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1 hour ago, Roland said:


In courteous and friendly conversation if someone asks such a rhetorical question it is polite to protest and reassure that there is simply a difference of opinion and we'll have to agree to disagree. Even if it was within the bounds of courteous discourse to publicly agree with such a musing, he didn't ask if he was @%$#ed and yet you chose to add that one in so even if calling someone stupid when asked fell within the bounds of what it means to be an Eagle Scout (it doesn't), calling someone @%$#ed all on your own definitely is outside the scope of courteous, friendly, or kind. You even went so far as to avoid the word filter by mispelling it on purpose swapping a d for a t so it could be read.


You're the one who brought scouting ideals into the conversation applying them to yourself. I get it that they are ideals and nobody can live up to such standards 100% of the time. When you fall short you apologize and start over. If you are brave enough to do so. Then you avoid name-calling and insulting in the future which is against the rules. If you are obedient.

There's nothing courteous and friendly about Meganoth lying to and gas lighting people over the at least 2-3 years I have been on and off this forum. He has done it so much and so often that even with the multiple months of breaks from participating here I still remember his name for that very reason. Just like he has done in this very thread. It is a stupid change to remove the ability to use lake/river water. You just like the others who refused to actually read what I wrote have lied about me calling him stupid out of the blue, the proof of which is in this very thread. It's probably a waste of time to point out for the 5th? time now he asked my opinion on his mental capacity and he got an honest answer right after he lied about me calling him and others stupid. What I had said was that the change was stupid. Up until he asked me directly if he is stupid I had not called anyone stupid. There is nothing wrong with me saying something you did was stupid. There is something wrong with you, meganoth, and bft2020 falsely accusing me of saying things I did not. Don't ask people if you are stupid if you don't want to hear the answer, especially not right after you made false accusations about them.

You have also falsely accused me of calling him whatever "@%$#ed" is supposed to represent. You want to point fingers at me claiming I'm not following scout laws and oaths but you sit there making mulitple lies about things I said and the order in which I said them. Then you threaten me with "the rules". You are a hypocrit and have no moral high ground in this matter.



1 hour ago, Roland said:


In courteous and friendly conversation if someone asks such a rhetorical question it is polite to protest and reassure that there is simply a difference of opinion and we'll have to agree to disagree. Even if it was within the bounds of courteous discourse to publicly agree with such a musing, he didn't ask if he was @%$#ed and yet you chose to add that one in so even if calling someone stupid when asked fell within the bounds of what it means to be an Eagle Scout (it doesn't), calling someone @%$#ed all on your own definitely is outside the scope of courteous, friendly, or kind. You even went so far as to avoid the word filter by mispelling it on purpose swapping a d for a t so it could be read.


You're the one who brought scouting ideals into the conversation applying them to yourself. I get it that they are ideals and nobody can live up to such standards 100% of the time. When you fall short you apologize and start over. If you are brave enough to do so. Then you avoid name-calling and insulting in the future which is against the rules. If you are obedient.

There's nothing courteous and friendly about Meganoth lying to and gas lighting people over the at least 2-3 years I have been on and off this forum. He has done it so much and so often that even with the multiple months of breaks from participating here I still remember his name for that very reason. Just like he has done in this very thread. It is a stupid change to remove the ability to use lake/river water. You just like the others who refused to actually read what I wrote have lied about me calling him stupid out of the blue, the proof of which is in this very thread. It's probably a waste of time to point out for the 5th? time now he asked my opinion on his mental capacity and he got an honest answer right after he lied about me calling him and others stupid. What I had said was that the change was stupid. Up until he asked me directly if he is stupid I had not called anyone stupid. There is nothing wrong with me saying something you did was stupid. There is something wrong with you, meganoth, and bft2020 falsely accusing me of saying things I did not. Don't ask people if you are stupid if you don't want to hear the answer, especially not right after you made false accusations about them.

You have also falsely accused me of calling him whatever "@%$#ed" is supposed to represent. You want to point fingers at me claiming I'm not following scout laws and oaths but you sit there making mulitple lies about things I said and the order in which I said them. You have no moral high ground in this matter.

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