 frames
      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB
      Peak Block count 7
      Peak Allocated memory 92.9 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
  Initial Block Size 2.0 MB
  Used Block Count 0
  Overflow Count (too large) 0
  Overflow Count (full) 0
  Initial Block Size 2.0 MB
  Used Block Count 0
  Overflow Count (too large) 0
  Overflow Count (full) 0
  Initial Block Size 2.0 MB
  Used Block Count 1
  Overflow Count (too large) 4
  Overflow Count (full) 0
  Initial Block Size 1.0 MB
  Used Block Count 1
  Overflow Count (too large) 0
  Overflow Count (full) 0
[ALLOC_GFX] Dual Thread Allocator
  Peak main deferred allocation count 1
      Large Block size 4.0 MB
      Used Block count 1
      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB
      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:
        16B: 1 Subsections = 1024 buckets. Failed count: 488440
        32B: 5 Subsections = 2560 buckets. Failed count: 120620
        48B: 36 Subsections = 12288 buckets. Failed count: 438872
        64B: 109 Subsections = 27904 buckets. Failed count: 1687876
        80B: 93 Subsections = 19046 buckets. Failed count: 62732
        96B: 8 Subsections = 1365 buckets. Failed count: 72057
        112B: 2 Subsections = 292 buckets. Failed count: 4799
        128B: 2 Subsections = 256 buckets. Failed count: 59338
      Peak usage frame count: [64.0 KB-128.0 KB]: 245 frames, [128.0 KB-256.0 KB]: 1 frames, [0.5 MB-1.0 MB]: 1 frames, [1.0 MB-2.0 MB]: 9 frames, [8.0 MB-16.0 MB]: 18 frames, [16.0 MB-32.0 MB]: 14 frames, [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 9 frames, [64.0 MB-128.0 MB]: 7170 frames, [128.0 MB-256.0 MB]: 12 frames, [256.0 MB-0.50 GB]: 24 frames, [0.50 GB-1.00 GB]: 1 frames
      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB
      Peak Block count 60
      Peak Allocated memory 0.92 GB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 324.0 MB
      Peak usage frame count: [8.0 MB-16.0 MB]: 5721 frames, [16.0 MB-32.0 MB]: 1783 frames
      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB
      Peak Block count 2
      Peak Allocated memory 21.5 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
[ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS] Dual Thread Allocator
  Peak main deferred allocation count 108679
      Large Block size 4.0 MB
      Used Block count 1
      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB
      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:
        16B: 1 Subsections = 1024 buckets. Failed count: 488440
        32B: 5 Subsections = 2560 buckets. Failed count: 120620
        48B: 36 Subsections = 12288 buckets. Failed count: 438872
        64B: 109 Subsections = 27904 buckets. Failed count: 1687876
        80B: 93 Subsections = 19046 buckets. Failed count: 62732
        96B: 8 Subsections = 1365 buckets. Failed count: 72057
        112B: 2 Subsections = 292 buckets. Failed count: 4799
        128B: 2 Subsections = 256 buckets. Failed count: 59338
      Peak usage frame count: [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 3433 frames, [64.0 MB-128.0 MB]: 4069 frames, [128.0 MB-256.0 MB]: 2 frames
      Requested Block Size 4.0 MB
      Peak Block count 25
      Peak Allocated memory 173.2 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 145.4 MB
      Peak usage frame count: [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 246 frames, [64.0 MB-128.0 MB]: 7257 frames, [128.0 MB-256.0 MB]: 1 frames
      Requested Block Size 4.0 MB
      Peak Block count 15
      Peak Allocated memory 134.9 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 90.3 MB
[ALLOC_TYPETREE] Dual Thread Allocator
  Peak main deferred allocation count 0
      Large Block size 4.0 MB
      Used Block count 1
      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB
      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:
        16B: 1 Subsections = 1024 buckets. Failed count: 488440
        32B: 5 Subsections = 2560 buckets. Failed count: 120620
        48B: 36 Subsections = 12288 buckets. Failed count: 438872
        64B: 109 Subsections = 27904 buckets. Failed count: 1687876
        80B: 93 Subsections = 19046 buckets. Failed count: 62732
        96B: 8 Subsections = 1365 buckets. Failed count: 72057
        112B: 2 Subsections = 292 buckets. Failed count: 4799
        128B: 2 Subsections = 256 buckets. Failed count: 59338
      Peak usage frame count: [4.0 KB-8.0 KB]: 246 frames, [128.0 KB-256.0 KB]: 7258 frames
      Requested Block Size 2.0 MB
      Peak Block count 1
      Peak Allocated memory 199.4 KB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
      Peak usage frame count: [2.0 MB-4.0 MB]: 7504 frames
      Requested Block Size 2.0 MB
      Peak Block count 2
      Peak Allocated memory 2.9 MB
      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B
Shutdown handler: cleanup.



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