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2 hours ago, Laran Mithras said:

I believe many seek validation by being contrarians - even if it means hopping over their sacred fence.


7 DTD 1.0 doesn't hurt anyone, though the lamentations sound terrifying. Queue up the Doom Prognosticators next...

I mean, yeah, good point, I'm sure some people are like that, but some people are just throwing out their thoughts on it.


But there are some genuine concerns here.


For instance, in an interview, the 2 cofounders of tfp said "the biggest optimizations will come with gold". Now we're learning that they're optimizing, yes, but there haven't been any extreme improvements, and we're already pretty much at gold, and the other features on roadmap they released before this one is coming afterwards as well. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the team have made a bunch of improvements as they work on a22, but it sounds more like performance will be an ongoing thing. I saw an earlier comment saying the game didn't support multithreading? I'm curious about that. Games without that tend to struggle a lot more, I wouldn't be surprised if thats holding the game back a lot, even if its a major undertaking, it may be worth looking into if it all possible.


I personally have some issues, but nothing too new, communication is kind of lacking, outside of a couple people of the forums. None of this is particularily agregious, or anything to get extremely mad over. tfp kind of reminds me of valve in that regard. I think people get more negative or critical about this stuff because of the lack of communication. Generally, when people feel like they aren't being heard, they talk a lot louder. I believe most people just want to say their peace about the state of the game.


Quite a few people can get frustrated at the current magazine system's rng nature, for instance. Perhaps you raid a gas station and get no vehicle books? Or you raid a tier 5 military poi on day 1 and you get a pipe pistol with some magazines as your reward? Or how water flows? Misc stuff like this, and stuff relating to roadmaps, releases, etc, are all important to talk about and discuss. Hell, a pretty good portion of the stuff I've said or suggested have been pretty dumb, but maybe some of the people's ideas are good? I don't know.


My biggest issue/suggestions is about communication. It'd be sick if they posted a steam update blog/announcement every month or so, tell us what theyre working on (that they can tell us), show some teaser images, talk about community suggestions or questions on these and the steam forums. Terraria's devs sort of do the same thing, and its great. Also helps build up hype. What are the devs thinking? What are they trying to decide? What bugs have come up? etc


I'm happy with some aspects of the roadmap, like how we're getting the weather update in q4 this year, which is far earlier than normal, excited for how weather impacts gameplay, as well as some of the other stuff, and for some reason I'm oddly happy about having our gear reflected on our fps model.





49 minutes ago, Laran Mithras said:

I believe many seek validation by being contrarians - even if it means hopping over their sacred fence.


7 DTD 1.0 doesn't hurt anyone, though the lamentations sound terrifying. Queue up the Doom Prognosticators next...

I mean, yeah, good point, I'm sure some people are like that, but some people are just throwing out their thoughts on it.


But there are some genuine concerns here.


For instance, in an interview, the 2 cofounders of tfp said "the biggest optimizations will come with gold". Now we're learning that they're optimizing, yes, but there haven't been any extreme improvements, and we're already pretty much at gold, and the other features on roadmap they released before this one is coming afterwards as well. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the team have made a bunch of improvements as they work on a22, but it sounds more like performance will be an ongoing thing. I saw an earlier comment saying the game didn't support multithreading? I'm curious about that. Games without that tend to struggle a lot more, I wouldn't be surprised if thats holding the game back a lot, even if its a major undertaking, it may be worth looking into if it all possible.


I personally have some issues, but nothing too new, communication is kind of lacking, outside of a couple people of the forums. None of this is particularily agregious, or anything to get extremely mad over. tfp kind of reminds me of valve in that regard. I think people get more negative or critical about this stuff because of the lack of communication. Generally, when people feel like they aren't being heard, they talk a lot louder. I believe most people just want to say their peace about the state of the game.


Quite a few people can get frustrated at the current magazine system's rng nature, for instance. Perhaps you raid a gas station and get no vehicle books? Or you raid a tier 5 military poi on day 1 and you get a pipe pistol with some magazines as your reward? Or how water flows? Misc stuff like this, and stuff relating to roadmaps, releases, etc, are all important to talk about and discuss. Hell, a pretty good portion of the stuff I've said or suggested have been pretty dumb, but maybe some of the people's ideas are good? I don't know.


My biggest issue/suggestions is about communication. It'd be sick if they posted a steam update blog/announcement every month or so, tell us what theyre working on (that they can tell us), show some teaser images, talk about community suggestions or questions on these and the steam forums. Terraria's devs sort of do the same thing, and its great. Also helps build up hype. What are the devs thinking? What are they trying to decide? What bugs have come up? etc


I'm happy with some aspects of the roadmap, like how we're getting the weather update in q4 this year, which is far earlier than normal, excited for how weather impacts gameplay, as well as some of the other stuff, and for some reason I'm oddly happy about having our gear reflected on our fps model, but paid outfit dlc before bandits is a bit of an oof for me. I hope its some silly supporter set, like a pimp set or something, and not some cool armor they reserve for it.





47 minutes ago, Laran Mithras said:

I believe many seek validation by being contrarians - even if it means hopping over their sacred fence.


