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Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of stat increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons - progress with a tool or weapon doesn't need to interfere with a magazine strategy.

Receive a bonus skill point when you max out each Perk Skill (level 50).


Special thanks to FranticDan and Hells_Janitor for feedback, debugging and suggestions.


Download:  Repository Link: Hybrid Learn By Use (Action Skills)

Recommend starting a new game.


Currently applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
Perception: DeadEye, Demolition Expert, SpearMaster, Salvage
Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeapCuts, Hidden Strike
Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics


The code is free to use license. It is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm from Khaine in the Darkness Falls mod (//community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/). Please acknowledge Khaine's coal-face work if you reuse the code.


This modlet comes from the Survival No Trader mod.







Version 1.0.2 19th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)
- Fixed Learn By Use damage progression bug for Gunslinger.

Version 1.0.3 22th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)

- Fixed: gameevents.xml file was missing from the release package.



Version 1.0.4 10th March 2024.
- Fixed syntax error in Localisation file.


- Added Global Config variables so anyone can easily control the Learn-By-Use leveling curve for all Perks.
  See progression.xml, look for the line: "<!--change the values below to change the levelling curve...." for information.


- Added Demolitions Expert to the Learn By Use tree. Molotovs & Timed Charges are slow at increasing level.
  The best way to increase the Demolitions LBU perk is using grenades/rockets on large groups of zombies.

  Nade should hit a zombie, not land next to it for max level xp.


- Fixed Learn By Use progress error after using Grandpa's Fergit'n Elixir.
  After using the Elixir, use any tool or weapon and a buff will restore all Learn By Use Perks' progress over a short period.
  Progress Level will also be restored when there are any other Perk Level changes e.g. infection side effects.
  If you install this version over an existing install/game, you will see a message indicating the progress level is being verified,
  this is just your local variables being updated to the latest version.


Version 1.0.5 17th March 2024
   - Optimised the Learn By Use Perks initialisation code. Initialisation now only depends on a single variable
      rather than the synchronisation of 3 different variables.
   - Added Hidden Strike to the Learn By Use Perk Tree.    
   - Fixed issue where the Miner69r/Motherload Perk allowed the harvesting rate to be applied to plants/farming
     (e.g. shovels could get extra food when used on farm plot plants)
   - Slightly reduced Learn By Use Boomstick xp gain per target hit (shotty can hit multiple targets with a single shell).






Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of stat increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons - progress with a tool or weapon doesn't need to interfere with a magazine strategy.

Receive a bonus skill point when you max out each Perk Skill (level 50).


Special thanks to FranticDan and Hells_Janitor for feedback, debugging and suggestions.


Download:  Repository Link: Hybrid Learn By Use (Action Skills)

Recommend starting a new game.


Currently applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
Perception: DeadEye, SpearMaster, Salvage
Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeapCuts
Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics


The code is free to use license. It is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm from Khaine in the Darkness Falls mod (//community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/). Please acknowledge Khaine's coal-face work if you reuse the code.


This modlet comes from the Survival No Trader mod.







Version 1.0.2 19th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)
- Fixed Learn By Use damage progression bug for Gunslinger.

Version 1.0.3 22th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)

- Fixed: gameevents.xml file was missing from the release package.



Version 1.0.4 10th March 2024.
- Fixed syntax error in Localisation file.


- Added Global Config variables so anyone can easily control the Learn-By-Use leveling curve for all Perks.
  See progression.xml, look for the line: "<!--change the values below to change the levelling curve...." for information.


- Added Demolitions Expert to the Learn By Use tree. Molotovs & Timed Charges are slow at increasing level.
  The best way to increase the Demolitions LBU perk is using grenades/rockets on large groups of zombies.

  Nade should hit a zombie, not land next to it for max level xp.


- Fixed Learn By Use progress error after using Grandpa's Fergit'n Elixir.
  After using the Elixir, use any tool or weapon and a buff will restore all Learn By Use Perks' progress over a short period.
  Progress Level will also be restored when there are any other Perk Level changes e.g. infection side effects.
  If you install this version over an existing install/game, you will see a message indicating the progress level is being verified,
  this is just your local variables being updated to the latest version.








Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of stat increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons - progress with a tool or weapon doesn't need to interfere with a magazine strategy.

Receive a bonus skill point when you max out each Perk Skill (level 50).


Download:  Repository Link: Hybrid Learn By Use (Action Skills)

Recommend starting a new game.


Currently applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
Perception: DeadEye, SpearMaster, Salvage
Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeapCuts
Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics


The code is free to use license. It is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm from Khaine in the Darkness Falls mod (//community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/). Please acknowledge Khaine's coal-face work if you reuse the code.


This modlet comes from the Survival No Trader mod.







Version 1.0.2 19th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)
- Fixed Learn By Use damage progression bug for Gunslinger.

Version 1.0.3 22th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)

- Fixed: gameevents.xml file was missing from the release package.



