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My first post sucked ass because I was exhausted at the time I wrote it.

Just dumping my stuff here. Unless otherwise noted, all of my mods are server-side.


  • 7 Days of Insomnia: The most advanced and immersive sleeping system. Scientifically tested and proven to improve gameplay tenfold. Just click the link and read the list of features. Or don't. You are welcome either way.
  • No Enemy Indicators: Does what it implies on the tin. Hides enemy indicators typically seen during clear quests (but not orange markers).
  • Byteblazar's Screamers: Makes screamers more challenging to face, mainly by tweaking their AI and other parameters so they are sneakier, run faster, and avoid direct confrontation. They can also leap. Their HP or other combat-related stats are untouched. These changes give them much better chances of summoning scout hordes, as they will sneak up on you and keep some distance as they chase you around screaming.
  • Chill Screamer-chans: If challenging screamers are not up your alley, this one makes screamers harmless and a tad smaller. Made by request, but apparently multiple people secretly wanted this. Creeps.
  • Mute Traders: Also made by request. Self-explanatory name. You can pick individual traders to make quiet, or mute them all. I'm not judging.


More mods to come in the near future, as soon as I update and polish some of my old unreleased mods, and some other fancy ones are also planned. Gameplay is my specialty, so that's what you can expect the most from me as a modder.






Hello there, fellow survivors. I am a humble newbie in this forum and while I started playing this game around a year ago, I haven't interacted with its community at all until recently.


That's it for the introductions so far, as I don't have much time right now and I am in desperate need of a break because I'm one of those losers who work on Sundays (maybe I didn't pick the best time to decide to engage with the community but it is what it is). I'm here to share my goodies, and today I released a big one. Or... bigger than usual for me? definitely at least medium-sized objectively speaking... anyway here they are:


  • No Enemy Indicators: Does what it implies on the tin. Hides enemy indicators typically seen during clear quests (but not orange markers).
  • Byteblazar's Screamers: Makes screamers more challenging to face, mainly by tweaking their AI and sounds so they are more sneaky, run faster, and avoid direct confrontation (so they get a chance to summon scout hordes.
  • and the star of today:
  • 7 Days of Insomnia: The most advanced sleep system I'm aware of for this game.


That's all for now but I will most definitely update this post later on and upload mirror links for those who don't want to register at Nexusmods for whatever reason. I just have to get my stuff sorted here and actually upload those things somewhere, but like I said, no time right now. I hope I'm not breaking any rules.


Thank you all in advance for having me, and thanks for the information and mods yourselves have shared over the years.




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