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Personally, I think slowing the quest progression to 3 quests per day for points is the wrong tack to take.  Other than questing, the only thing "entertaining" to fo is random POI looting.  Base building is a necessary chore, mining especially starting out is nearly pointless..stone axe mining is painful.  With the story not being out until mid - to late 2025, what will be added to the game to keep the interest up with the slowed progression.  I have ober 4000 hrs in the game and I am aware there are probably plenty of people that put that time to shame.  My 1st thought when I heard on a creators youtube cideo about the slowed progression was that "time saver" microtransactions are planned to "unlock" additional quest progression daily.


Not saying that this is being planned, but in major publishers titles in teh last 10 years started slowing progression or making it grindy, it inevitibly led to these things showing up in their games.  I hope this is not a tack being planned for this game.  It would leave me no choice but to consider walking away for good from a game I have enjoyed.

Personally, I think slowing the quest progression to 3 quests per day for points is the wrong tack to take.  Other than questing, the only thing "entertaining" to fo is random 

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