Version 1.0.4 10th March 2024.
- Fixed syntax error in Localisation file.


- Added Global Config variables so anyone can easily control the Learn-By-Use leveling curve for all Perks.
  See progression.xml, look for the line: "<!--change the values below to change the levelling curve...." for information.


- Added Demolitions Expert to the Learn By Use tree. Molotovs & Timed Charges are slow at increasing level.
  The best way to increase the Demolitions LBU perk is using grenades/rockets on large groups of zombies.

  Nade should hit a zombie, not land next to it for max level xp.


- Fixed Learn By Use progress error after using Grandpa's Fergit'n Elixir.
  After using the Elixir, use any tool or weapon and a buff will restore all Learn By Use Perks' progress over a short period.
  Progress Level will also be restored when there are any other Perk Level changes e.g. infection side effects.
  If you install this version over an existing install/game, you will see a message indicating the progress level is being verified,
  this is just your local variables being updated to the latest version.








Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of stat increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons - progress with a tool or weapon doesn't need to interfere with a magazine strategy.

Receive a bonus skill point when you max out each Perk Skill (level 50).


Download:  Repository Link: Hybrid Learn By Use (Action Skills)

Recommend starting a new game.


Currently applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
Perception: DeadEye, SpearMaster, Salvage
Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeapCuts
Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics


The code is free to use license. It is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm from Khaine in the Darkness Falls mod (//community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/). Please acknowledge Khaine's coal-face work if you reuse the code.


This modlet comes from the Survival No Trader mod.







Version 1.0.2 19th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)
- Fixed Learn By Use damage progression bug for Gunslinger.

Version 1.0.3 22th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)

- Fixed: gameevents.xml file was missing from the release package.



Version 1.0.3 10th March 2024.
- Fixed syntax error in Localisation file.


- Added Global Config variables so anyone can easily control the Learn-By-Use leveling curve for all Perks.
  See progression.xml, look for the line: "<!--change the values below to change the levelling curve...." for information.


- Added Demolitions Expert to the Learn By Use tree. Molotovs & Timed Charges are slow at increasing level.
  The best way to increase the Demolitions LBU perk is using grenades/rockets on large groups of zombies.

  Nade should hit a zombie, not land next to it for max level xp.


- Fixed Learn By Use progress error after using Grandpa's Fergit'n Elixir.
  After using the Elixir, use any tool or weapon and a buff will restore all Learn By Use Perks' progress over a short period.
  Progress Level will also be restored when there are any other Perk Level changes e.g. infection side effects.
  If you install this version over an existing install/game, you will see a message indicating the progress level is being verified,
  this is just your local variables being updated to the latest version.








Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of stat increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons - progress with a tool or weapon doesn't need to interfere with a magazine strategy.

Receive a bonus skill point when you max out each Perk Skill (level 50).


Download:  Repository Link: Hybrid Learn By Use (Action Skills)

Recommend starting a new game.


Currently applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
Perception: DeadEye, SpearMaster, Salvage
Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeapCuts
Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics


The code is free to use license. It is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm from Khaine in the Darkness Falls mod (//community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/). Please acknowledge Khaine's coal-face work if you reuse the code.


This modlet comes from the Survival No Trader mod.







Version 1.0.2 19th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)
- Fixed Learn By Use damage progression bug for Gunslinger.

Version 1.0.3 22th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)

- Fixed: gameevents.xml file was missing from the release package.



Version 1.0.3 10th March 2024.
- Fixed syntax error in Localisation file.


- Added Global Config variables so player can easily control the Learn-By-Use leveling curve for all Perks.
  See progression.xml, look for the line: "<!--change the values below to change the levelling curve...." for information.


- Added Demolitions Expert to the Learn By Use tree. Molotovs & Timed Charges are slow at increasing level.
  The best way to increase the Demolitions LBU perk is using grenades/rockets on large groups of zombies.

  Nade should hit a zombie, not land next to it for max level xp.


- Fixed Learn By Use progress error after using Grandpa's Fergit'n Elixir.
  After using the Elixir, use any tool or weapon and a buff will restore all Learn By Use Perks' progress over a short period.
  Progress Level will also be restored when there are any other Perk Level changes e.g. infection side effects.
  If you install this version over an existing install/game, you will see a message indicating the progress level is being verified,
  this is just your local variables being updated to the latest version.








Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of stat increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons - progress with a tool or weapon doesn't need to interfere with a magazine strategy.

Receive a bonus skill point when you max out each Perk Skill (level 50).


Download:  Repository Link: Hybrid Learn By Use (Action Skills)

Recommend starting a new game.


Currently applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
Perception: DeadEye, SpearMaster, Salvage
Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeapCuts
Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics


The code is free to use license. It is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm from Khaine in the Darkness Falls mod (//community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/). Please acknowledge Khaine's coal-face work if you reuse the code.


This modlet comes from the Survival No Trader mod.







