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Gotcha. Story mode will prove a little different, though. The quests won't be random stuff to do, but advance the storyline as well. To save a lot of headaches that don't need to happen, I'd still keep story mode/Navezgane and RWG completely separate.

Gotcha. Story mode will prove a little different, though. The quests won't be random stuff to do, but advance the storyline as well. To save a lot of headaches that don't need to happen, I'd still keep story mode/Navezgane and RWG completely separate.

Gotcha. Story mod will prove a little different, though. The quests won't be random stuff to do, but advance the storyline as well. To save a lot of headaches that don't need to happen, I'd still keep story mode/Navezgane and RWG completely separate.

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