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Forgot details, not used to having to get help from admin abuse.


Hi I was banned by some crazy admin YnD for no valid reason. He claims I asked him to mute me and remove my permissions to create a voice channel. I created a ticket to try and get help from another admin, and he responded to the ticket and banned me when I tagged other admins for help on said ticket.

Be careful what you say.... I am so disgusted by this guy. He must think hes king of the world for being a lying sociopath. What a great way to treat a total stranger like crap who was just minding his own business in a channel with one other person. Right after I wrong that this ticket is being documented I @ the other admins I saw at the top right of the discord not knowing that it would time me out for one hour. He responded something like "oh you shouldnt of done that now I have a reason to ban you" and did. Didnt have enough time to take another screenshot since after he banned me it removed the chat log from the ticket inside that discord.




Hi I was banned by some crazy admin YnD for no valid reason. He claims I asked him to mute me and remove my permissions to create a voice channel. I created a ticket to try and get help from another admin, and he responded to the ticket and banned me when I tagged other admins for help on said ticket.

Be careful what you say.... I am so disgusted by this guy. He must think hes king of the world for being a lying sociopath. What a great way to treat a total stranger like crap who was just minding his own business in a channel with one other person. Right after I wrong that this ticket is being documented I @ the other admins I saw at the top right of the discord not knowing that it would time me out for one hour. He responded something like "oh you shouldnt of done that now I have a reason to ban you" and did. 




Hi I was banned by some crazy admin YnD for no valid reason. He claims I asked him to mute me and remove my permissions to create a voice channel. I created a ticket to try and get help from another admin, and he responded to the ticket and banned me when I tagged other admins for help on said ticket.



Hi I was banned by some crazy admin YnD for no valid reason. He claims I asked him to mute me and remove my permissions to create a voice channel. I created a ticket to try and get help from another admin, and he responded to the ticket and banned me when I tagged other admins for help on said ticket.

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