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On 8/5/2024 at 10:58 AM, BFT2020 said:

As an Eagle Scout myself, I have to ask you - does calling someone stupid or @%$#ed because they like and defend something you don't like in a game an example of those principles we been tasked to show?

A Scout is:

TRUSTWORTHY. Tell the truth and keep promises. People can depend on you.

It is dishonest of you to imply that I called him stupid out of the blue. As I pointed out earlier to him and now again to you, he asked if he was stupid for defending the devs retarted decision to tell people they can't drink river/lake water. If he didn't want to know my opinion on his level of mental capacity then he should not have asked me. I did not volunteer that opinion, he asked it of me and I gave him an honest answer. Meganoth has spent years lying to people and gas lighting them by ignoring people's well reasoned complaints about certain aspects of and changes to the game.

It's an obvious lie that this is about limiting glue since the easiest method of limiting people's access to glue is to both reduce the drop rate and change the recipe. Instead of glue only requiring 1 clean water it could require 10 or 20 or even 100 and that would have given them the same level of reduction that removing river/lake water did while being not only easier to code but also having no impact on the several other things water is also used for.

Edit: As a side note has anyone noticed those who are the most vocal about supporting such a dumb change are no lifers who forum warrior all day long? Riamus has an average of 4.6 posts per day in the just under 2 years he's been on the forums. BFT2020 has an average of 10.5 posts per day in the just under 4 years he's been on the forums. Yall need to go touch some grass, and no the grass in Navezgane does not count.



On 8/5/2024 at 10:58 AM, BFT2020 said:

As an Eagle Scout myself, I have to ask you - does calling someone stupid or @%$#ed because they like and defend something you don't like in a game an example of those principles we been tasked to show?

A Scout is:

TRUSTWORTHY. Tell the truth and keep promises. People can depend on you.

It is dishonest of you to imply that I called him stupid out of the blue. As I pointed out earlier to him and now again to you, he asked if he was stupid for defending the devs retarted decision to tell people they can't drink river/lake water. If he didn't want to know my opinion on his level of mental capacity then he should not have asked me. I did not volunteer that opinion, he asked it of me and I gave him an honest answer. Meganoth has spent years lying to people and gas lighting them by ignoring people's well reasoned complaints about certain aspects of and changes to the game.

It's an obvious lie that this is about limiting glue since the easiest method of limiting people's access to glue is to both reduce the drop rate and change the recipe. Instead of glue only requiring 1 clean water it could require 10 or 20 or even 100 and that would have given them the same level of reduction that removing river/lake water did while being not only easier to code but also having no impact on the several other things water is also used for.

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