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Ouabi Gaming

Ouabi Gaming

Hi, I'm working on a video tutorial about the game settings and am struggling about a zombie behaviour. I cannot find any info and nothing in the xml files.

That's the zombie rage mode, the one that gives a speed boost to zombies in combat.

I made some tests, it seems to happen almost entirely randomly. With two exceptions. At scavenger difficulty I couldn't trigger it at all. On insane difficulty, it seems to occur more often with a bigger boost and lasts longer. And between those two, it seems totally random.


Anybody has info about this ?

Ouabi Gaming

Ouabi Gaming

Hi, I'm working on a video tutorial about the game settings and am struggling about a zombie behaviour. I cannot find any info and nothing in the xml files.

That's the zombie rage mode, the one that gives a speed boost to zombies in combat.

I made some tests, it seems to happen almost entirely randomly. With two exceptions. At scavenger difficulty I couldn't trigger it at all. On insane difficulty, it seems to occur more often with a bigger boost and lasts longer. And between those two, it seems totally random.


Anybody have info about this ?

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