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3 hours ago, meganoth said:

intro quests can be ignored.

There are a number of other posts in general discussion questioning the wisdom of tying tier progression to specific vendors in specific biomes in RWG, if not Navezgane/story mode. That's about the only thing I think they might want to carefully reconsider before it goes any further. Biome "progression" is essentially already in place as the biomes have varying degrees of difficulty and loot stages. Nothing else really to be done there, imo. Players can visit them if and whenever they like. Tying tier progression to them and specific traders, otoh, takes the "r" right out of "rwg," rendering it more or less pointless. The way to go there, imo, would be to reserve the linearity for Navezgane/story mode and cordone off RWG freeplay as its own thing. "Story mode" and "RWG mode" (or a rose by any other name) could just have their own menu items on the start screen. Perhaps, the story mode could still be played with other players, though I've no idea how they're going to pull that off when BGS couldn't. I'm pretty sure that's why there's no group tier progression on "quests" anymore. You can do them together, sure, but only the "team leader" will get credit for doing them and that just smacks too much of Fallout 76 for my taste. BGS couldn't figure out how to make that happen in time and under budget, if at all, and everyone playing it shares a world, but not quest instances, If TFP does 7 Days the same way, they're essentially copying an unresolved issue from another game. 7DTDs is not a MMO or even a MMO/SP hybrid, but has historically done online connectivity much the way it used to be done and as John Carmack himself has gone on record saying it should be done. Just keep story mode and RWG mode separate from one another and that issue won't rear its ugly head.

3 hours ago, meganoth said:

intro quests can be ignored.

There are a number of other posts in general discussion questioning the wisdom of tying tier progression to specific vendors in specific biomes in RWG, if not Navezgane/story mode. That's about the only thing I think they might want to carefully reconsider before it goes any further. Biome "progression" is essentially already in place as the biomes have varying degrees of difficulty and loot stages. Nothing else really to be done there, imo. Players can visit them if and whenever they like. Tying tier progression to them and specific traders, otoh, takes the "r" right out of "rwg," rendering it more or less pointless. The way to go there, imo, would be to reserve the linearity for Navezgane/story mode and cordone off RWG freeplay as its own thing. "Story mode" and "RWG mode" (or a rose by any other name) could just have their own menu items on the start screen. Perhaps, the story mode could still be played with other players, though I've no idea how they're going to pull that off when BGS couldn't. I'm pretty sure that's why there's no group progression on "quests" anymore. You can do them together, sure, but only the "team leader" will get credit for doing it and that just smacks too much of Fallout 76 for my taste. BGS couldn't figure out how to make that happen in time and under budget, if at all, and everyone playing it shares a world, but not quest instances, If TFP does 7 Days the same way, they're essentially copying an unresolved issue from another game. Just keep story mode and RWG mode separate from one another and that issue won't rear its ugly head.

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