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So this backpack mini game isn't pleasing 99% of the community, because the first thing people do is go looking for backpack mods... When I'm referring to opening the game I mean using the resources already approved by the community in the most famous mods.. Example picking things up with your hands instead of punching them to pick things up. Prepared foods do not eat cardboard. Food and water bar and zombie HP bar.. Backpacks and belts as an item in the game, because this mini game talk is only in the minds of the developers, all players want is quality of life.. Not to mention the most important thing is performance, how can mods have more performance with a lot more resources, and the vanilla basic game can't achieve 30 fps in a blood moon?? Let the modders help with development, it seems like the game will be much more efficientpan widgetspan widget



Então esse mini game da mochila não está agradando 99% da comunidade ,pois a primeira coisa que as pessoas fazem é ir atrás de mod de 🎒 mochila...

Quando estou me referindo a abrir o jogo quero dizer utilizar os recursos já aprovados pela comunidade nos mods mais famosos ..

Exemplo pegar as coisas com as mãos em vez de dar soco para colher as coisas..

Comidas elaboradas não comer papelão..

Barra de comida e água e Hp barra dos zumbis..

Mochilas e cinto como um item no jogo , pois esse papo de mini game está só na cabeça dos desenvolvedores , todos players querem é qualidade de vida..

Sem falar no mais importante que é desempenho , como pode os mods terem mais desempenho com muito recursos a mais, e o vanila jogo básico não conseguir 30 fps em uma lua de sangue??

Deixem os moders ajudarem no desenvolvimento parece que o jogo vai ter muito mais eficiência...

So this backpack mini game isn't pleasing 99% of the community, because the first thing people do is go looking for backpack mods... When I'm referring to opening the game I mean using the resources already approved by the community in the most famous mods.. Example picking things up with your hands instead of punching them to pick things up. Prepared foods do not eat cardboard. Food and water bar and zombie HP bar.. Backpacks and belts as an item in the game, because this mini game talk is only in the minds of the developers, all players want is quality of life.. Not to mention the most important thing is performance, how can mods have more performance with a lot more resources, and the vanilla basic game can't achieve 30 fps in a blood moon?? Let the modders help with development, it seems like the game will be much more efficient...

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