1 hour ago, seven said:
Well, your mod is working, but I don't think the code is doing what you think it's doing. Or else you're doing a little obfuscation.
I modified your items.xml like so, just 9 damage, and still die in one hit.
<set xpath="//item[starts-with(@name,'meleeHandZombie')]/property[@class='Action0']//property[@name='DamageEntity']/@value">9</set>
<set xpath="//item[starts-with(@name,'meleeHandAnimal')]/property[@class='Action0']//property[@name='DamageEntity']/@value">9</set>
<set xpath="//item[starts-with(@name,'ammoProjectileZombie')]/property[@class='Action1']//property[@name='DamageEntity']/@value">9</set></HellsJanitor>
If I delete items.xml from your mod so it's just vanilla, still die in one hit.
ok, I've confused myself here 😛
You would die in one hit because of the "chain reaction" in buffs.xml:
<buff name="buffOneHitKillTrigger" showonhud="true" name_key="buffOneHitKillTriggerName" description_key="buffOneHitKillTriggerDesc" tooltip_key="buffOneHitKillTriggerTip" icon="ui_game_symbol_zombie" icon_color="204,85,0" icon_blink="true"> <duration value="0"/> <effect_group> <triggered_effect trigger="onOtherAttackedSelf" action="AddBuff" buff="buffOneHitKill"> <requirement name="EntityTagCompare" target="other" tags="entity,zombie,hostile"/> </triggered_effect> </effect_group> </buff> <buff name="buffOneHitKill" hidden="true"> <duration value="0"/> <effect_group> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="ModifyStats" stat="Health" operation="subtract" value="99999999"/> </effect_group> </buff>
The trigger is applied to the player on first spawn, and the one-hit kill buff is applied any time the conditions within the trigger are met.
Quite why I changed the zombie hand damage in items.xml is completely beyond me ...