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Mister Forgash

Mister Forgash

33 minutes ago, Riamus said:

... It's certainly better than doing 80 quests per tier for 8 players questing together. ...

10 quests per player per tier is a lot, but if you have a team size of 8, do you really all go to the same quests? I've never ran with a group larger than 3 and even that was mowing through PoIs Perhaps questing as 2 groups of 4 would be more reasonable?


That said, perhaps a daily diminishing returns system would work better- First 2 turn-ins of the day you get full credit towards progression, The next 3 turn ins are worth half, and every turn in thereafter is worth quarter credit. So you would get something like.
2 quests in a day- 2 points towards tier completion,

4 quests in a day- 3 points towards tier completion

7 quests in a day- 4 points towards tier completion.

 -- This needs more tuning and favors large teams too heavily .. I don't think it's good for balance if large teams can rush their way to the upper tiers within the first week. I don't think the current answer is the best solution.. I don't think the best solution has been figured, yet.

Mister Forgash

Mister Forgash

19 minutes ago, Riamus said:

... It's certainly better than doing 80 quests per tier for 8 players questing together. ...

10 quests per player per tier is a lot, but if you have a team size of 8, do you really all go to the same quests? I've never ran with a group larger than 3 and even that was mowing through PoIs Perhaps questing as 2 groups of 4 would be more reasonable?


That said, perhaps a daily diminishing returns system would work better- First 2 turn-ins of the day you get full credit towards progression, The next 3 turn ins are worth half, and every turn in thereafter is worth quarter credit. So you would get something like.
2 quests in a day- 2 points towards tier completion,

4 quests in a day- 3 points towards tier completion

7 quests in a day- 4 points towards tier completion.

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