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8 hours ago, FranticDan said:

Discovered the reason why it bugs. If you destroy a block on the VERY first hit of the action skill, it will bug. (It wants to add XP from both and it doesn't like it)
I removed the bonus XP on destroy and no more bug :)

Hi Frantic Dan,

Thanks, thats much appreciated. Have added a line to deal with that use case now.


Was going to mention that the thought behind a max level of 50 was that for some Perks the range increments

of  'effect over the number of levels' dont scale well up to 100.


<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="0.01,0.25" level="1,50" />

e.g. the value="0.01,0.25" above, increases by 0.005 every level - it would be 0.0025 for 100 levels.

The value 0.005 was the threshold for the level cap at 50 as I'm not sure about rounding or truncating errors at 4 decimal places. I think the code only uses 3 decimal places but am not sure.

It can be thought of as being Instead of 50 levels, its actually 100 levels but we are only counting every 2nd level. It then uses the config settings to determine how long it takes to get max level.






8 hours ago, FranticDan said:

Discovered the reason why it bugs. If you destroy a block on the VERY first hit of the action skill, it will bug. (It wants to add XP from both and it doesn't like it)
I removed the bonus XP on destroy and no more bug :)

Hi Frantic Dan,

Thanks, thats much appreciated. Have added a line to deal with that use case now.


Was going to mention that the thought behind a max level of 50 was that for some Perks the range increments

of  'effect over the number of levels' dont scale well up to 100.


<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="0.01,0.25" level="1,50" />

e.g. the value="0.01,0.25" above, increases by 0.005 every level - it would be 0.0025 for 100 levels.

The value 0.005 was the threshold for the level cap at 50 as I'm not sure about rounding or truncating errors at 4 decimal points. I think the code only uses 3 decimal points but am not sure.

It can be thought of as being Instead of 50 levels, its actually 100 levels but we are only counting every 2nd level. It uses the config settings to determine how long it takes to get max level.




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