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I would love to see optional displacement/parallax maps on all of the terrain textures. I think it would make a major difference in the game's visuals as there's a lot of ground to be found around. And in fact it is pretty flat, what do you think about that?


And no offense to the game's composer but the majority of the game's music has always had a bit of an amateur vibe to it, and like they only had one drum sound, a piano, and strings. I just feel the game deserves something of higher quality to match all the other visual and (soon) sound effect improvements. I'm not talking about the trader music.


EDIT: I've also always wondered...what, if any, is the limit to the number of total POI's the game can have? Not spawned in a single world, but total. Wouldn't it only be limited by the file size of the game, if there was such a limit?





I would love to see optional displacement/parallax maps on all of the terrain textures. I think it would make a major difference in the game's visuals as there's a lot of ground to be found around. And in fact it is pretty flat, what do you think about that?


And no offense to the game's composer but the majority of the game's music has always had a bit of an amateur vibe to it, and like they only had one drum sound, a piano, and strings. I just feel the game deserves something of higher quality to match all the other visual and (soon) sound effect improvements. I'm not talking about the trader music.



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