Version 1.0.2 19th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)
- Fixed Learn By Use damage progression bug for Gunslinger.

Version 1.0.3 22th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)

- Fixed: gameevents.xml file was missing from the release package.



Version 1.0.3 10th March 2024.
- Fixed syntax error in Localisation file.


- Added Global Config variables so player can easily control the Learn-By-Use leveling curve for all Perks.
  See progression.xml, look for the line: "<!--change the values below to change the levelling curve...." for information.


- Added Demolitions Expert to the Learn By Use tree. Molotovs & Timed Charges are slow at increasing level.
  The best way to increase the Demolitions LBU perk is using grenades/rockets on large groups of zombies. Nade should hit a zombie, not land next to it for max level xp.


- Fixed Learn By Use progress error after using Grandpa's Fergit'n Elixir.
  After using the Elixir, use any tool or weapon and a buff will restore all Learn By Use Perks' progress over a short period.
  Progress Level will also be restored when there are any other Perk Level changes e.g. infection side effects.
  If you install this version over an existing install/game, you will see a message indicating the progress level is being verified,
  this is just your local variables being updated to the latest version.








Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of stat increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons - progress with a tool or weapon doesn't need to interfere with a magazine strategy.

Receive a bonus skill point when you max out each Perk Skill (level 50).


Download:  Repository Link: Hybrid Learn By Use (Action Skills)

Recommend starting a new game.


Currently applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
Perception: DeadEye, SpearMaster, Salvage
Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeapCuts
Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics


The code is free to use license. It is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm from Khaine in the Darkness Falls mod (//community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/). Please acknowledge Khaine's coal-face work if you reuse the code.


This modlet comes from the Survival No Trader mod.







Version 1.0.2 19th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)
- Fixed Learn By Use damage progression bug for Gunslinger.

Version 1.0.3 22th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)

- Fixed: gameevents.xml file was missing from the release package.





Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of stat increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons - progress with a tool or weapon doesn't need to interfere with a magazine strategy.

Receive a bonus skill point when you max out each Perk Skill (level 50).


Download:  Repository Link: Hybrid Learn By Use (Action Skills)

Recommend starting a new game.


Currently applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
Perception: DeadEye, SpearMaster, Salvage
Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeapCuts
Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics


The code is free to use license. It is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm from Khaine in the Darkness Falls mod (//community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/). Please acknowledge Khaine's coal-face work if you reuse the code.


This modlet comes from the Survival No Trader mod.







Version 1.0.2 19th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)
- Fixed Learn By Use damage progression bug for Gunslinger.






Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of stat increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons - progress with a tool or weapon doesn't need to interfere with a magazine strategy.

Receive a bonus skill point when you max out each Perk Skill (level 50).


Download:  Repository Link: Hybrid Learn By Use (Action Skills)

Recommend starting a new game.


Currently applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
Perception: DeadEye, SpearMaster, Salvage
Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeapCuts
Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics


The code is free to use license. It is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm from Khaine in the Darkness Falls mod (//community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/). Please acknowledge Khaine's coal-face work if you reuse the code.


This modlet comes from the Survival No Trader mod.


Version 1.0.2 19th Feb 2024 (single bug fix)
- Fixed Learn By Use damage progression bug for Gunslinger.








Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of stat increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Allows flexibility in how you progress with tools and weapons - progress with a tool or weapon doesn't need to interfere with a magazine strategy.

Receive a bonus skill point when you max out each Perk Skill (level 50).


Download:  Repository Link: Hybrid Learn By Use (Action Skills)

Recommend starting a new game.


Currently applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
Perception: DeadEye, SpearMaster, Salvage
Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeapCuts
Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics


The code is free to use license. It is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm from Khaine in the Darkness Falls mod (//community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/). Please acknowledge Khaine's coal-face work if you reuse the code.


This modlet comes from the Survival No Trader mod.









Hybrid Learn By Use Action Skills. Increase half of all Perk Damage, Stamina, Harvesting etc. values by using tools and weapons. Upgrade the other half of stat increases using the Perk Tree as normal. Receive a bonus skill point when you max out each Perk Skill (level 50).


Download:  Repository Link: Hybrid Learn By Use (Action Skills)

Recommend starting a new game.


Currently applies to the tools and weapons for the following Perks:
Perception: DeadEye, SpearMaster, Salvage
Strength: Boomstick, PummelPete, SkullCrusher, Miner69r/Motherload.
Fortitude: Brawler, MachineGunner
Agility: Archery, Gunslinger, DeapCuts
Intellect: Electrocutioner, Robotics


The code is free to use license. It is based on the Action Skill levelling algorithm from Khaine in the Darkness Falls mod (//community.7daystodie.com/topic/4941-darkness-falls-they-mostly-come-out-at-night/). Please acknowledge Khaine's coal-face work if you reuse the code.


This modlet comes from the Survival No Trader mod.






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