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2 hours ago, drats said:
	<!-- Changes lockpicking to be actually useful and make sense to spend points on. -->
	<set xpath="//perk[@name='perkLockPicking']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='LockPickTime']/@value">.25,.75</set>
	<set xpath="//progression/perk[name='LockPickBreakChance']/effect_group/passive_effect[name='LockPickTime']/@value">.33,100</set>

The "name" of the second xpath is missing an @!
And there is no perk with the name "LockPickBreakChance".
Maybe that's why you missed it!
Unless you're trying to modify a skill created by another mod!


If I'm right, maybe that's what you want to do:


      <!-- Changes lockpicking to be actually useful and make sense to spend points on. -->
      <set xpath="//perk[@name='perkLockPicking']//passive_effect[@name='LockPickTime']/@value">.25,.75</set>
      <set xpath="//perk[@name='perkLockPicking']//passive_effect[@name='LockPickBreakChance']/@value">.33,100</set>

I've reduced the size of the xpath and made it more readable!

Using "//", you can search for all passive effects following the hierarchy, without having to mention effect_group or other nodes!
In this case, I've already mentioned which perk I want to select and then skipped all the nodes directly to any passive_effect!


Elements don't need @ but attributes do!
Element is what is inside the beginning of <>
Example, <effect_group>, so "effect_group" is an element!
What comes after "effect_group" is an attribute
Example, <effect_group name="attributeValue1">
In this case, the attribute is "name" and its value is "attributeValue1".
So you can select a specific "effect_group/@name" by searching for the value, or you can search for all "effect_group/@name" and edit them all at the same time!


Searching for a specific one (use [] after the element to select an attribute from it as a requirement):


Searching for all effect_groups that have @name!


And if you want to select the attribute instead of the element, you have to put the @attribute after the element in the xpath
So this:


Will become this:

        <effect_group name="attributeValue1"></effect_group>
        <effect_group name="attributeValue2"></effect_group>

Use the XML above to test the XPATHS I mentioned, you can use "https://codebeautify.org/Xpath-Tester" to test!

And you can also look at this documentation on the WIKI, it will help you a lot!

There are several ways to select a single node!
Test enough to select as simply as possible!



2 hours ago, drats said:
	<!-- Changes lockpicking to be actually useful and make sense to spend points on. -->
	<set xpath="//perk[@name='perkLockPicking']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='LockPickTime']/@value">.25,.75</set>
	<set xpath="//progression/perk[name='LockPickBreakChance']/effect_group/passive_effect[name='LockPickTime']/@value">.33,100</set>

The "name" of the second xpath is missing an @!
And there is no perk with the name "LockPickBreakChance".
Maybe that's why you missed it!
Unless you're trying to modify a skill created by another mod!


If I'm right, maybe that's what you want to do:


      <!-- Changes lockpicking to be actually useful and make sense to spend points on. -->
      <set xpath="//perk[@name='perkLockPicking']//passive_effect[@name='LockPickTime']/@value">.25,.75</set>
      <set xpath="//perk[@name='perkLockPicking']//passive_effect[@name='LockPickBreakChance']/@value">.33,100</set>

I've reduced the size of the xpath and made it more readable!

Using "//", you can search for all passive effects following the hierarchy, without having to mention effect_group or other nodes!
In this case, I've already mentioned which perk I want to select and then skipped all the nodes directly to any passive_effect!

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