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Some initial thoughts

-I think crawlers and dogs are a little bit too tanky right now

-Very happy with the challenge system. Massive improvement over the journal system.

-New trader progression is great. The traders also make sense where they are biome-wise.

-Some of the character faces look a bit strange.

-The interfaces seem to be somewhat buggy/laggy. A lot of stuff doesn't show up immediately,

-Some sell prices seem a little too disproportionate, like how you buy cooking grills for 600, and you sell them for 4 dukes.

-Not a fan of the news/ad section on launch. That seems like something you'd see in a live service game.

-Since the outfits don't have a seperate top and pants, there isn't too much customization/fashion opprotunity

-There's some clipping with hair or armor pieces (still a major improvement)

-Animations (both third and first person) are much better, most notably the drinking from a water source animation is an absolute massive improvement.

-Third person reload sound bug was fixed!

-Albedo variants add some nice variety. I'm sort of curious how they work, is it like a layer put on top of the normal zombie models? Or is it like a decal?

-New road decals and props are always good

-Trader voice lines add a lot more personailty

-You can place blocks on road lines

-World gen is somehow even faster


Looks like a solid update so far, though I've only played for a few ingame days, so it's fairly early on, and nothing I say really holds any legitmacy. Even if there are problems/issues, I appreciate the devs for releasing this, and I'm sure it was a big and challenging undertaking.  




Crawlers have far too much hp now. I think a lot of the hp increases made sense, but these guys are far too spongey for what they are. Same goes for dogs; you'd think they'd be fast and heavily damaging, but very fragile. I think both of these guys need a hp decrease.


Very happy with the challenge system.


Some of the character faces look a bit off. Definitely an improvement overall though.


I seem to get infected a lot more, but that could just be anecdotal.


Some sell prices seem a bit off, like how you buy cooking grills for 600, and you sell them for 4 dukes.





Crawlers have far too much hp now. I think a lot of the hp increases made sense, but these guys are far too spongey for what they are. Same goes for dogs; you'd think they'd be fast and heavily damaging, but very fragile. I think both of these guys need a hp decrease.


Very happy with the challenge system.


Some of the character faces look a bit off. Definitely an improvement overall though.


I seem to get infected a lot more, but that could just be anecdotal.





Crawlers have far too much hp now. I think a lot of the hp increases made sense, but these guys are far too spongey for what they are.





Crawlers have far too much hp now. I think a lot of the hp increases made sense, but these guys are far too spongey for what they are.

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