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Added detailed instructions for how to recycle the ammunition

I am adding this image for additional visual help on how the mod works, Thank you FNS for providing it 💜






1- Open the workbench. In the left panel, in "Ammo/Weapons" category you will see recipes for "Recycled Ammo" bundles for each type of ammunition. 

2- Make sure you have the ammunition you want to recycle in your backpack. 

3- Select the recipe for the type of ammunition that you want to recycle and click "craft". You can craft more than one bundle at a time as long as you have enough ammunition in your backpack. 

4- After a few seconds you will get one or more "Recycle Ammo" bundles. 

5- Open the bundle, in the same way you would open other bundles in the game, to get the recycled materials. What materials you get depends on what kind of ammunition you are recycling. DO NOT SCRAP the bundle, just OPEN IT.

6- Profit 😉

I am adding this image for additional visual help on how the mod works, Thank you FNS for providing it 💜



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