7 DTD 1.0 doesn't hurt anyone, though the lamentations sound terrifying. Queue up the Doom Prognosticators next...

I mean, yeah, good point, I'm sure some people are like that, but some people are just throwing out their thoughts on it.


But there are some genuine concerns here.


For instance, in an interview, the 2 cofounders of tfp said "the biggest optimizations will come with gold". Now we're learning that they're optimizing, yes, but there haven't been any extreme improvements, and we're already pretty much at gold, and the other features on roadmap they released before this one is coming afterwards as well. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the team have made a bunch of improvements as they work on a22, but it sounds more like performance will be an ongoing thing. I saw an earlier comment saying the game didn't support multithreading? I'm curious about that. Games without that tend to struggle a lot more, I wouldn't be surprised if thats holding the game back a lot, even if its a major undertaking, it may be worth looking into if it all possible.


I personally have some issues, but nothing too new, communication is kind of lacking, outside of a couple people of the forums. None of this is particularily agregious, or anything to get extremely mad over. tfp kind of reminds me of valve in that regard. I think people get more negative or critical about this stuff because of the lack of communication. Generally, when people feel like they aren't being heard, they talk a lot louder. I believe most people just want to say their peace about the state of the game.


Quite a few people aren't a fan of the current magazine system's rng nature. Perhaps you raid a gas station and get no vehicle books? Or you raid a tier 5 military poi on day 1 and you get a pipe pistol with some magazines as your reward? Or how water flows? Misc stuff like this, and stuff relating to roadmaps, releases, etc, are all important to talk about and discuss. Hell, a pretty good portion of the stuff I've said or suggested have been pretty dumb, but maybe some of the people's ideas are good? I don't know.


My biggest issue/suggestions is about communication. It'd be sick if they posted a steam update blog/announcement every month or so, tell us what theyre working on (that they can tell us), show some teaser images, talk about community suggestions or questions on these and the steam forums. Terraria's devs sort of do the same thing, and its great. Also helps build up hype. What are the devs thinking? What are they trying to decide? What bugs have come up? etc


I'm happy with some aspects of the roadmap, like how we're getting the weather update in q4 this year, which is far earlier than normal, excited for how weather impacts gameplay, as well as some of the other stuff, and for some reason I'm oddly happy about having our gear reflected on our fps model, but paid outfit dlc before bandits is a bit of an oof for me. I hope its some silly supporter set, like a pimp set or something, and not some cool armor they reserve for it.





16 minutes ago, Laran Mithras said:

I believe many seek validation by being contrarians - even if it means hopping over their sacred fence.


7 DTD 1.0 doesn't hurt anyone, though the lamentations sound terrifying. Queue up the Doom Prognosticators next...

I mean, yeah, good point, I'm sure some people are like that, but some people are just throwing out their thoughts on it.


But there are some genuine concerns here.


For instance, in an interview, the 2 cofounders of tfp said "the biggest optimizations will come with gold". Now we're learning that they're optimizing, yes, but there haven't been any extreme improvements, and we're already pretty much at gold, and the other features on roadmap they released before this one is coming afterwards as well. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the team have made a bunch of improvements as they work on a22, but it sounds more like performance will be an ongoing thing. I saw an earlier comment saying the game didn't support multithreading? I'm curious about that. Games without that tend to struggle a lot more, I wouldn't be surprised if thats holding the game back a lot, even if its a major undertaking, it may be worth looking into if it all possible.


I personally have some issues, but nothing too new, communication is kind of lacking, outside of a couple people of the forums. None of this is particularily agregious, or anything to get extremely mad over. tfp kind of reminds me of valve in that regard. I think people get more negative or critical about this stuff because of the lack of communication. Generally, when people feel like they aren't being heard, they talk a lot louder. I believe most people just want to say their peace about the state of the game.


Quite a few people aren't a fan of the current magazine system's rng nature. Perhaps you raid a gas station and get no vehicle books? Or you raid a tier 5 military poi on day 1 and you get a pipe pistol with some magazines as your reward? Or how water flows? Misc stuff like this, and stuff relating to roadmaps, releases, etc, are all important to talk about and discuss. Hell, a pretty good portion of the stuff I've said or suggested have been pretty dumb, but maybe some of the people's ideas are good? I don't know.


My biggest issue/suggestions is about communication. It'd be sick if they posted a steam update blog/announcement every month or so, tell us what theyre working on (that they can tell us), show some teaser images, talk about community suggestions or questions on these and the steam forums. Terraria's devs sort of do the same thing, and its great. Also helps build up hype. What are the devs thinking? What are they trying to decide? What bugs have come up? etc


I'm happy with some aspects of the roadmap, like how we're getting the weather update in q4 this year, which is far earlier than normal, excited for how weather impacts gameplay, as well as some of the other stuff, and for some reason I'm oddly happy about having our gear reflected on our fps model, but paid outfit dlc before bandits is a bit of an oof for me. I hope its some silly supporter set, like a pimp set or something, and not some cool armor they reserve for it.


















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