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2 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

Are the "original clothing items" going to still be in game as "scrappables"? Just wondering what it woukd be like to loot a drawer or clothing bag and get "special armor" vs "hey its a white t-shirt and only worth cloth"


This is a big question for me too. The clothes gave us a few extra "plain" options for characters which were nevertheless useful in creating variety. Most of the new costumes are very distinct, even if you mix parts.


And what the heck will Savage Country racks be filled with now? Bits of goofball post-apocalyptic armour sets when they didn't use to have armour at all? Seems a little off. On the other hand, piles and piles of cloth fragments would just be boring.


Also what about things like the hat reskin armour mods? Will those stay? I mean, I assume the (for example) cowboy hat would use the updated model, but will that still exist?


Call this a plea for some vanilla clothing to remain! I get that TFP don't want items which only exist to be scrapped, but clothes never were - they were there for cosmetic purposes, and I'm pretty sure that most game companies these days do understand the value of cosmetic options to players since skins are a huge portion of monetization these days (please don't go THAT route though).





2 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

Are the "original clothing items" going to still be in game as "scrappables"? Just wondering what it woukd be like to loot a drawer or clothing bag and get "special armor" vs "hey its a white t-shirt and only worth cloth"


This is a big question for me too. The clothes gave us a few extra "plain" options for characters which were nevertheless useful in creating variety. Most of the new costumes are very distinct, even if you mix parts.


And what the heck will Savage Country racks be filled with now? Bits of goofball post-apocalyptic armour sets when they didn't use to have armour at all? Seems a little off. On the other hand, piles and piles of cloth fragments would just be boring.


Also what about things like the hat reskin armour mods? Will those stay? I mean, I assume the (for example) cowboy hat would use the updated model, but will that still exist?


Call this a plea for some vanilla clothing to remain!

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