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What I found a bit confusing with last night's dev stream was the big deal about showing fps. Sure, it definitely wouldnt demonstrate the performance of the people watching, since everyone has different machines, and the stream and such, but at this point, everyone's hyped up for the release, you can't really blame them for asking questions. The performance at this point is kind of a meme, and not showing it, even if it wouldn't demonstrate much, wouldn't be a big deal.


Funniest moments have to be when Fubar just gives a dead stare straight into the camera. He looks like he's possessed. (Not trying to be rude, it's just really funny to me)


I only caught the first hour or so of the stream. Looking forward to watching the vod!



What I found a bit confusing with last night's dev stream was the big deal about showing fps. Sure, it definitely wouldnt demonstrate the performance of the people watching, since everyone has different machines, and the stream and such, but at this point, everyone's hyped up for the release, you can't really blame them for asking questions, and it felt like a lot of these streams are the streamer just constantly saying no, or telling the people watching that they shouldnt ask about xyz. The performance at this point is kind of a meme, and not showing it, even if it wouldn't demonstrate much, wouldn't be a big deal. But like, just for fun, you could give the people what they want on occasion 😂 


Funniest moments have to be when Fubar just gives a dead stare straight into the camera. He looks like he's possessed. (Not trying to be rude, it's just really funny to me)


I only caught the first hour or so of the stream. Looking forward to watching the vod!

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